Well, Ok, maybe man-toy isn't the best name for it. Funny thing, tho, she never wanted to mow the lawn before.

Ok, that's more like it!
Rain was in the forecast for this afternoon, and it was after 11 by the time me and my buddy got the machine home. The guy at Tractor Supply asked if we wanted to test drive this machine and the cheaper one, so we each did. I have never driven a tractor like this: Hydrostat--fully automatic. Even has a button to push so the blades continue to mow when the machine is in reverse.
It used to take me hours to mow the entire lawn. More recently I've been doing the front and back on separate days since my knees just can't handle all that walking behind the push mower. I didn't time the job today, but I was finished by 12:15, so it couldn't have taken more than 45 minutes, and my knees didn't feel a thing.
The garage won't be rebuilt as it was. We'll probably get a prefab or an Amish Barn style garage. I'll have to cut down some of the tree damage myself and make a few other changes to make the money cover what needs to be done, but as my buddy said, "I know you'll do it". Donna calls it being cheap, which it is, kind of, but to my mind, cheap is not spending money.... I spend, I just get the most bang for the buck!
Except for the inconvenience of the fire, summer has been pretty good! The weather is much batter than last year and the plants are all doing well. We haven't been camping in the traveling-to-a-campground sense, but we've been spending time on the coach and BBQing outside, so that's close enough for now. The hitch was in the garage and was heated and cooled, so it needs to be replaced, but first things first... I desperately need a shed and garage.
Happy Summer..... just don't think about the part where the days are already getting shorter!