I'm going to come right out and say it: Barack is correct in stating small town citizens "cling to religion and guns". At least it's true in my community. However, I don't think they "cling" because they are particularly "bitter" about their life in general or under Pres. Bush.
Unfortunately, for many presidential candidates, the "truth" often bites them in the pants. Democrats especially have a bad case of "foot in mouth" disease. Remember Jimmy Carter's "malaise" speech? Or his introduction of Hubert Humphry as "Hubert Horatio Hornblower"? Ed Muskie's crying on camera didn't help him any. Michael Dukakis was ridiculed for riding in a tank. I'm sure Walter Mondale and John Kerry made some off hand remarks that hurt their chances. Geraldine Ferraro just did. Gerald Ford (although Republican) proclaimed the then Soviet Union had no control over their neighbors. That cost him.
It's too bad that we "informed" citizens base our preferences on one or two "misstatements". We are very narrow-minded in allowing the insignificant and trivial things to outweigh the big issues. It's happened once again, and it may cost the Democrats an election.