I usually watch my nation news on ABC with Charles Gibson, but after last night's debate, hosted by him and George Stephanopoulus (sp?), I've decided to switch my allegiance.
These two "gentlemen" started out "tabloid style". Character issues were all they focused on for the first 45 minutes. It was frustrating and embarrassing to listen to the two moderators hammer away at Sen. Obama. Hadn't they listened to his eloquent speech made six weeks ago on the Rev. Wright issue and race? That was then, this is now. And, of course, they couldn't just let it pass without zeroing in on Obama about his "bitter" remarks. LET IT GO!!
Finally, we got down to brass tacks when the real issues came to the forefront and the candidates made their cases
for their plans to make the United States a better country.
Now, I promise not to write about politics for awhile, although this post is really about my disgust with the afore mentioned questionnaires.
BTW you asked me if I'm a Republican. Not really. I'll vote for whoever I think can do the best job for my country. I'm unhappy with all three candidates but I can hardly contemplate the horror of having either of the dem offerings as our President.