I'm not a complainer by nature--at least I don't think I am--but this weekend is the pits!
First, I strained my back moving a piano for my sister (Fri). She owes me big time.
Then, about midnight, I woke up to a sore throat and headache. OH NO--a cold! Where did I get that? I think it was from one of the 50 preschoolers I was close to when the Lion's Club photo-screened them Thurs. I remain miserable today. And yes, I've had my chicken soup and lots of tea.
This stupid computer is driving me nuts, too. It's slow as molasses. My patience is wearing thin.
And lastly, the weather stinks. It's cold and windy and overcast. Very depressing. I've got a fire going.
After lunch I'm taking a nap, watch the Cubs and the Masters, and mope around! So don't anybody tell me to have a good day.
gonna learn to say NO to things like moving a piano? By the way,
did you get a flu shot and a pneumonia shot last fall?