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News & Issues > The Enemy

The Enemy

Nearly every day I ponder why I bother with television. I also consider quitting my newspaper subscription. I have many reasons (a future post?). But this time my main reason is that what I see, hear, and read often makes me angry, disgusted, and irritated.

My ire is directed towards Republicans, in Indiana and nationwide. I simply don't understand their "logic" and lack of compassion. Two items of recent note has raised my hackles.

1) Our illustrious governor has signed state legislature bills punishing illegal immigrants and undocumented students. 5 students were recently arrested on "trespassing" charges for protesting the new law denying undocumented students in-state college tuition fees. (Purdue in-state: $9,070, out-0f-state: $26,622) Not only is this uncompassionate, but a form of racial discrimmination.

2) A measure was also signed imposing some of the nation's tightest restrictions on abortions and making Indiana the first state to cut off funding to Planned Parenthood. (PP is awaiting a court decision in an effort to stop the law.)

These two laws are on top of ridiculous budget slashing for public schools, yet allowing for private school vouchers! Where is the sanity in all of this?
A similar comparison/contradiction is to be made nationally, as the Republican House and Senate scream about our nation's deficit, yet refuse to withdraw subsidies for oil companies or raise taxes on the incredibly rich. (Of course, we know why that is.)

Indiana's Republican governor, Mitch Daniels, is considering a run for the presidency. He may not be as famous/infamous as the Donald or the Newt, but he IS a typical conservative--and you know what that means.

I could turn my TV off, not read the newspaper, not listen to the radio. I'd be far happier, less disgruntled. But I feel obligated to be informed, if not involved, with the news of the day. Then again, I sure feel a lot better out of the house, with a golf club or hoe in my hands!

posted on May 11, 2011 5:49 AM ()


We are "testing" netflix" for a replacement to cable TV.I hope to cancel cable by next month.
I read headlines for news, that's enough. You local newspaper is probably online? Also a huge resource for papers/journalists around the globe is drudgereport. com
It really makes a difference in keeping myself peaceful and balanced. Negative stuff wears me down FAST!
comment by anacoana on May 12, 2011 9:22 AM ()
Yes, I need to check out alternative sources for news and information. I really don't like sitting in front of my computer for hours, but I may have to resort to it. I may simply bury my head in the sand! Thanks for the input.
reply by solitaire on May 13, 2011 4:49 AM ()
If the TV is on I'm watching House or Stargate Universe. If the newspaper is open, in front of me I'm reading the comics and advice column. Radio? I listen to CDs and my MP3. DH is a news hound. I figure if anything important happens, he'll let me know.
comment by nittineedles on May 11, 2011 6:20 PM ()
You're smarter than me. You have sense enough to avoid what needs to be avoided!
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 5:22 AM ()
I'm wondering why the Democrats didn't take advantage of the two years they had control of both houses and the veto pen to lead, even if misdirected. It was their golden opportunity. I guess it's more fun to gripe and groan about the Republicans, so they waited. At least this way, the blame gets spread thinner if things don't improve (which they haven't economically).
OK, guys, fire away. I'll duck behind my screen here.....hehehehe.
comment by jerms on May 11, 2011 2:48 PM ()
Probably more stupid than brave!
reply by jerms on May 12, 2011 8:03 AM ()
Now wait a minute. They DID accomplish a great deal! Need I begin listing them? You're brave to stand up to this small mybloggers hornet's nest!
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 5:20 AM ()
All these characters coming out of the woodwork claiming they plan to run for the presidency illustrates how silly things are in the Repub party - they all want to be the top guy and nobody wants to cooperate and be a team player. So when they can't be number one, they just go away and don't contribute anything in the way of leadership within their party.
comment by troutbend on May 11, 2011 1:58 PM ()
Don't all these "Bozos" realize 1) they don't have a chance; 2) their platforms are ridicuous; 3) they are indeed Bozos?!!!! Dress them up in clown costumes. I wish I was a cartoonist!
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 5:16 AM ()
Your title is so appropriate!!
comment by dragonflyby on May 11, 2011 1:29 PM ()
And I didn't have to think long and hard to come up with it!
I'm surprised at your short comment!
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 5:11 AM ()
what a complete mess
comment by panthurdreams on May 11, 2011 12:23 PM ()
Indeed. Thanks for dropping by.
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 5:10 AM ()
I am afraid.Many things are going to change.Better or Worse not sure.
Obama should have no problem in being reelected for another term.
Hi approval rate has jumped 60% you know why.
A big mess out there.Democrat better get going.
That is what happened folks,you voted for the Republican and not suffer.
You thought that they were going to do great things.
comment by fredo on May 11, 2011 9:43 AM ()
Obama may have had a boost in his popularity, but you saw what happened in the 2010 elections. Americans can be easily duped because they are basically ignorant--and forgetful.
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 5:08 AM ()
I can only hope that the draconian changes in civil rights and efforts to destroy programs to aid the middle and lower classes are finally reaching the people who voted by historical devotion and did not bother to inform themselves. Polls show that many voters are waking up to the threat of losing Medicare. They are not happy. It just might make a difference.
comment by tealstar on May 11, 2011 9:00 AM ()
You said this so well, dear T. I so agree!
reply by marta on May 12, 2011 7:09 AM ()
Republicans have backed off that medicare slashing idea. They saw the future Pandora's box. We need not forget. I think the best defense is a powerful offense. Let's nail them!!
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 5:05 AM ()
Mary Fallin, our new Republican Gov. is signing bills right and left to
limit freedom and choice. Most of them are unconstitutional. I try to
stay informed and I write our horrible Senators a lot and sign petitions.
comment by elderjane on May 11, 2011 8:54 AM ()
I figure about all I can do is vote. But in my area, only one in three are Democrats.
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 5:02 AM ()
With a Republican Governor and a Republican House and Senate our new passed bills make yours look like child play--just 1 example--all people on welfare will have to have a drug test taken, which they pay for in
advance, and will be reimbursed if they pass, before they get their benefits--can you just see the lines of, literally, thousands
of old folks lined up to pay for something they can't afford
(and with the government who knows when they will get their
reimbursement) to get something which 99.9% will pass and the
Republicans will hold up that .01% and say "See, we told you!" Don't even want to think about the logistics involved and how much the State will lose!
By the way do women in Indiana who want to get an abortion have to get a sonogram first which the woman will have to pay for?
I'll match our Republicans against yours anytime for 'nutiness' and that is sad!
comment by greatmartin on May 11, 2011 7:33 AM ()
We may have a stalemate on which state is worse, but your drug testing law is hard to beat! Our next future governor is a tea party backer, Rep. Mike Pence. He'll surely win. Not sure about the sonogram requirement.
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 5:00 AM ()
only can hope the democrats will win ( again)
comment by itsjustme on May 11, 2011 7:23 AM ()
Sorry you have to read the rantings of us Americans about our politics. You have your own problems, I'm sure!
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 4:56 AM ()
Tis true! Maybe take a few days a week that have no TV influence or paper at all... then the rest of the week allow yourself to be informed.?
comment by kristilyn3 on May 11, 2011 6:34 AM ()
This occurred to me when I went to Utah last month. No media for 10 days, and I loved it!!! That's what got me to thinking about doing away with the TV, etc. Stay tuned!
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 4:55 AM ()
Responsible citizenship requires involvement and I feel the same obligation to be informed and involved. Still, I have to manage my irritation with the current crop of Repub/neo-con hooey not only by taking action in opposition, but also by trying to balance my activism with personal time. A little disconnection (time with friends, walks in the botanical garden, art projects, reading, poetry) seems to center my soul and refresh me so I can keep on keeping on.

My Toledo Blade took aim at your loony governor yesterday in an editorial.
Check it out:
comment by marta on May 11, 2011 6:12 AM ()
Yes, we sometimes have to live in two different worlds--the outside and within ourselves. I'm with you, immersing myself in golf, garden, family, reading, etc. Keeps me away from the media most of the time. I'll check out the Blade's article. Thanks.
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 4:52 AM ()
Nobody outside Indiana ever heard of Mitch Daniels. (LOL) Nobody outside the Republicrats party ever heard of most of their announced candidates, except for the "You're Fired" one, and his ratings have tanked. What a sorry mess they have. Where are the REAL Republicans? (Don't fear. I'm not one of them.)
comment by jondude on May 11, 2011 6:02 AM ()
Eddie is one, isn't he? But I don't imagine our little liberal mybloggers group would vote for him.
reply by solitaire on May 12, 2011 4:48 AM ()

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