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Life & Events > 11 Years Ago Today Guess What I Did?

11 Years Ago Today Guess What I Did?

Today is my baby's 11th Birthday.  Wow how time does fly huh?  It feels like she was just a toddler the other day and now all the sudden, she's almost as tall as me (and I'm 5'10") and shes wearing a bra already!! 

I asked her the other day what she wanted from me and she said she just wanted to go on a camping trip with me and g/f and one of her friends.  Easy enough but I still wanted to get her something so I kept asking her what else.

So she says a motorized scooter, a mini dvd player and a Sims game.

Well here is my problem.  The scooter is way more money than I can spend so I texted her Dad and gave him the news that he was getting her that.  He said he has a dvd player she can have that he doesn't use and not to bother with Sim's because he can get any of them for her for free. (yeah he is a computer geek)

So I was at a loss as what to get her with the $60 bucks I had saved from my night job.  Her dad and grandmother spoil her so bad, she never wants for anything.  She is his only child and her grandmother's only grandkid.  And they both are rich.  She gets anything she asks for. Anything. 

I was driving home trying to think of anything to get her that would compare to the scooter I couldn't afford when I thought about a good gift.

Tomorrow before I go to her party, I am going to stop at a flower/balloon shop and get a bouquet of balloons.  In the center I want one very large one that I am going to have 50 one dollar bills inside all crumpled up. 

That way she can have the cash but she gets it in a fun way. Plus 50 one dollar bills looks like way more than 2 twenties and a ten.

Hope she likes it.

posted on June 19, 2008 1:20 PM ()


how creative! Kudos!!! I am sure she will love it!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 27, 2008 11:00 AM ()
What a super idea! I thik she will love it, and have fun with it.
Boy, sometimes is sure is tough competing with ex, huh?
comment by hayduke on June 25, 2008 7:44 AM ()
She'll love it!!!!!
comment by teacherwoman on June 24, 2008 3:16 PM ()
I think that's a great idea!!! Very original. And um, my birthday is October 26th.
comment by walkwithgrace on June 24, 2008 9:55 AM ()
Oh, very cool idea! I'm sure she'll love it and then she can spent it however she wants!
comment by mellowdee on June 23, 2008 10:02 AM ()
Hope she had a great birthday
comment by elfie33 on June 20, 2008 4:02 PM ()
That's a fantastic idea. Hopefully she has learned her money sence from her momma! Happy 11th birthday to her!
comment by ducky on June 19, 2008 2:12 PM ()
I couldn't agree more with Terri about the material business. All things are temporary, especially that kind of stuff. Your daughter is asking for something with much more long-lasting meaning!
comment by jjoohhnn on June 19, 2008 1:53 PM ()
I think thats a great idea. I also think it's lovely that what she truly wants from you is your time and attention. You know you've miraculously don't something right when your children want to simply "be" with you. It truly doesn't get any better than that.

I love your attitude to about her Dad and Grandma. I sense that you don't compete material wise and I really love that. Material possesions are nice sometimes, but they are nothing compared to the security and safety children who "know" they are loved feel.

I applaud you. You are a terrific Mother.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 19, 2008 1:29 PM ()

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