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Life & Events > The Big Secret I've Been Keeping

The Big Secret I've Been Keeping

For the past 9 months I have been going through a living hell brought on by my own stupidity. 

It all started on the night of December 13th.

I had gone with Honey to watch a basketball game at the bar I worked at.  I had left my kids at home to watch some movies and play video games.  We were to be home by 10:00.

We watched the game and had a couple beers and some fries and then headed home.  When we got in the truck my son called me frantic because my daughter was having an asthma attacked and he didn't know what to do.  Since we only live a few blocks away I was telling him it was okay and we would be right there.  I was not more than a block away from the bar and I saw lights behind me.  I about shit my pants.

The cop came up to my window and said he had pulled me over because I didn't have a front license plate.  I told him that the truck came without a place to put one and he said I still had to put one there. 

Well he then asked if I had been drinking and I was honest and said I had had 2 beers in a matter of several hours.  He asked if I would do the tests behind the car so I did.

I walked the line, touched my nose, balanced on one foot all with complete ease and competence but he still said to take the breathalyzer.  I did.  I blew a .084  (legal drunk is .08)

He arrested me for DUI and took me to jail.

It was the worse night of my life.  I was in a tiny cell with  6 - 7 crack head women who were all tweaking out!!!

When I got home the next morning, we were supposed to spend the day putting up a Christmas tree with the kids and getting the house decorated. 

Christmas of 2007 will always be the year I remember as being so depressed I didn't even put up a tree. 

Well - I got a lawyer and we have been going to court ever since.  When we read the cops statement and watched the video we realized the cop had lied about why he pulled me over.  He had said he saw me from the front and noticed the plate missing when in fact the video showed him behind me the whole time.   He was just pulling anybody over that night leaving bars. Legally, you have to have a valid reason to pull someone over or everything after that stop is inadmissable.  So we went to court yesterday to try to get it dismissed due to the cop lying.

They put him on the stand and asked about how many years he had been a cop, where he was when he saw me.  If he was moving or stationary - all that.  He said the same thing he had in his written report.  Then they put me on the stand and had me draw a map of where we had driven and when the cop showed up.  They put honey on the stand and she said the same thing.  Then my lawyer asked him how he had seen my plates if he was behind me and his lawyer got him back on the stand and he said he must have had his directions wrong on his written statement and now he was changing what he had said.

The fucker got away with it too.  Just because he is a cop. If I got on that stand and changed my story - lied on paperwork - lied TWICE on the stand, I would be in the slammer but I guess if you have a badge it's okay. 

I now go back to court to fight the DUI and I'm pretty sure my lawyer is just going to plea bargain.  I don't think he is interested in fighting any other things for me.  He's been paid off for some time now.   It just sucks.

Now I know I am going to get many people here telling me I should not have been driving that night and I KNOW that is true.  I have always been a firm believer in cabs and NEVER drink and drive now.  Before I believed if I had a beer or two I just had to wait a hour or so before I drove the 2 blocks home but I was WAY wrong about that.  WAAAAAYYY WRONG! 
I just want this all over.

posted on Aug 27, 2008 9:17 AM ()


That whole thing sucks. Especially the part about him changing his story. We laypeople would be considered unreliable should our story change on the stand.
I used to think the same thing after drinking a couple of beers, that I was fine. I never thought about having to blow.
comment by walkwithgrace on Sept 8, 2008 10:51 AM ()
I hope you get things settled soon, I know it's frustrating
comment by elfie33 on Sept 2, 2008 11:37 AM ()
I'm so sorry. And you are so right about the cops!
comment by teacherwoman on Sept 2, 2008 10:59 AM ()
I know how painful a DUI can be. I got one 2 years ago. #### Happens. I wish you success on this ######, sucky journey. Oh, and cops suck ass.
comment by soulmoxie on Aug 28, 2008 11:14 AM ()
Holy Cow! Sounds ole Wyatt Earp was just gunning for anybody he could find to fill is ticket quota! Sure as hell doesn't fair to me!
comment by hayduke on Aug 28, 2008 10:13 AM ()
Wow so even tho they could actually SEE that the copper lied via the video this is still dragging on for you.

Hopefully it will be over soon…
comment by dazeymae on Aug 28, 2008 8:48 AM ()
I honestly believe it could happen to many more people than those who get caught. You're a good soul. You weren't loaded. It's a raw deal. So sorry friend.
comment by shesaidwhat on Aug 27, 2008 3:11 PM ()
Terrible! I hate it for you. Many of us have probably done the same, but you were so concerned about your daughter. I bet the kids were so frightened.
comment by angiedw on Aug 27, 2008 10:16 AM ()
Argh, how infuriating! I'm sorry you have to go through this. I hope it's all over soon.
comment by mellowdee on Aug 27, 2008 9:32 AM ()

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