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Life & Events > Came and Went

Came and Went

I had a clever title 6 hours ago when I meant to write this post but guess what, it's GONE! This brain of mine... The kiddos are back to school. I have TRULY enjoyed being a stay at home mom while they are at school. I have accomplished a lot at home and prepping for when/if we move. I do have to work at the winery Sun and Mon this labor day weekend, but I am ok with that. So, We currently live on 7.5 acres, and we are getting rezoned from agricultural to low density housing, aka about 4 houses per acre. We are attached to a 300 acre farm, and the other side of the street is a bunch of high acre housing in the same boat as us. Could be exciting if they pay well... alas, I am trying to get this house more in order in case we do need to move. It is unreal the amount of crap we have here! Good thing I have friends having babies so I know much of the kids stuff will find good homes. That and consignment is a beautiful thing. I am pretty sure Skylar thinks that is the only store that exists for her buying clothes! ha My mom comes to visit next week, I am excited to see her. I am sure we will make a stop or two at the nearby casino. fun fun! Time sure is flying these days... I can't even tell you how many times I mean to come on here and then... don't. sigh Happy long weekend everyone!

posted on Aug 29, 2019 3:09 PM ()


I hope you make a huge profit on your land and can buy a mcmansion and pay for it. (my generation loves paid for housing). I get nostalgic when I see your posts. Those days were busy busy but I loved every minute of it. Somehow my daughter did not inherit my love of consignment shops, but her daughter, Laura who is working in fashion design did. Skylar probably will too.
comment by elderjane on Aug 30, 2019 12:56 AM ()
When someone out in the country says "prepping," I always think they mean they're survivalists expecting the end of days. I just went through a lot of tossing out of stuff, donating, selling. It makes you feel like you have a new house.
comment by drmaus on Aug 29, 2019 11:37 PM ()
We have tons of stuff sitting in our garage that Ed won't get rid of. And in the dresser in our spare bedroom, Ed has stored new shirts, still in their wrappers, that now are a little tight for him around the neck. Designer shirts. Big bucks. He'll never get rid of them.He loves dressing up and when we first came down here, we'd go to the bank and the cry would go up, "Suit, suit at 3 o'clock!" Down here shorts and flip flops are a fashion statement.
comment by tealstar on Aug 29, 2019 10:03 PM ()
So if plots get subdivided you want to move (or something)? Yup, I guess you don't post very often!
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 29, 2019 4:31 PM ()
I read the title and thought this would be about summer - seems like it just barely got here, and it's already winding down.
comment by traveltales on Aug 29, 2019 3:12 PM ()

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