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News & Issues > Agreeing with Barack

Agreeing with Barack

I'm going to come right out and say it: Barack is correct in stating small town citizens "cling to religion and guns". At least it's true in my community. However, I don't think they "cling" because they are particularly "bitter" about their life in general or under Pres. Bush.

Unfortunately, for many presidential candidates, the "truth" often bites them in the pants. Democrats especially have a bad case of "foot in mouth" disease. Remember Jimmy Carter's "malaise" speech? Or his introduction of Hubert Humphry as "Hubert Horatio Hornblower"? Ed Muskie's crying on camera didn't help him any. Michael Dukakis was ridiculed for riding in a tank. I'm sure Walter Mondale and John Kerry made some off hand remarks that hurt their chances. Geraldine Ferraro just did. Gerald Ford (although Republican) proclaimed the then Soviet Union had no control over their neighbors. That cost him.

It's too bad that we "informed" citizens base our preferences on one or two "misstatements". We are very narrow-minded in allowing the insignificant and trivial things to outweigh the big issues. It's happened once again, and it may cost the Democrats an election.

posted on Apr 15, 2008 5:32 AM ()


How stupid that they argue over words, not the overall sentiment or idea expressed. I don't blame the media as much as the Clinton corner for blowing this one so far out of context. The bit about having a minister whose views I do not uphold- heck, I am Catholic, and I cannot stop being a Catholic just because the Church differs with me on several significant issues. I don't know any priests who are publicly tolerant of sexual preference (homosexuality) or a woman's right to choose. It is far too easy to say he should have left that church. Let's face it- no matter where he worships, someone will disagree with something that is voiced from the pulpit!
comment by dragonflyby on Apr 18, 2008 1:34 PM ()
I think we are exposed to every little thing that candidates say as soon as they say it. It's a phenomenon that we are having these days with instant communication. I don't really think that every single word was analyzed so in the past. The media are all over them! Maybe they should just report the facts without so much commentary.
comment by sunlight on Apr 18, 2008 6:34 AM ()
It is very narrow minded to only hear or read the one thing that supports your beliefs to begin with. Not many are open to truly listening and weighing the facts.
comment by frogfenatic on Apr 16, 2008 10:41 PM ()
November is right after Baseball. LOL
comment by jondude on Apr 16, 2008 5:59 AM ()
I was going to vote for Obama and I still may. However, I do have some genuine concerns about him. It isn't just these two statements. It is also his lifelong friendship and association with that bigoted minister of his church, and his total lack of representation for the people of his state. I would like to see him not have so many negatives adding up already.
comment by redimpala on Apr 16, 2008 5:30 AM ()
Simple misstatements like the ones you describe are of little interest to anyone but the media who are desperate to dig up anything to perk up their slow news days. What Barack said, on the other hand, was no small slip of the lip. To begin with he insulted the people of the heartland. Secondarily he tossed out that tired old victim card that the dems always play - "You're hurtin' cause the gubmint ain't doin' enough. We need more gubmint."
comment by think141 on Apr 15, 2008 7:52 AM ()
The truth isn't politically correct.
comment by looserobes on Apr 15, 2008 7:36 AM ()
Arguing over syntax is all they do. The argument is hurting them for November. Somebody pull the plug!
comment by jondude on Apr 15, 2008 6:25 AM ()

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