Good thing this isn't real. Even so, it's probably best that your wife doesn't see it.
Ut oh! Can't turn your back on that guy.
Geez, they big! I see moose some times on youtube from a guy who spends time in new england. The moose walk right along the back roads (and I mean back).
I've never lived close to anything larger than a deer. They say there are bear around but II haven't seen one. I don't even know if they're bigger than deer.
Sybil Meacci Kress = Sybilmariee Martin Goodkin = Greatmartin Alfredo Rossi = Fredo Connie Moody = Beabea There are others, but it will take of bit of effort to match them with their usernames. I'm reasonable certain that I met Joan Dobbs here and there are others that I will try to match with their usernames. Was Doug Crawford = Grumpy?
I applied paint and clear coat to the car yesterday. Today I told Donna that it looks pretty good but there are a few brush marks detectable when the light is just right. Then I said I could lightly sand it, but we both agreed that that probably isn't the best idea.
Two ways to look at that last point. If we (and fox) don't look out for ourselves first, we can't look out for anything else.
I kind of figured where the joke was going, but I hadn't heard it.
Do you mind if I copy that next-to-last photo?
AT&T, weird., I didn't know they do that. Hard to believe it's been four months, but it was right before his birthday.
We have bear around here that will attack bird feeders, but not people Are foxes dangerous to the residents or pets around there?
I had some cabinet content shaking in the kitchen,but no damage. I'm 11miles north of the City.