To get by day to day
We do what we have to do
Sometimes our memories
Are all we have left to hang on to.
Friends, family, and loves
That were once our past
Are reminders to us
Time passes so fast.
We remember their faces
The moments we shared
How special it felt
To love, knowing someone cared.
Now here we are
Looking at our twilight
Knowing the dark will come
At the coming of the night.
We try to hold on
To each special moment
Living our past
Where we are more content.
There are those
Who no longer have a memory
Recognizing, remembering no one
How sad that must be.
Those that refuse to remember
Out of touch, refusing to keep track
Those are times that are lost
And that are never coming back.
As the sun sets
The ending of another day
Tomorrow the sun will rise
And it will be another yesterday.
(c)2010 T.LaFountain