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Parenting & Family > Fatherhood > Dear Ol Dad

Dear Ol Dad

I'm not sure why but I am thinking of my dad today.


Growing up, my Dad was a very mean and abusive person.  If you ask my sister, she will tell you he was harder on her but I truly believe he hated me.  And I pretty much felt the same way about him.


I was raised when it was "okay" to punish your children with violence.  The belt, spatula, tree branch and hangers all had more than one use in our family.  My sister and I learned not to fight when Dad was around or he would grab us both by the hair and bang our heads together. 


Sounds funny now, but it was terrifying as a child. 

The thing is.  Most of my friends growing up had fathers just like mine.  I honestly believed that all men were the same.  And I grew to fear and avoid most of them.


When I was 14, my mother's best friend was dying of cancer and my mother went to spend 2 weeks in the hospital with her.  That left my sister and I alone with Dad.  For 2 weeks.


I hid in my room as much as I could and spent the days on the phone with my boyfriend.  On one of these days, my Dad listened in on our conversation.  I don't remember what we were talking about but it got a little "dirty" even though we were both virgins.  We still talked about things.... Anyway.  My Dad blew up at me and I yelled at him saying I hated him.  He replied that he hated me to.  That EVERYBODY hated me.  He wished I had never been born.


I cut my wrists that night. 


Of course, I didn't do it right or I wouldn't be typing away right now but my Mother got home and asked me for days what was bothering me and when I finally showed her my wrist and told her what had happened, she told me she had had enough of his shit and was going to finally leave him.

They fought about it and made up within an hour.  It was the last time I confided in my mother.


At 17, I was dating the guy that turned out to be Ex husband #1.  The first time he took me to his parents house, I was shocked to see his father on the couch with his youngest daughter.  Arms around each other, watching 'Jeopardy' and joking around.  I had never seen anything like that except on TV.  It about killed me.  I cried all the way home.


Now I know for a fact my Dad feels terrible for the ways he treated my sister and I growing up.  And he was abused also as a child so he gets to own that, but I will never feel like I have the kind of father that most do.  


Okay - that was depressing.  I will try to liven things up next time!!

posted on Apr 9, 2008 2:20 PM ()


Geez hon, sorry to hear it. I loved my dad very much (may he rest in peace), but we never did the couch-hugging thing either. In fact I think I was 18 by time he hugged me. Just wasn't very affectionate, but I knew he loved me.
comment by artisticgypsy on Apr 15, 2008 1:16 PM ()
This post made my heart break in half and then most of these comments did the same thing all over again. I'm proud of you, Meranda...for being able to conquer these things. And that you're able to stop the cycle...but it doesn't seem like much of a pay off for years of abuse.
comment by janetk on Apr 11, 2008 6:49 AM ()
My mother was the hitter, my father was the soft one. I know how it feels as a child to feel that a parent hates you. I felt my mother hated me and I HATED her. I love her so much now and we are close, but it took several years and I had to tell her how she made me feel as a child and she told me how she felt and it was good. She to was raised in an abusive home as a child.
comment by wickedwitchofthewest on Apr 10, 2008 10:12 AM ()
My dad was a really good dad when I was small. I loved him so much. He only spanked me once, for swinging on the shower curtain rod. I finally (at 5) bent it in the middle. He caught me and I got a little spanking from him. He barely touched me, but he hurt my pride. I loved that dad. When he got older, and my wonderful mom passed away, I found out that my dad was not all he had seemed. He married a woman 28 years younger than him and proceeded to cut all three of his kids off, one by one. Even at 40, it still hurt -- the rejection. I'm so sorry you had to go through all that.
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 10, 2008 8:52 AM ()
I said 'ouch' out loud when I read of your father banging your heads together! How horrible! As for your father saying such hateful things to you, how can anyone possibly get over that?! Thankfully you stopped the cycle and didn't raise your children with violence too.I once asked my dad, "I know you love me... but do you like me?" He refused to answer. He was abused as a child too, and I'll never forget how he always made me choose which belt I would be smacked with, and how he once forced me to put dog crap in my mouth for talking back. (Of course, I've never told that story to anyone. It's far too humiliating even now as an adult.)
comment by mellowdee on Apr 10, 2008 8:32 AM ()
My dad died when I was six from a hunting accident on Thanksgiving. I feel as if I lost more than I will ever know, if that makes any sense.
Strange that a lot of us were raised with iron fists because it was okay back then. As for it being depressing, it's your blog. :-) It evidently needed to come out today, eh? *hugs*
comment by walkwithgrace on Apr 9, 2008 8:32 PM ()
Fathers are an important part of a child's life--good or bad. I was blessed with a wonderful father who was a nurturer and provider. I can only imagine what it must have been like, but your father will have to deal with his guilt and his pain from being abused and as an abuser.
comment by angiedw on Apr 9, 2008 4:51 PM ()

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