Howdy Doody, MyBloggerstown:
I've had a very restful day. Lots of naps. Made a pan of baked ziti the other day and finished the last of it off for lunch. Yum..if I do say so myself. Tried a coupla different things....used pepperoni instead of burger for the meat and combined mozzarella and provalone cheeses instead of just mozzarella. Very good. Think I'll keep it that way.
A noted lack of communication between Crazy Sis, Mama, and me. Now that I am of no further use to them, I expected it. Actually, its a good thing. Mebbe now I can have some peace. It's been days since any communication with Jethrene. Since the end of the yard sale actually. Color me surprized. Ah, ta hell with them all.
The Olympics are proving more interesting this time 'round. Appears as though the Chinese are not above cheating. Some of their gymnasts, it seems, are under the required age of 16. The Chinese gub'met has phonied up the passports of these little girls, some say. I'm shocked, SHOCKED I say. Can we expect any less from a heartless dicatorship? Well, I can't wait 'til its over. The Jackass Convention will take place right after. That should also be interesting.
Still haven't been sleeping most nights. Awaken at 2-3 am watch a little tv, read. Two hours later, go back to sleep until 6 or 7. Naps during the day help. I tried not taking naps but it didn't help...I still woke up in the middle of the night. I don't want to say anything to Dr. Whalebutt for fear he'll prescribe something that'll make me sleepwalk or whatever. Pass, thanks. I'll just have to sleep when I can. It's not like I have anything else to do.
This weekend is the annual Devil's Asshole Homecoming Festival and, in addition to all the local jerkoffs, all the out of town jerkoffs will descend upon our little burg. They also hold a half maration race that clogs up the city streets for almost the whole day which is also idiotic. Its a chance for the town to pat itself on the back but as far as I'm concerned, its one big pain in the ass. Someone asked me the other day if I planned to attend. Well, lemme I go to the festival or have that root canal? What to do, what to do??
Well, the rest of you have a great weekend.
yer staying home and loving it pal