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Life & Events > At Wits End

At Wits End

Last night I was talking to my cousin who's new hubby is almost done with vet school.

I was explaining the story of my Kraymer, and they were all like "Report her!" After hearing this from nearly everyone I have told this too in the vet field, I went ahead and complained officially.

I forwarded the email to R who said he wouldn't have done it. He's a firm believer in karma and thinks that bad things will happen to me for making someone elses world a bit bumpier... I can see where he's coming from but at the same time - the board will decide what to make of my trials and tribulations, ya know? I just stated the case.

Anyways, I called a diff reg vet yesterday who a friend of mine LOVES, and he is as crazy about his dog as I am about my Kraymer (and MORE anal if you can believe that!) so I thought - if he trusts this place, I trust this place. I made an appointment with them to have Kraymer's sutures removed next week. It's going to cost extra but I am not about to bring Kraymer back to the vet I just complained about.

This morning I woke up and there were random blood droplets on the floor. Again. I am getting so tired of my baby spilling blood. I also am totally doubting that I am wrapping him correctly. It's around his neck so it ALWAYS ends up folding in half - along with the natural resting place for his head. What the F can I do??? I am at wits end. I want advice. I want to know what I can do for him. He's still leaking crap out of the wound, I trusted the emergency vet to close it so I don't know what else I can do for him.

Except take him back to the vet. The new vet. So we are meeting them tonight. I am hoping to get beyond this issue - or at least get some sound advice on it. I need to know he's just fine and things are normal and there is nothing strange about bleeding for 3 days after sutures... AAAHHH

I am losing it.

posted on Apr 9, 2008 7:13 AM ()


I am a great believer in what comes around goes around so y our bad vet will get hers. I am glad you reported her incompetance.
comment by elderjane on Apr 10, 2008 12:10 PM ()
ah sweetie, i feel badly that i'm just now reading this. i think that karma is telling you to complain to save future pets from harm and danger.
comment by sexysadie on Apr 9, 2008 11:12 PM ()
No,it was below the neck more so near the stomach one on the left and
right.The first one was cancerous,and claimed that they got all of it.
The others were just Sid not sure if that the correct spelling.
My first cocker had a few fatty tumor.They just took one of them out
to check and says thats all that it was.But not as bad as yours.
Both of my dogs came through surgery without any problems.
Most of these procedure are normal and should not have any reaction to all of this that you are having.Karma I do not think so.
Just keep an eye on this and to be sure that there is any infection happening there.You have alot of support there.
Unless there is something else going on there.
Hope that the new vet will be more of a help.
Speak up and let him or her know the feeling that you have.
Do not mention the other vet name.As they all stick together.
comment by fredo on Apr 9, 2008 2:15 PM ()
I believe in Karma, but that doesn't mean that you can just stand back and wait for things to happen. Good for you for reporting this vet! Perhaps you reporting her is her karma boomeranging around for troubles she gave to someone else who didn't report her.
comment by mellowdee on Apr 9, 2008 11:25 AM ()
I think that as long as your email wasn't too bithcy (can you cuss here? If not, that reads "b*tchy" Ha ha)that the whole Karma thing will be fine. I laugh, but I believe in Karma too, which is why that horny old cat of daughter's is sleeping peacefully upstairs. But you're not making it intentionally hard on the vet; you simply want to know that you were given the service you paid for--and in regards for a loved one.
I hope the new vet pans out. It sounds like it will.
comment by walkwithgrace on Apr 9, 2008 10:35 AM ()
Get yourself a lawyer and have this person looked into.
I told you before,Buffy had a similar one and twice he was in surgery
did not have a bit of problem with him.The vet there sucks(sorry)
comment by fredo on Apr 9, 2008 10:26 AM ()
You're having trouble with your vet? What did I miss? I thought everything was going along pretty well. Is Kraymer all right? How did I miss something here?????
comment by hayduke on Apr 9, 2008 9:56 AM ()
It sounds like you did the right thing. It's been a rough road, but it always is when your baby is sick!!!
comment by kissy2008 on Apr 9, 2008 9:51 AM ()
You did the right thing in my opinion hun. You weren't happy with what this vet did, you have every right to express that to the powers that be. I don't think he should be bleeding like that after this time either...and taking him to another vet for a second opinion is a good decision. *hugs for you and Kraymer*
comment by elfie33 on Apr 9, 2008 9:28 AM ()
I totally believe you did the right thing. I do believe in Karma, but it's this vets office who will receive the bad karma for the way they're treating their patients.
comment by gwensgifts on Apr 9, 2008 8:56 AM ()
I don't think this is Karma at all. THis man is a professional who is paid to do this for a living. I'm more concerned about Kraymer than Karma. I am glad you are going to a new vet. Kiss the boy for me, Kristy. Hopefully Kraymer will be up for Hobbes party on Saturday!
comment by teacherwoman on Apr 9, 2008 7:59 AM ()
I don't think Karma is going to come back on you for doing what is "right" as far as how she took care of Kraymer...To me it is no different than filing a malpractice suit against a Doctor for not properly taking care of your child...
As far as what to do about Kraymer, I think you are doing the very best you can!! Trust in this new Vet and he'll have Kraymer fixed up in no time!!
Did I ever tell you that you are a wonderful mommy!!
Hang in there!!
comment by greeneyedgemini on Apr 9, 2008 7:40 AM ()
Oh girl. I sure hope that this vet can do something. This leaking business can't be normal!I am so very sorry.
comment by angiedw on Apr 9, 2008 7:23 AM ()
I think you did the right thing reporting that vet. you sure wouldn't want that to happen to anyone else's baby! I am glad you are meeting the new vet tonight. maybe he can show you how to wrap the bandage so it doesn't fold.
comment by elkhound on Apr 9, 2008 7:18 AM ()

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