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News & Issues > On Boycoting ABC News

On Boycoting ABC News

I usually watch my nation news on ABC with Charles Gibson, but after last night's debate, hosted by him and George Stephanopoulus (sp?), I've decided to switch my allegiance.

These two "gentlemen" started out "tabloid style". Character issues were all they focused on for the first 45 minutes. It was frustrating and embarrassing to listen to the two moderators hammer away at Sen. Obama. Hadn't they listened to his eloquent speech made six weeks ago on the Rev. Wright issue and race? That was then, this is now. And, of course, they couldn't just let it pass without zeroing in on Obama about his "bitter" remarks. LET IT GO!!

Finally, we got down to brass tacks when the real issues came to the forefront and the candidates made their cases
for their plans to make the United States a better country.

Now, I promise not to write about politics for awhile, although this post is really about my disgust with the afore mentioned questionnaires.

posted on Apr 17, 2008 4:46 PM ()


Stay tuned. The debates might actually get interesting when it comes down to McCain v Obama(?). The pro might just eat the skinny kid alive.

BTW you asked me if I'm a Republican. Not really. I'll vote for whoever I think can do the best job for my country. I'm unhappy with all three candidates but I can hardly contemplate the horror of having either of the dem offerings as our President.
comment by think141 on Apr 19, 2008 6:56 AM ()
I'm boycotting NBC because The Office last night had more commercials than show. There would be a couple of minutes of the show, and then 4 or 6 commercials.
comment by troutbend on Apr 18, 2008 8:49 PM ()
Ron Paul was the only one equipped to debate anyone. The others stared at him with opened mouths. My President should be smarter than I am.
comment by bumpedoff on Apr 18, 2008 3:54 PM ()
See my comment on the previous post. This man (Obama)delivered one of the most significant speeches in decades about racial issues in this country. That anyone could so easily dismiss this says more about their limitations than about Obama's.
comment by dragonflyby on Apr 18, 2008 1:39 PM ()
I didn't watch it because I knew it would not focus on the real issues. Besides I have made up my mind. I suspect most everyone has.
comment by elderjane on Apr 18, 2008 7:23 AM ()
Hmmm, we usually watch Katie Couric for our national news... which is amazing because my husband until recently was kind of a chauvinist. But, I enjoy watching the political process. I know that the debate was pretty bad with the first hour being devoted to little picky stuff. (When I notice it's pretty bad!) I know that it's not what a lot of people want to see (debates like this), but I rarely see such extensive coverage of the candidates. Usually it's a sound bite here or there... I like to be able to see them together for an hour and a half.
comment by sunlight on Apr 18, 2008 6:29 AM ()
When will people arrive at the understanding that these televised debates are nothing more than staged entertainment. The questions are written ahead of time and each candidate is given time to respond. The other candidate cannot counter the lies or the charges. A real debate is not like that. Let the candidates give a short speech on issues, and then let them argue. I never watch or listen to these things anymore.
comment by jondude on Apr 18, 2008 5:10 AM ()
Sounds a lot like "swift-boating"!!! Publicly speaking the real and honest truth(negative and of course derogatory) about a democrat!!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Apr 17, 2008 7:33 PM ()
I haven't watched a debate and don't intend to watch one.
comment by looserobes on Apr 17, 2008 7:11 PM ()

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