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Life & Events > What a Morning ... ..

What a Morning ... ..

I went to bed last night with my pretty calico kitty cuddling up to me.  My hand on her enourmous belly feeling her babies kick inside.  She sure seemed big considering she still has 2 months to go until they are born.


At 5:20, I am awaken by the smallest sounds of baby kitty's "mew"

I jump up and run into the spare room where we had laid a bed for her but she is no where to be found.  I look under the futon, in the closet, behind the dresser.  Then I hear another "mew" coming from the cat scratcher.  Inside is mama kitty with babies. 


Since in my recent years, I worked as a vet tech, you would think I could remember how long a cat is pregnant but I totally got it wrong, thinking it was 120 days when in fact, it's around 65.  No big deal, mama kitty did just fine without us.


I lock the room to give her some privacy and decide I might as well stay awake since my alarm was due any minute.  I get in the shower, get dressed and make my coffee.


Nothing better than getting to work early right?  Well, I start my truck and put it in drive and that's when I heard a sound that should not come from a vehicle.  I jump out and look at all my tires.  They looked fine.  I get back in, put it in drive and still the sound.  Jump out again, examine tires again and notice front passenger tire very flat.  "why didn't I see that the first time?"




I call GF who is in house getting ready and she comes out.  "what are you going to do?" she says.

"well I guess I'm going to be late for work changing a tire."


She knows I am not good at things like changing tires and anything like that.  For hells sake, I have NEVER not EVER even mowed a lawn.  No joke.  So we both decide the best thing to do is to take her car and drop her at work and she will change it while I work my night job tonight.

Well her car is fine except for one thing:  No Cup Holders!!  Really.  Who makes a car with no cup holders?  My truck has 8!!! no kidding.  8.  And I use most of them.   I have 2 coffee mugs in the morning.  Take a slim fast for lunch and a yogurt for breakfast.  That takes up 4.  My smokes go in one and my soda later in the day goes in the other.  The last 2 are in the back and hold many various items like chap stick and tampons. 

Her car sucks.  Needless to say, I spilled coffee all over me within minutes of driving.


At least I have kitties to play with when I get home and GF will have the tire changed for me :)


Happy Tuesday!

posted on Apr 8, 2008 11:03 AM ()


I've never changed a tire and have never mowed a lawn.You are not alone.
comment by janetk on Apr 11, 2008 8:58 AM ()
Aw... so precious! I hope you'll post some pics. Sucks that you got a flat, but at least GF can take care of it for you.
comment by mellowdee on Apr 9, 2008 12:32 PM ()
I am thinking that since my chicka cat was loose prowling for a day I will be in use of this info in the near future.
I love babies of any kind.
The cupholder thing...yeah, I get that. I have one for change, one for crayons, one for coffee, one for cigs and lighter...I wouldn't buy a cup without cup holders.
comment by walkwithgrace on Apr 9, 2008 10:38 AM ()
Awwwwww, years ago when my cat Poco had kittens, it was so amazing. I was there watching and she was purring like crazy. She presented each kitten to me as and I ooohed and aaaahed over each one. How wonderful. Can't wait to see photos
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 9, 2008 8:01 AM ()
Kitties--wonderful. She felt safe and secure in her cat scratcher.
comment by angiedw on Apr 8, 2008 1:08 PM ()
Newborn kitties. How sweet. Sorry about the flat. Didn't you have to learn to change a flat tire in driver's education? We did.
comment by redimpala on Apr 8, 2008 12:07 PM ()
Awwwww! I love newborn kittens!! Hope you can post some pictures soon!
comment by greeneyedgemini on Apr 8, 2008 11:06 AM ()

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