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Home & Garden > Horse Pucky

Horse Pucky

Happy Wednesday. Not sure if I like this color. Something different.
Yesterday, if someone told me I was "full of horse s**t" I would have agreed!  I went to the county fairgrounds and shoveled a load of horse manure into my pick-up bed. True, I was full of H.S. I threw it out in a big pile in the garden. It's still smoking hot which is good. I should have done it earlier to allow time for it to "cure". I'll spread it out later. All free!
You know how people have heart attacks shoveling snow? I thought about that. "There lies Randy Smith.."  You can fill in the rest of the sentence!
The grounds on which my garden lies used to be the site of a big barn. It's been a labor of love transforming it into a nice garden bed over the past 35 years. Worth every minute of work.
I also went to the soil conservation district to re-apply for a CRP grant permitting me to maintain 3.3 acres of prairie grass on my farm for the next 10 years. What a hassle it was. Now that the farm is in my name, not my Dad's, I have to prove it's legally mine. They can't just take my word for it. Brother.
$42.12 down the drain. My vinyl records were skipping, so I figured I needed a new needle. Ordered one off the internet, replaced it, still skips. Grrr. It's a very old stereo (w/8 track!). Time to buy a new one. Any ideas? Store or internet shopping? Brand?
Later.  RS

posted on Feb 8, 2012 6:52 AM ()


Dang, you could have taken my horse pucky. Either fresh, composted or half done, your choice.
comment by crazylife on Feb 14, 2012 7:18 PM ()
I always ordered music stuff from Crutchfield, but now that I think about it, I haven't seen their catalog in years. Haven't used the stereo either. Damn shame, I own a few hundred CDs. Seems like everything comes off the computer these days. I have a subwoffer and decent headphones for that.
comment by jjoohhnn on Feb 9, 2012 8:37 AM ()
Never heard of Crutchfield--not surprising. I have a bunch of CDs and tapes, along with vinyls. If I had a nice machine, I'd listen to them more.
reply by solitaire on Feb 10, 2012 5:54 AM ()
Hey, good idea! Beats using my finger to nudge it along. But it's more than skipping. The new needle has distorted the sound completely. I thought I had the stylus properly positioned, but something's amiss.
comment by solitaire on Feb 9, 2012 6:10 AM ()
Tape a dime to the arm of the turntable's thingy that holds the cartridge and needle. That cured my Sony from skipping.
comment by jondude on Feb 9, 2012 6:05 AM ()
Oops, see above (good idea).
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2012 6:11 AM ()
Glad I Leave the manure to the locals. The color you're using is a bit too pale for good reading -- try something darker?
comment by tealstar on Feb 9, 2012 5:20 AM ()
The color looked alright as I typed. The copy was washed out. Font size needs to be larger, too.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2012 6:08 AM ()
agree with above. try amazon.com. they have most things. bought a turntable at Best Buy a few years ago. they might have something. as for the gub'ment, don't get me started. idiots will tax the air next.

yer sick up and fed with them pal
comment by honeybugg on Feb 9, 2012 2:40 AM ()
I don't fault the "feds". Just doing their job. A pain in the tushy, sure, but a necessary evil.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2012 6:06 AM ()
If you hate throwing out your stereo, you might try a new plinth(?) if it's not too much. Otherwise online is usually the best price. I like those Crosleys for the price if you don't intend to buy separate components.
comment by drmaus on Feb 8, 2012 11:33 PM ()
Crosley Radio, Lexington, KY. But radio was made in China. Check out Crosleyradio.com.
reply by boots586 on Feb 9, 2012 1:00 PM ()
Are Crosley's made in America? I'd like that. I'm dumping the old stereo. It was a freebie to begin with. Only the $42 invested. And I could send the needle back.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2012 6:04 AM ()
I'd research consumer sites for the best brands, then probably buy it online. That's what I'm doing as I try to replace my VHS player. I wish us both luck. Now, how long does it take horse pucky to cure? Hope the pile is downwind while it does....
comment by marta on Feb 8, 2012 6:28 PM ()
Good idea--check Consumer Reports. "Downwind" depends on the wind direction. Really, the odor isn't that bad. I'm used to "country smells". Hogs are worse.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2012 6:02 AM ()
A few years ago I bought a Crosley. Bigger than a bread box, it is made of wood, plays 78s, 45, and 33s. Has an am/fm radio. Plays cassette tapes too. I think it was about $100. Last year my daughter bought a Crosley too. It does everything mine does, plus it plays CDs and will convert records on to CDs. She paid $200 or so. They sell them at Target now. I got mine at Carson's.
comment by boots586 on Feb 8, 2012 5:01 PM ()
This is exactly what I need to hear. THANKS! We have a Target nearby. Carson's is unfamiliar. I'll check out Meier, too. (I boycott Walmart)
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2012 6:00 AM ()
comment by elderjane on Feb 8, 2012 3:26 PM ()
lying in a pile of HS.
Are you looking for another record player? If so I have no idea.
comment by kristilyn3 on Feb 8, 2012 11:06 AM ()
I have several hundred old records (mostly jazz). I figure I'll live long enough to play them again. So I might as well spring for a new system.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2012 5:58 AM ()
Prices are usually better online.
comment by redimpala on Feb 8, 2012 9:44 AM ()
Even with shipping? The tiny needle cost me $12.12 to be sent UPS.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2012 5:56 AM ()
Shop online and you will get better result.Amazon can help.
comment by fredo on Feb 8, 2012 8:49 AM ()
Thanks. I'll check it out.
reply by solitaire on Feb 9, 2012 5:54 AM ()

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