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Life & Events > Wild Blue Yonder

Wild Blue Yonder

"Off we (and I) go, unto the wild blue yonder". I was drinking my pre-dinner wine last evening, when I heard a cacophony of noise outside. Sandhill cranes were circling overhead and landing in the nearly dried up pond across the road. Quite a sight (and sound). They woke me up this morning. Guess they decided to stop at the "Smith Motel" before heading South. And yes, we're in our 5th month of a severe drought in my part of the state. No rain in sight. And if the ground freezes (it was 23 deg last night), any rain will run off.
President Obama and VP Biden are coming to Kokomo, IN next week! That's only 20 miles away from me. The stimulus money saved (so far) Chrysler there. Unemployment is down 8% (from 20 to 12%), thanks to the president. Of course, voters elected Republicans two weeks ago. Idiots.
I see that high school reading and math scores continue to be abyssmal. If you watched ABC's news special report on China, you can quickly learn why. Chinese students go to school 41 more days, begin education earlier, have more challenging course work, etc. Nearly all the children learn and speak English! They put us to shame. I was amazed at the Chinese work ethic. The country's economic progress is astounding. As one of them said, America's democracy gets in our way. In China, they "just do it".
My one sister, Barbara, stopped by my house yesterday to bring me a dehydrator she bought for $2 at the Salv. Army.(I now have 3!) I listened to her gripe about "life with Dad", her sister, church, etc. I guess our father picked up my cold and is down and out. At his age, a cold could......well, I don't want to think about it. I'm sure he got it from me, and I feel bad.
He's nearly ready to move out of his house--he's only lived there exactly one year--and into his newly refurbished duplex on the retirement community grounds. Soon, all four of us (sisters, Dad and me) will be living alone. Seems crazy, but sanity is at stake!
I've hunkered down somewhat this week. Yesterday, I rearranged living room furniture as I cleaned house. With four doorways, it's not easy to change things around without blocking entrances.
From the persimmons I picked up Monday, I got about a quart of pulp. It took me 3 hours, but it's worth the effort.
I've also been cracking butternuts. I roasted my almonds, added some olive oil and salt for taste, but they still have an unpleasant "marzipan" flavor. Now what?
While doing persimmons, I listened to Oprah with Barbra Streisand (and Robert Redford) as guest. I own about 10 of her albums, going back to her first. As tired as I am of hearing "Memories", her voice still brings tears to my eyes.
My exercise routine has been "winterized". I'm back to boxing and lifting weights in the basement. Every year I get determined to "bulk up"--to become "The Incredible Hulk". But I'm afeared it's just not in my genetic makeup. I'm 5'8, 120 lbs, wirey and strong. My body just doesn't add visable muscle. But they say weight training is beneficial for elderly (not that I think of myself as old), so I continue "for my health". I'm still splitting wood by hand every day, by the way. The pile is slowly dwindling.
By admitting I weight a paltry 120 lbs., I realize I'm subject to ridicule. I'm certainly not in the 60% category of Americans overweight/obese. I sure do get tired of fat people telling me I need to gain weight. I bet they can't run 4 miles without stopping!
This cold, dry weather plays havoc with my hands and feet. Despite lotions, oil, and TLC, my fingers scale and crack wide open. I have to bandage the ends because of the sensitive-to-touch splits. That and arthritis in the thumb joints are really quite painful and irritating. Maybe I should move to Honduras.
Enough! Enjoy a glorious weekend!

posted on Nov 19, 2010 6:37 AM ()


Hey Randy, the pelicans are back around here and are great to watch. Our education system is broken and we are too touchy feely to fix it. Let's not demand too much of our little ones. What a crock.
comment by tealstar on Nov 27, 2010 2:18 PM ()
I have never once seen a sandhill crane but the blue herons are plentiful
and so are white one. Our lakes are a stopover for pelicans.
comment by elderjane on Nov 20, 2010 3:45 PM ()
Pelicans? I never knew they frequented lakes. Sandhill cranes are magnificent birds. Noisy, but beautiful. I've often heard them fly over, but couldn't find them--too high or too far away. This time, they were right there in my back yard!
reply by solitaire on Nov 21, 2010 5:23 AM ()
Yes,I am short.Used to be five four and down to five two.I've shrunk.
Honey,I shrunk.
comment by fredo on Nov 20, 2010 1:42 PM ()
Hope there is enough water for the cranes in that pond. Almonds that taste like marzipan? SEND THEM TO ME! I LOVE marzipan!
comment by dragonflyby on Nov 19, 2010 6:28 PM ()
I think it's the marzipan chocolate candy I don't like. These almonds aren't that bad. If my almond tree doesn't die from the drought, I should have many more next year--perhaps enough to share!
reply by solitaire on Nov 20, 2010 6:12 AM ()
OMG!!!!! 120 pounds????? I was born weighing 120 pounds!!! And now I'm suppose to feel guilty because I ate a medium size pizza?!?!?!
Of course your fingers scale and crack open--they don't have any meat on them! 120 pounds????????????????????????????????????????????????????OMG!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 19, 2010 6:27 PM ()
I lost 15 lbs this summer (on purpose)--all midsection blubber. I don't intend to regain it this winter like I usually do. So yes, 120 lbs. and proud of it!!!!!! Lean and mean, tough as nails. And I made and ate a 12" pepperoni pizza this past week. I just have to "work it off".
reply by solitaire on Nov 20, 2010 6:09 AM ()
Geese regularly fly right outside my windows, as my apartment building is on a flyway to our nearby beautiful botanical garden and its lovely ponds and water scapes, much loved by waterfowl. Love the honking! Northwest Ohio has some terrific bird sanctuaries and preserves. Love 'em!

Sending happy weekend smiles!
comment by marta on Nov 19, 2010 5:09 PM ()
Simply reading your comments makes me smile. Despite your aches and pains, I love your attitude and outlook. My cranes flew out of the pond heading south, but the strong headwinds caused them to change their minds. They dropped down in the field behind my house, so close, I could almost touch them! I watched them for a long time.
reply by solitaire on Nov 20, 2010 6:05 AM ()
School will have to be year-round in order to even keep pace with China.
comment by jondude on Nov 19, 2010 4:40 PM ()
And that will never happen because we aren't willing ("can't afford") to pay teachers the extra amount it would cost school districts. A long as it continues to be the "same ol', same ol' ", nothing will change. Czar Randy is needed!
reply by solitaire on Nov 20, 2010 6:00 AM ()
I bet if you asked them, running 4 miles without stopping would not be on their bucket list. As if I'm not one of 'them.'
comment by troutbend on Nov 19, 2010 3:35 PM ()
Well, if the truth be told, it's not on my bucket list either. (BTW, I noticed that movie was on TV for the first time last night. I forgot to watch it.)
reply by solitaire on Nov 20, 2010 5:57 AM ()
While I am sure you are thin, you are also quite healthy, and that's probably all people are thinking about - can that skinny dude be healthy??? So good for you. Have you tried Eucerin in the little white jar? I love that lotion - and it's more like a cream than a lotion... pre dinner wine. Yum.
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 19, 2010 1:35 PM ()
I've noticed that most old people are thin. That can't be coincidental. I'm not in perfect health, but I know I'm better than average. Yes, I look forward to that pre-dinner wine. Time to relax and enjoy. Plus it's good for you. As always, I appreciate your comments.
reply by solitaire on Nov 20, 2010 5:54 AM ()
On the education part, it's shameful that American students are required to do so little. It's being reflected on every level of society and it's quite dismaying. I still prefer democracy over the communist trampling of human rights in China. Perhaps the solution isn't a political one. We tend to think that all of society's ills can be cured politically. I disagree.
As an educator yourself, I'm sure the figures are frustrating, to say the least.
comment by jerms on Nov 19, 2010 11:41 AM ()
Good to hear from you, Jeremy. Politics are not the solution--they are the cause! While I disagree with China's sledge hammer approach to running their country, I sometimes think we need more of that. We have a greater sense of right and wrong, and in wanting to do things the right way, we stumble/muddle along with limited progress. That gets frustrating.
reply by solitaire on Nov 20, 2010 5:50 AM ()
that was quiet a post there.I have been watching Diane Sawyer on China.
I find this fascinating.Loved how they stimulate their face in the class room get the blood flowing there.Saw a bit of Tai Chi also.I look forward tonight news on more on this.Yes,I weigh 120 naked as Mike keep telling me to put on weight.He is not fat but slim.I said I liked it this way.
My blood sugar is down along with blood pressure and Cholestrol.
I weigh 124 with clothing on.Everyone all look at me and think that I am dying of cancer or some disease.Not yet I told them.You take care of yourself and leave Fredo alone
I have a six pack not as strong at the young one but do.
This is due to my workout and playing tennis.
As long as I can move,will continued to do so.
Good post there.You have a way with writing.Loved it.
Have a great weekend.Do you have Barb Stresiand first album?
comment by fredo on Nov 19, 2010 10:03 AM ()
I've seen pics of you in the buff, and you don't look thin to me. You must be shorter. Lots of men have skinny arms and legs, but own "pot bellies". Not me (6 pack also). And all my health stats are great (although I take BP meds). Anyway, it's nice to hear that there is someone else out there like me physically. And yes, I own Barbra's first album. I wore it out!
reply by solitaire on Nov 20, 2010 5:44 AM ()
It is far better for your heart to be the weight you are, just keep an eye on your blood pressure (they go 'hand in hand').
comment by febreze on Nov 19, 2010 9:57 AM ()
reply by febreze on Nov 20, 2010 7:50 AM ()
My heart beat rate is usually in the 50's. I monitor my BP regularly with an arm cuff. I take medication for it. I think I'm okay. Thanks for your concern.
reply by solitaire on Nov 20, 2010 5:37 AM ()
Lots of stuff I agree with here. And kudos for exercising faithfully and on your cleaning spree
comment by firststarisee on Nov 19, 2010 8:52 AM ()
Thank you, and thank you for dropping by. Pretty boring stuff.
reply by solitaire on Nov 20, 2010 5:35 AM ()
Sandhill cranes!
Been seeing Tundra Swans here, they pass through in the spring
and fall.
comment by crazylife on Nov 19, 2010 7:47 AM ()
My crane route is between N. Michigan/Canada and Florida. Their migration time this year is much later than usual. Global warming?
reply by solitaire on Nov 20, 2010 5:34 AM ()

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