There was a time that ended a few months ago when I wouldn't even consider buying a product from one of those adds on Facebook or Youtube or email, or wherever no matter how good the product appeared to be.
But somewhere in April when the Covid business was just getting every-day serious, I saw an ad on Facebook for a charcoal filter mast for less than six bucks, so I ordered one for me and one for Donna. The site where I ordered implied what masks were shipped from the US so I went for it.
No too long after, before I even received the mask, I saw an ad for a dog bed that is supposed to help the dog relax--by the way it surrounds them. This was supposed to come from Canada so I order one for Missy and Donna ordered one for Max.
Then on Youtube I saw a repeating ad for veneers to cover crappy teeth. I haven't been able to wear my partial since I lost a filling so this also looked like a good idea, so I ordered upper and lower teeth.
Long story short, the masks came first and they were pieces of black garbage. One was starting to split down the middle right out of the package. Naturally everything written on the package was in Chinese characters and there was no packing slip or order number or anything else that would identify me to the company except for my credit card number.
The dog bed(s) never did come even tho delivery was supposed to be in 7 to 10 days.
I was so embarrassed to tell Donna that I ordered the crappy teeth, but I was beginning to get more and more pissed at myslef for letting myself get ripped off and being so gullible in the first place.
Long story short, I contact one of the companies via email and called another with no satisfactory results, not even a real acknowledgment.
So one by one I contacted the credit card companies and opened a dispute. I can't believe how easy it was!! Two were resolved on the spot with a message that said you card has been credited with the amount. The third only took a few days to appear on my on line account page.
I have no idea how this works: Do they get so many complaints about a company that all disputed are charged back immediately? If they know the company is crooked why wait for people to complain, just credit their accounts. The how isn't as important as the fact that I feel better and have learned my lesson. If it's not on Amazon, it doesn't exist.