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Life & Events > Human Breast Milk for Ben and Jerry's?

Human Breast Milk for Ben and Jerry's?

I heard about this from one of my veg head boards that I am on. Apparently PETA contacted Ben and Jerry’s to see if they would switch from cow milk to human milk. What do you think?

I think PETA people go about things the wrong way entirely, but they usually come from a place close to what I believe. It’s just that they lose the message along the way with the crazy things they do. That said! I think it’s funny how people seem to be all grossed out by this idea.

It also makes me wonder who decided to drink from a cows teat. What brainiac decided HEY! Let’s drink the mother’s milk from this large beast! Sounds divine! I mean seriously, eiw.

Ben and Jerry’s also had this to say as a response: "We applaud PETA's novel approach to bringing attention to an issue, but we believe a mother's milk is best used for her child," said a spokesperson for Ben and Jerry's.

Does anyone see the irony here? Yeah, perhaps cows milk is best left for her calf. I found it all interesting.

Anywho – it’s FRIDAY! YAY! I can’t wait til 5:30 rolls around and I taste the sweet freedom that only the weekend can bring! I have a hair appointment tomorrow, then we are prolly going to go to a sports bar to catch R’s fave college football game, then on Sunday we are going dog food shopping then off to watch the Packers and my Brett! Both teams play at 1 so that’s a beautiful thing.

Oh, and as for pet foods, I found out that the food I have been feeding Kraymer since he was a puppy has changed formulas and manufacturers. DIAMOND is who they went with. DIAMOND! They were involved in the massive recall – SO the boys are switching to a nutura brand dog food which is all natural. Gotta keep the babies healthy!

Well, HAPPY FRIDAY everyone! I for one am ecstatic that it’s finally back again! :0)

posted on Sept 26, 2008 6:53 AM ()


I'm pretty much for it. I am sure it would "create" jobs. Hell I will apply. I may need "practice".. Kristy, I used to "milk" goats in my youth (I raised them).. Maybe if like... I learned to "milk you" a bit, I could even teach others.. I do know how to milk, but lack experience on humans..

Anyway, it sure is an "Interesting idea".. I'm still not sure if your "For or Against" it.. I hate to admit, but I went into "fantasy mode" after the first 2 paragraphs you wrote.. Inever looked back....
comment by coincutter on Sept 29, 2008 9:00 PM ()
:-( where did Friday go?
comment by deborah on Sept 29, 2008 1:03 PM ()
Well that's one I'd have to think about for awhile. Not sure how I feel about it.
comment by elfie33 on Sept 29, 2008 12:25 PM ()
Interesting concept to say the least
comment by starlite on Sept 29, 2008 7:16 AM ()
Oh heavens! The first article that I've come to answer and it's about... NO... I don't think so. I wouldn't buy it. I don't care what the other bloggers here are saying!
comment by sunlight on Sept 27, 2008 8:37 PM ()
Another thing, if Ben and Jerry's ever decides to go into production with this idea, I'll bet the line of men signing up to do the milking will be out the door, down the street, and around the corner! Hell, I'd sign up and do it for nothing!
comment by hayduke on Sept 27, 2008 7:44 AM ()
Being an ex-dairy farmer myself, let me help you out here. Cows were used for their milk originally because they could be fed cheaply...letting them graze, and, as long as you keep milking them, they'll keep producing...way after the calf has matured and is no longer nursing. SO why not use that milk? Same thing with goats.
I LOVE raw goat's milk, and milked them for years. AND, it is naturally homogenized. All you have to do with it is strain it and freeze for twenty-four hours. And, like cows, they'll keep producing long after the kid is grown and grazing on it's own. Again, if the milk is there, and the baby isn't nursing any more, why not use it?
comment by hayduke on Sept 27, 2008 7:41 AM ()
Human milk is sweeter than cow's milk. That would cut costs on sugar.Bad part is stretching out those nice t!tties with milking machines.
comment by draco on Sept 27, 2008 6:58 AM ()
Cow mothers have been bred to be heavy lactators so that there is enough left over after the calf has his fill for humans to enjoy. Personally, I hate milk but use a lot to cook with. I nursed my babies but still find it strange to put in ice cream.
comment by elderjane on Sept 27, 2008 6:57 AM ()
The California Natural because my dogs also have sensitive stomachs. But, one of my dogs (now passed on) needed Science Diet Ultra Z/d because she had sooooo many allergies.
comment by anniel on Sept 27, 2008 3:12 AM ()
I heard about this... imagine an assembly line.. lol
comment by cindy on Sept 26, 2008 6:55 PM ()
I've fed my dogs the nutura brand for years. They have done very well on it. I read that Ben and Jerry's thing on the web this morning. Yes... I must admit... it grossed me out. But then... my mother didn't nurse me either... so maybe that is my problem.
comment by anniel on Sept 26, 2008 6:10 PM ()
The two bravest people ever was the ones who
Ever decided to milk a cow
Or eat the first egg.
If I want mothers milk---I would rather get from mom
comment by grumpy on Sept 26, 2008 5:36 PM ()
I believe that I scooped you on this subject. See my post from July 28, 2008 entitled "Scoop of the Day" at Of course, my post is total fiction...
comment by looserobes on Sept 26, 2008 3:38 PM ()
it is very weird that freak out over human milk versus cow's milk. but I am sticking with my cow's milk if you please.
comment by elkhound on Sept 26, 2008 1:41 PM ()
this is good news.My mother nurse all of her nine children.
Notice how cute that I am.Well,what do you want
me to say.Men cannot do it can they.
comment by fredo on Sept 26, 2008 10:55 AM ()
Oh my gosh--human milking stations--now that is a picture! Yes, dear, you keep those babies healthy--have a great weekend filled with good times and good cheer!
comment by angiedw on Sept 26, 2008 10:53 AM ()
I'm curious what the human milking stations will look like ...
comment by writerproducer on Sept 26, 2008 9:56 AM ()
Didn't Brett leave the packers?????
comment by meranda on Sept 26, 2008 8:32 AM ()
Can I apply for a job at Ben & Jerry's as a professional milker?
comment by jondude on Sept 26, 2008 8:14 AM ()
I like milk. From cows. When it's pasturized and sh*t. I like steak, too. I dunno chica. It doesn't matter what the irony might be, I still will like milk - from cows. And steak, too. From cows.
comment by mrsstu on Sept 26, 2008 8:04 AM ()
The downside of breast milk is - what woman in her right mind is going to pump breast milk all day? I've heard it can be rather uncomfortable. I guess some people will do anything for money... and is PETA gonna monitor what these women are eating all day?! Somehow, I don't think that's gonna work either.

Happy Friday!
comment by sexysadie on Sept 26, 2008 7:59 AM ()

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