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Life & Events > Life in the Fast Lane

Life in the Fast Lane

Woke up to a crystally white landscape, thanks to a hoarfrost, and an already snow covered ground. Beautiful, even at 0 degrees F.

I'm staying home today. Two days ago (Mon), I had to go to the dentist to have a couple of cavities filled. He said "silver", which I hope didn't mean "amalgam" (with mercury), now that I heard on the news last night about the problems some people have with headaches and vomiting, thought to be caused by amalgam fillings. The dentist is trying to assess why I've been getting cavities lately. Too many sweets, not enough brushing and rinsing and flossing? Don't know, but I'm going to try to do better. I like my teeth and smile.

Then I went to a health food store for a few items, and to Kmart. I don't particularly like Kmart, but it's next to the health food store. Plus it's never crowded, even during this season. How do they stay in business? I got about half of the things I was looking for--and at that, I spent $110! I mostly bought for myself: a convection/toaster oven and a radio/CD/tape player were the big items. My sister took my old ones to Goodwill replacing them with hers. Then she moved out and took hers with her! Same with a food processor (I looked with no luck). I really hate shopping. Where can I find a popcorn popper, next on my list?

I did find a couple of things for my grandson for Christmas. I'm still feeling guilty about not getting him anything for his first birthday, back in October. Sisters, Father, children: nada. They know: the deal is nothing for me, nothing for them. Did I mention that I really hate shopping? I used to love it, when my kids were growing up. Wives, too. I went overboard. Maybe I burned myself out? (7 kids total, including steps!) It's not a money issue--I have plenty of money. Crowds, decisions, stress, I can do without.

Yesterday, I took a box of ingredients to my Dad's to prepare supper for him. He loved the fish (in corn meal), acorn squash, and Brussels sprouts. Waldorf salad using yogurt rather than mayo. I tossed the apples with red raspberries and dried cranberries (and celery, of course).
He seems happy living alone now, admitting daughter Barbara "drove him out". I can see that. They are barely cordial to one another. "Familiarity breeds contempt", eh?

After supper, we walked over the the huge retirement complex (Wesley Manor) to listen to the church choir my twin sisters play piano (Barb) and sing (Carole) in, do a Christmas Cantata (45 min long). They were pretty good, especially the women. Basses (and I'm a bass) were sad. Dad wasn't impressed. I wearily came home and collapsed for the evening. Consequently, I'm staying put today.

posted on Dec 15, 2010 6:32 AM ()


Sorry--reply above (under "thanks...")
comment by solitaire on Dec 17, 2010 6:07 AM ()
Thanks for dropping by. I was wondering how your shopping differs from ours. I just don't enjoy fighting the crowds. Good luck in your shopping.
comment by solitaire on Dec 17, 2010 6:05 AM ()
I love looking at all the animal tracks in the snow. I see
mostly rabbit, but also coyote (or dog), deer, birds
(probably magpie), and some
sort of small animal - weasel perhaps.
comment by crazylife on Dec 16, 2010 9:22 PM ()
A weasel would be different! I don't think we have them. Groundhogs and opossums, yes.
reply by solitaire on Dec 17, 2010 6:10 AM ()
Sorry you had to have treatment at your recent dentist visit I cannot stand them (scared, to be honest)
I usually do all my (well 'most' of it) shopping on-line, but all the 'delivery' slots are booked up, so it looks as if I am going to enter the 'hell-hole' of supermarkets myself this festive period - oh boyyyyy!!! A fate worse than death - Neath shops at Christmas time -
Your title reminded me of The Eagles, love that song
I love listening to a choir too (I cannot sing - well I can, but very badly
comment by febreze on Dec 16, 2010 2:15 PM ()
Good grief! My replies to you keep going "up top". You'll have to seek them out!
reply by solitaire on Dec 17, 2010 6:12 AM ()
Stay home and light a fire. Find a book and read. Bake something. It is nice that you and your Dad enjoy each other's company. The dinner you made him sounds wonderful. You can cook for me anytime!
comment by dragonflyby on Dec 16, 2010 6:45 AM ()
Thanks (again). I enjoy eating, therefore, I have to "cook". It's usually a "throw something together" kind of preparation. Few casseroles or anything fancy. I took your advice and made some almond bark pretzels one day and granola the next. I get along with my father just fine, although he can be irritating, esp. when he puts me down.
reply by solitaire on Dec 17, 2010 6:02 AM ()
Wonderful dinner you fixed for your Dad. How nice! A lovely holiday music for dessert!

Hope you enjoyed your restful day. Stay warm!
comment by marta on Dec 15, 2010 7:32 PM ()
"Resting" day #2 today. Going to make granola this afternoon. (See reply to Fredo for what I made yest.) I have to shovel 2" of snow today, too. That'll warm me up! It amazes me that I have so many "critters" wandering through the yard and garden overnight--dozens of footprints in the snow. Rabbits, cats, coons, coyotes (?), even deer.
reply by solitaire on Dec 16, 2010 6:02 AM ()
You sound like such a good cook. You and jondude put me to shame in that dept.
comment by redimpala on Dec 15, 2010 3:37 PM ()
Not really. I'm pretty basic, nothing fancy. Too much work. I'm stressing out a little figuring what side dishes to fix with a sirloin roast for Christmas dinner.
reply by solitaire on Dec 16, 2010 5:55 AM ()
Have you thought about Amazon.com? I buy soooo much stuff from there. It's so easy!
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 15, 2010 12:50 PM ()
I have an account with them--mostly for books and music. Thanks anyway!
reply by solitaire on Dec 16, 2010 5:52 AM ()
by the sounds of this I think that you had a pretty good time there.
The Good,Bad,Ugly.
Cavities at your age.This is supposed to stop at the age of fifty or sixty.
Hmmm.You must be eating too many sweets.
Good eating there.Enjoy the snow and the cold.we got the cold.BRRRRRRRRRRR
comment by fredo on Dec 15, 2010 11:48 AM ()
No doubt I love sweets! Yesterday, I made almond butter pretzels. Bad boy. I'm going to continue eating sweets, but rinse my mouth out and brush more often. Like I told the dentist, if I'm eating too many sweets, how come I don't weigh 250 lbs? He laughed. I didn't tell him I'm an exercise freak. (Be sure to read Martin's response below.)
reply by solitaire on Dec 16, 2010 5:50 AM ()
To reply to you there are a whole list of foods one shouldn't have when on blood thinners such as cranberries, lettuce, greens, etc., because it defeats the purpose of the blood thinner having Vitamin K which thickens the blood.
reply by greatmartin on Dec 15, 2010 12:32 PM ()
Even if the music was not great, it must have been nice to hear it.
comment by elderjane on Dec 15, 2010 10:11 AM ()
You know, the music was very moving! It's easy to see how believers are taken in by the inspirational songs religion brings to the table. I always enjoyed the majesty of the pipe organ.
reply by solitaire on Dec 16, 2010 5:47 AM ()
Every time I go to the thrift store (Goodwill, ARC) I see food processors and popcorn poppers, usually the air poppers that put out a really low-cal product. Heck, your old appliances might still be at your local Goodwill waiting for you to buy them back.
comment by traveltales on Dec 15, 2010 10:01 AM ()
Actually, I looked in Goodwill just the other day. Junk. I can live without either gadget.
reply by solitaire on Dec 16, 2010 5:44 AM ()
One way to make popcorn that I tried once and it worked out, was just to put olive oil in the bottom of a kettle and add popping corn. But if you need a gadget, who am I to deny you?
comment by tealstar on Dec 15, 2010 9:36 AM ()
That's the way I make it, too.
reply by juliansmom on Dec 16, 2010 6:28 AM ()
That's the way I make it!!! I'm just not satisfied with the way it turns out. Too chewy and "kernaly". Maybe it's the batch of popcorn I bought.
reply by solitaire on Dec 16, 2010 5:41 AM ()
I have a popcorn popper and a food processor that you would be welcome to (I just make "ghetto popcorn" on the stove). Too bad the cost of shipping it would far exceed their actual worth.

It's none of my business....but....instead of the nothing for them, nothing for you deal, could you maybe instead start a tradition of giving your time? Like taking your grandson for an afternoon or taking your children out for dinner in the new year?I understand the aversion to shopping (in theory, anyway, since I enjoy shopping, especially for other people)but everyone likes being acknowledged.
comment by juliansmom on Dec 15, 2010 8:56 AM ()
Good advice. I usually take my nearest daughter out to dinner or lunch. I do so many things for my sisters and father, they owe ME for many meals. I don't expect anything in return, however. I'm really a nice guy, believe it or not!
reply by solitaire on Dec 16, 2010 5:39 AM ()
I hate shopping too. Thankfully, you can get almost everything online nowadays so that's how I do most of mine.
comment by meranda on Dec 15, 2010 8:17 AM ()
Yes, but I ordered some pill supplements yesterday on line, and it took me a good 30' to get through all the processes. I was very irritated. Amazon is usually prompt. Oh, and I don't like to pay shipping.
reply by solitaire on Dec 16, 2010 5:35 AM ()
I see the hypochrondriac (that's not right but you know what I
mean!)at work regarding the fillings!

I use to love cranberries but taking a blood thinner it is one of the foods I have to avoid.

I don't do much shopping--not much I need--but I find the Internet quick and easy and usually cheaper.

I, too, have wondered about Kmart--among other things their stores aren't well kept and since Sears took them over they have gone downhill--I prefer Target.
comment by greatmartin on Dec 15, 2010 7:42 AM ()
Some people have been "cured" overnight, once they had their old fillings replaced--so they say. Could be "all in their head"!
I'm with Fredo on the cranberry thing. News to me. I know you're not supposed to eat grapefruit if you take a statin for high cholesterol.
I always liked Target, but haven't been in one for ages. Not conveniently located for me.
reply by solitaire on Dec 16, 2010 5:32 AM ()
How does cranberries effect the blood thinner?
Never heard of this one.
reply by fredo on Dec 15, 2010 11:50 AM ()

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