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Men Are From Mars....

Life & Events > Donna's Art Wall, And ... .

Donna's Art Wall, And ... .

Greetings! Some of you may notice that I'm always around but haven't posted since, ah.. whatever. It's just that fb is so much easier and faster to share a thought and get on with life. I already typed more here than i do to post over there. But it's raining today and I'm finally caught up on indoor stuff except for installation of a replacement ceiling fan. But the ladder is standing out in the rain and I'm not bringing it in to drip all over the hardwood floor. When I was perusing the electrical isle in Walmart for the fan I came across a track light that would nicely replace the ceiling light in the living room that I can't stand. I'm a firm believer in task lighting and undirected ceiling light just turns me off. So I installed the track to face a wall where I bought Donna an art display whatever-you-call it. I set the camera to the lowest setting the the pick will hopefully upload here so naturally you can't see the test pic. But I like the setup. Donna and I are both fully vaxed  and I went to town last Tuesday to meet up with some people I haven't seen in person for more than a year.  Geez.. on the one hand it was a pleasure to sit reasonably distanced from people, on the the hand it was as if there had never been a year break.  The evening just felt normal.   We had the female grandbrat over last weekend  and she had most likely experienced Covid without symptoms since she was definitely exposed to positive cases.  So it's been more than seven days and everybody is still fine.  It would be nice if somehow we could get the trumpers on board but their sites are more concerned with how to counterfeit  vax cards.  There are probably a bunch of young'n who hesitate for no other reason than laziness, so if employers bring the shots to them hopefully they'll opt in.  The same plan is in place for college students.   Winter comes and goes around here which is normal although it does go below freezing more ofter than it used to.  We don't plant tomatoes and such until after Memorial Day.  I still have plenty of firewood to process to keep me busy and I need to have the garden area ready soon.  The lawn is way past its need for a first mowing so I need to get to that when the rain stops for a day or tow.   So, nothing exciting, just business as usual.   

posted on May 4, 2021 8:53 AM ()


I always enjoy hearing about your garden. Same here on having to wait for Memorial Day, and then it's a short season, too short for most vegetables.
comment by traveltales on May 4, 2021 11:45 AM ()
You were right about the robins taking a hike. We miss them but it is
nice to be able to go in and out with out worrying that we would mess up a feeding time. I cannot believe how fast they matured and no casualties with their first flight. She and her husband spent hours hunting worms for them. we sort of worried because it was raining last night. We appreciated knowing how they act from having your camera on a nest, Nancy Casto has birds in her grill.
comment by elderjane on May 4, 2021 10:32 AM ()
I don't care how I get light as long as I get light!!
comment by greatmartin on May 4, 2021 9:23 AM ()
Dayum! I hadn’t heard about fake fax cards. It’s essentially just hurting themselves so oh well.
I haven’t written in forever. It’s nice to hear from you!
comment by kristilyn3 on May 4, 2021 9:12 AM ()

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