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Can Pain Kill?
Can Pain Kill?
My sis, Tula, is in the hospital. Her blood pressure dropped due to pain meds and Don took her in two days ago. She’s in intensive care. Her EKG tests are okay, but no medication is helping her, not morphine either, and her pain is through the roof. She is drawn, ultra thin, skin and bones and I am terrified this is it. She has had pain since her shingles attack sometime around 2004. She has been very brave about it.
I saw her yesterday but did not stay long since she was so distressed that my presence was not of much use, although I did think she appreciated my being there. Don has been there almost constantly, only coming home for an hour or two of sleep and to tend to their 4 cats.
Although I have ranted and railed about the dysfunctional aspects of our relationship, family is family, particularly for Greeks, and all else fades when there is a crisis.
posted on Mar 29, 2011 5:36 AM ()
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