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Life & Events > A Question for Everyone

A Question for Everyone

So R and I have often asked, what do people do on date night when they don't go to a bar?

That kinda sums it up...

Tonight we were gonna go bowling or watch a movie (our two non bar things!) but we ended up at the bar we're gonna be able to walk to when we move next month. Exciting times! And we got a free beer. It's the little things peeps!

I really need to start packing. I am going to want to shoot myself later in the month when I haven't started yet and everything is closing in on me. Yet I wait. I feel like I need to enjoy slacking to it's fullest. It's not gonna last long.

R think's he spoiled me... Before we got married I quit my job and LOOOOOOOOVED it. Then I worked 3 days a week for about 3 to 4 hours and man.... it's been fabulous... so when I start the new job on Wednesday - 5 days a week for 6 hours a day - it's gonna be a tough transition. Yes, I have no reason to complain... work happens to everyone... I realize this. BUT realize I used to have 3 jobs at once without a single day off and ... AND! I think I deserved some time off. But deserving things isn't becoming and probably not realistic.

I could go on and on but instead - happy Wed peeps. I think a facebook friend said this AWESOMELY so I will cut and paste ---

"We stole the eagle from the Air Force, the anchor from the Navy, and the rope from the Army. On the 7th day, while God rested, we over-ran his perimeter and stole the globe, and we've been running the show ever since. We live like soldiers and talk like sailors and slap the hell out of both of them. Soldier by day, lover by night, drunkard by choice, MARINE BY GOD!!!"

And sorry Randy, if you read this, for the mention of God.

Night night all!

posted on Nov 10, 2010 9:52 PM ()


The best times of my life have been in bars and bedrooms. (NOT necessarily in that order!)
What about dancing? Mary Ellen and I go dancing sometimes when we're on a date night...but, come to think of it, that's in a bar too!
Oh well, time for another stein filled with amber liquid and suds!!!!!
comment by hayduke on Nov 16, 2010 9:24 AM ()
i am not a bar person either and it is hard to find things to do. most of the time we just go out for dinner and come home.
comment by butterfly1969 on Nov 13, 2010 11:34 AM ()
Oh we are total bar flies, we just wonder what people do who aren't so I was looking for ideas.
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 13, 2010 1:34 PM ()
We're home date night usually consists of a dinner out and then back to cuddling and a movie Sometimes we'll shop together
comment by firststarisee on Nov 12, 2010 5:47 PM ()
That's nice though!
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 13, 2010 1:34 PM ()
While most recipes for the hot toddy use whisky, water, sugar, lemon and cloves, here's an entirely different one:

Boil one cup of milk.
Add sugar to taste.
Top up with as much whisky as you see fit and drink.
The combination of hot milk and whisky induces a sort of soporific stupor that will eventually lead to a good night's sleep - which is exactly what a cold demands (all those old wives are right). A posher alternative is to make yourself a steaming cup of hot chocolate (cocoa doesn't seem to work as well) and bung in a measure of brandy.
I knew, someone had asked for info on someting, but I could not remember 'who' or 'what', until I was reading Randys blog, it dawned on me then 'you' & a toddy recipe! So sorry I forgot

- hope you are feeling better, & won't need it
comment by augusta on Nov 12, 2010 5:31 PM ()
Thanks for the recipe!!! I am feeling better but I will keep this in mind for future use.
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 13, 2010 1:34 PM ()
I not only live with a former marine, my next door neighbor is one also.
They were in Viet Nam and they like to swap stories.
comment by elderjane on Nov 12, 2010 6:29 AM ()
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 12, 2010 2:59 PM ()
Honey, I'm ho-ome.
comment by walkwithgrace on Nov 11, 2010 7:26 PM ()
YAY! I am so happy you are back. Now we gotta work on Stu!!!!
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 12, 2010 2:59 PM ()
How funny! I have not had a date in so long that I cannot begin to answer this question.
comment by dragonflyby on Nov 11, 2010 9:40 AM ()
You've been too busy writing!
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 12, 2010 2:58 PM ()
we have a date night and date date all of the time.
The bar is always open at our place and no reservation.
comment by fredo on Nov 11, 2010 9:08 AM ()
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 12, 2010 2:58 PM ()
I ask my dates to museums and galleries where we can talk about the stuff--not just art museums, but science and local history and weird stuff like wax museums. Local parks are also good. There's one here that used to be a blast furnace, and you can walk through the structures and there are pictures and stories on signs.

Check your local newspaper and your public library for events that might be fun.

And Christmas light displays are about to go up!
comment by zillahkatt on Nov 11, 2010 7:38 AM ()
I LOVE looking at Christmas lights! Great idea!!! Thanks!
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 11, 2010 8:43 AM ()
If you both enjoy the bar, then there is really no harm in it. I haven't had a date night in, um, I'd rather not think about that.But when I *did* go out for date nights, I used to enjoy craft and artisan fairs, movies, dinner that I didn't have to clean up, renting movies for at home movie nights, coffee dates, walks along the waterfront, ice cream...I have to stop now. This is making me feel more pathetic.
comment by juliansmom on Nov 11, 2010 6:33 AM ()
A walk along the waterfront - that sounds great! I like these ideas... thank you!
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 11, 2010 8:42 AM ()
what is this date night you speak of? I had our new year's eve all set up, going out with friends to this local fire hall for drinking and dancing. checked with hubby, he is on call new year's eve so we can't go!
comment by elkhound on Nov 11, 2010 3:46 AM ()
awe... that is a shame that he is on call on New Years Eve... Can you maybe go out to dinner or something (anything)???
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 11, 2010 8:42 AM ()
My "dates" are very rare now. I try to find something cultural like a live play, a special show or movie, tag it to a dinner and drinks. Nice and quiet so we can talk (mostly, I listen.) My most successful recent date was pizza at Pizza Hut. LOL
comment by jondude on Nov 11, 2010 3:45 AM ()
Live plays! I love those... R isn't as much a fan though. But great ideas! Thanks!
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 11, 2010 8:41 AM ()
Our idea of a good time was to go watch Krispy Kreme donuts being made until those facilities were removed from the couple of locations on the Strip. We liked watching for misshapen ones and just cried when the defective ones were thrown in the trash because they would still have tasted as good, just looked funny. Another thing we like to do is stand at Flamingo and The Strip and watch how the right turn lane is working out, because there are always drivers who get sucked into it and want out again. I'm sure you could find some traffic control disasters in your area to watch for a good time.
comment by troutbend on Nov 10, 2010 11:36 PM ()
mmmmm Krispy Kreme! Delish! I like the people/traffic watching idea. I looooove people watching!
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 11, 2010 8:40 AM ()
Hmmm, date night can be anything you go out to do together: dinner, movies, going out to see live music, bowling, mini golf, museums, art exhibits, evening stroll, stay in and order pizza, etc. Whatever you two like to do together is perfect for your date night. Nothing wrong with going to your fav pub and playing trivia.
comment by sexysadie on Nov 10, 2010 10:07 PM ()
An evening stroll... I like that! Annnnd trivia is awesome!
reply by kristilyn3 on Nov 11, 2010 8:38 AM ()

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