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Food & Drink > Blts and Resveratrol

Blts and Resveratrol

As you might know by now (ye faithful readers), I'm a pretty mindful food partaker. I mean I subscribe to 3 magazines: Nat. Geo., Backpacker, and Vegetarian Times. (I dropped Organic Gardening--nothing new under the sun.)

The recent VT mag. examined the pros and cons of wine as a part of a healthful diet. Overall, it's beneficial. For one, the chances of developing Alzheimer's disease is cut in half. That, in itself, is quite significant. One glass of wine per day seems to reduce the risk of heart attacks by increasing HDL cholesterol and reducing the blood's ability to form clots.
Resveratrol, a compound in grapes, has been studied for possible antiaging and heart-protective effects.

However, if your diet is already rich in antioxidants, and your HDL level is high, wine doesn't improve your health any. Besides, alcohol can become addictive for some. In any case, I enjoy a small glass of red wine before dinner, whether it's beneficial to my health or not. It's relaxing, if nothing else.

Speaking of health, I recently read that only 10% of Americans eat the required 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day. I'd like to think I'm among that minority.
So I've been examining my diet on paper.

Yesterday, I started my day with cheerios, flax seeds and strawberries added (skim milk). OJ and coffee (half cup with rice protein added) were my drinks of choice.

For lunch I cut up an apple, added blueberries with yogurt and black walnuts on top. In another dish, I had tomatoes with cottage cheese and dill. One small cookie with a sip of coffee ended my noon meal.

For supper, I made a BLT-- my lettuce and tomato, turkey bacon, cheese and low fat mayo. I also had a sweet potato (with Smart Balance margarine and brown sugar) and broccoli (with more cheese). Add a half pear with strawberries and yogurt. Iced tea (sugarless) to drink.

Toss in a few plain persimmons for a PM snack, and apple crisp (with oat meal) for an evening desert ( w/quarter cup coffee). Oh yes, I ate a handfull of almonds and peanuts, at midmorning and bedtime resp. And wine before supper.

Overall, I think I got my 5 servings in (I count at least six). I mean, does orange juice count? Or the apples in the crisp? Or the blueberries or lettuce (BLT). Plenty of dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese--cottage and plain) and protein.

This is pretty typical of my diet and eating habits. My meals revolve around my garden and gathering (berries and fruits) harvests. This time of year brings in the greens of kale, chard, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, beet tops, etc. Root crops (potatoes--sweet and reg., carrots, beets, parsnips, onions), plus winter squash, are rotated from night to night (unless I fix a stir-fry, when I can't decide which one to cook!). Green tomatoes ripen for several months in the basement. I really have more "stored" food (root cellar)than I can eat. The freezer(s) is jammed packed (corn, beans, asparagus, berries, et.al.).

What's for supper tonight? Decisions, decisions.

posted on Nov 21, 2010 6:31 AM ()


I eat plenty of veggies each day, but only eat fruit about 3 times a week. My numbers & weight continue to improve each year so I'm happy.
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 22, 2010 4:30 PM ()
Hey Ter. Bananas are cheap, apples not too expensive. And, in season, Michigan peaches should be plentiful. Don't short change eating fruit. They have antioxidants veggies don't have. Keep up the healthy diet practices!
reply by solitaire on Nov 23, 2010 5:19 AM ()
You actually grow those awful B. sprouts and eat them? Yuk.
comment by elderjane on Nov 22, 2010 6:17 AM ()
Fresh out-of-the-garden, they are to die for. Roasted, micro-ed, steamed, any way, scrumptious. Come to my place to sample some! You'll see.
reply by solitaire on Nov 23, 2010 5:16 AM ()
sorry Jeri,we loved Brussels Sprout.Had them last night.Italian style.
reply by fredo on Nov 22, 2010 9:07 AM ()
I don't eat a lot of fruit - I don't know why, I used to
love it, but unless I make a smoothie I just don't eat it. I do
eat lots of vegetables, usually at supper with a half plate of
spinach salad, 1/4 plate of vegies (usually steamed), then 1/4 plate
of whatever - fish, chicken, pasta, pizza, etc.
comment by crazylife on Nov 21, 2010 8:19 PM ()
I'm lucky to have fresh (or frozen) fruit available. For example, I seldom eat citrus because we can't grow it here. And I love a good grapefruit or orange. They're so expensive in the store. O.J. is my only citrus source. Sounds like you do alright, otherwise.
reply by solitaire on Nov 22, 2010 5:40 AM ()
I recently found out I am very low in Vitamin D which is bad because it's good for your bones and I already have scoliosis and osteoporosis. I started reading up on what foods contain Vitamin D and it is leafy, dark green vegetables.....chard, kale, spinach, turnip greens. YUK!! I have never been able to acquire a taste for them. I work in an office from 8:00am to 5:00pm so I don't get a lot of sun either. No wonder I am sooo
depleted. I now take a supplement of 3,000 units a day. I wonder if my boss would let me play out in the sunshine for a hour each day.
comment by gapeach on Nov 21, 2010 5:53 PM ()
Ouch. I have mild scoliosis, also. But I get plenty of green veggies and sun. Nothing beats the real thing when it comes to Vit D. Good luck.
reply by solitaire on Nov 22, 2010 5:35 AM ()
Wise choice to partake in the 'five-a-day' regime - tasty too
comment by febreze on Nov 21, 2010 2:32 PM ()
reply by febreze on Nov 22, 2010 7:31 AM ()
Nothing fancy from my veggies. Cook 'em and serve. Sometimes I get carried away and do something fancy, but usually, I'm too lazy.
reply by solitaire on Nov 22, 2010 5:33 AM ()
I am really excited that you will be blogging for a long time coming! So healthy... love it! I think we are having pizza for dinner....
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 21, 2010 2:06 PM ()
Pizza. Let's see--tomatoes, cheese, healthy spices. Alright, it passes as nutritious food. After all, I made a pizza last week that lasted me 4 meals! Haven't died yet from overdose.
reply by solitaire on Nov 22, 2010 5:31 AM ()
I think you more than got the requisite number of daily fruit and vegetable servings. I need to drink more wine, Mr. Tbend is opening a bottle of Merlot this very moment, had to tear him away from football.
comment by troutbend on Nov 21, 2010 1:06 PM ()
Okay. You can stop with the "Mr. Troutbend" every time you refer to Gary! It's no secret what his real name is. If I stop by on my way to Utah in April, I suppose you'll be expecting a bottle of wine? I got the hint.
reply by solitaire on Nov 22, 2010 5:28 AM ()
I am a big fruit eater (watch it!)--I love strawberry pie, cherry cake, apple pie and cake--get in lot of vegetables with carrot cake, zucchini bread, potato rolls--hey, if you are going to count strawberries in your cherrios I can count the onions on my pizza!!!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 21, 2010 10:32 AM ()
You really crack me up, Martin! Great response. Rationalization is one of my strong suits too! I counted strawberries in maple syrup on my French toast this morning as a fruit.
reply by solitaire on Nov 22, 2010 5:25 AM ()
Your title really fooled me. I thought it was a bunch of typos until I read the post. You really do eat healthy, but my diet is not too bad- for lunch today I had yellow rice and chicken, peas and carrots. Since I cooked a lot, will probably have that for dinner too- with a salad.
comment by dragonflyby on Nov 21, 2010 10:04 AM ()
I capitalized the BLT in the title, but the "powers to be" didn't catch on. I had a feeling you were/are a good cook. That's one thing our blogging coterie has in common--good food and cooking.
reply by solitaire on Nov 22, 2010 5:23 AM ()
Oh my, we have very similar tastes in good food, Randy. During my journalist days in the newsroom, my colleagues used to inquire about what "yogurt, nuts and berries" I had brought each day to enjoy, since I was far aflield from their perennial lunch choices of hamburgers and fries and fast food. I am a foodie, and I admit I envy your treasure trove of primo food options awaiting you each day in your freezer and root celler. Here is a chardonnay toast to you! Happy Sunday!
comment by marta on Nov 21, 2010 9:37 AM ()
Good morning! You're welcome to "sample the fares" anytime. I feel guilty not sharing my bounty. I do give my sisters and Dad plenty. Next, we'll discuss our tastes in music!
reply by solitaire on Nov 22, 2010 5:17 AM ()
P S.If you put the tomatoes in a brown bag this will ripen very nicely.
Think that you know that.
comment by fredo on Nov 21, 2010 8:53 AM ()
I do. Same with pears. I just lay them out on a table in the dark basement.
reply by solitaire on Nov 22, 2010 5:14 AM ()
I with you on the fruit and vegetables.I also have cut up apples with yogurt or cottage cheese top if off with honey and cinnamon,blueberries,razberries whatever I have in the fridge.
I know that do have my serving of fruits every day.
Now for veg.well sort of toss and go.
Tonight we will have Roast Chicken,stuffings,cranberries,brussel sprout along with a nice green salad.Yes,Randy I do have a glass of wine just about every day.Loved it.My choice is Red!!!!!!!!!!!!
I made a Swedish Apple pie.Filled with apples .
Cinnamon on the apples and a touch of organic sugar.Not much.
For the apple are sweet enough,just like me.
Yes a bit of ice cream.Not fat free.Gotta have the fat a teeny.
comment by fredo on Nov 21, 2010 8:52 AM ()
Sounds like we have similar tastes, food wise. I, too, confess to adding a bit of ice cream to deserts. I consider it "dairy"! Red wine only. I diverted from my regular cereal this morning and had French toast. I'm a bad boy!
reply by solitaire on Nov 22, 2010 5:13 AM ()

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