Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > Yard Sales, Celeb Deaths, Scumbags, Etc.

Yard Sales, Celeb Deaths, Scumbags, Etc.

Good Monday Evening, Blog Pals:
     Ah, so much to talk about...where oh where to begin.
     We had the big yardsale this weekend to get rid of some of the rest of Jethrene's junk...I mean precious family heirlooms.  She called a number of times with lists of items she wanted to retain (for us to box up and send at our expense of course). Then she called a coupla times each day to check on the proceeds from the sale of the rest of the articles.   Jesus H. Christ in a sidecar!  Not only did we have to clean, collect, tidy, move, etc all this shit for nothing (because we love her and the babies) but then we had to try and unload it on some other schmucks.  And here she is, calling every 6 hours or so wanting to know how much we'd raked in.  Where does she get this?  Not from me, that's fer sher.  Well, we cleared about $60 (minus expenses i.e. Wendys for lunch) We'll be selling the furniture separately.  So it was a weekend of having to sit out in the yard, being eaten by insects, and putting up with insufferable rednecks who nine times out of 10 pawed and messed up the items but bought nothing. Some enlightening observations:  One scrawny pale kid (a boy of about 16 or so) came by wearing a tee shirt that said "CHICKS LOVE SCRAWNY PALE DUDES".  There is a family across the road that consists of the husband, an aging hippy and/or biker type with a beer gut and a mybloggers blondish greyish ponytail, the wife a skanky, skinny younger woman who looks cowled and like she might blow over in a good breeze, their baby, who looks to be about two, and the husband's teen aged(18-19) son from a previous marriage.  They were doing yard work whilst our yard sale was in progress.  The teen-age son was mowing the lawn in jeans sans a shirt.  The kid had a nice bod...in an artistic way, of course(heh heh).  I put on my shades and enjoyed the view, harkening back to my own misspent teenage days when a bunch of us horney girls used to oogle Mike Whatabod mowing his lawn.  Ah, nostalgia.
     Well, two entertainment giants passed over the weekend. Bernie Mac, an Original King Of Comedy, foul mouthed stand up comedian, and sitcom star died from complications from pnemonia. He was 50.  I thought Bernie was hysterically funny and I really enjoyed his sitcom, based on his real life adventures of caring for his drug addicted sister's kids.  I wonder why the good ones always go too soon.  Also passing this weekend was Isaac Hayes,  imposing singer, songwriter, and the voice of "Chef" on South Park. He was 65 and was found keeled over by the tradmill in his home.  You say that cat Hayes was a bad mother...(shut yo mouth).
     And in keeping with our reportage on weekly political scandals,  former senator, vp candidate, and current scumbag John Edwards has admitted to an extra marital affair with a campaign photographer who pro'ly doesn't know one end of the camera from the other.  My God, his wife is dying....of cancer.  This has got to be a new high in low.  I am so dissapointed.  I know all politicians are lying, cheating,  amoral assholes but he has got to be the assholiest.  This explains why he took himself out of the veepstakes.  He was afraid this would come out, the bastid.   If I were Elizabeth Edwards, I would drag him through so many legal ratholes to obtain a divorce that there would be nothing left but some teeth and some hair.  Jesus, what a colossal prick.....or not har har.
     Still got a major case of the blues.  Part of it is the babies leaving and part of it is the fact that this month is the aniversary of Mr. Bugg's death.  The 27th of this month he will have been gone 10 years.   I plan on going to his grave that day.  I feel its the right thing to do.  And I need to stop talking about this now because I am beginning to tear up.
     Been watching the Olympics.  I usually find this boring but the diving and swimming are pretty cool. There is an African American on the swim team and he won a gold in the relays. Also cheering for the 40 year old Ms. Torres. The opening ceremonies were impressive.  I kept getting the feeling that all the participants in those stunning visual effects feared they'd be taken out and shot if they missed a cue, though.   Two weeks...sheesh.  Then the conventions start.  Can't wait for normal tv programing to resume.

 Have a good week everyone.

yer never a dull moment pal


posted on Aug 11, 2008 6:07 PM ()


I've been watching the olympics also this year. My faves are the gymnastics and diving events.
comment by hopefields on Aug 14, 2008 2:59 AM ()
Have also been watching the Olympics! Be sure to watch Johnathan Horton in the men's gymnastics. He is a Sooner--helped OU win the national team title in gymnastics this past two years. Go Johnathan! As for Edwards...Damn you, John Edwards!Yard Sales...what an angel you are to do this for someone else...I hate to do it even for myself. Jethrene doesn't know what she gave up when she moved away.
Sorry about the 10th anniversary coming up. Some years are harder than others. God bless you, Cuz!
comment by redimpala on Aug 13, 2008 7:06 PM ()
buggs there is a guy in my tae kwon do class who I tend to drool over, doesn't help that he is also the nicest guy I have ever met. can you believe I have never been to a yard sale??? I am un-american for sure!
comment by elkhound on Aug 12, 2008 7:33 AM ()
The people at Webster's Dictionary called. They want permission to add "assholiest" to their book.
comment by mzscarlett on Aug 12, 2008 5:30 AM ()
yard sales are such a lot of work for such little money, that t shirt's funny

thinking of u with mr buggs anniv. of his passing coming up
comment by firststarisee on Aug 12, 2008 5:22 AM ()
I loved the opening olympics I thought they were amazing. To get that many people to move the same way...just amazing. That's truly dedication. You could honestly tell these folks love their country. It's got some problems...but who doesn't. *hugs*..Mr Bugg is looking down from heaven and smiling...
comment by elfie33 on Aug 12, 2008 4:50 AM ()
We are enjoying the Olympics too!! I'm sorry about Mr. Buggs!! I understand why you would be feeling blue!
comment by texastar on Aug 12, 2008 2:48 AM ()
My favorite thing in the opening ceremonies was the little 9 year old Chinese boy who got to march in next to the flag bearer. Thank goodness for video recording so we can zip through the commercials, this thing is plenty long enough. The other thing I liked was the people inside the boxes that made all those ripple effects.
comment by troutbend on Aug 11, 2008 9:04 PM ()
I understand now Buggs why you missed the secret campaign meeting in the chat room. I hope you made lots of moola for the upcoming months!
comment by cindy on Aug 11, 2008 8:20 PM ()
man, that yard sale sounds entertaining!!! Aside from the work aspect of course...
I was shocked to hear about both the deaths as well...
and I am truly sorry about the 10th anniversary of the passing of mr. buggs... {{{{{HUGS}}}}}
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 11, 2008 7:14 PM ()
The bonus of unexpected eye candy aside, there has to be a special place in Heaven for dear folks like you who organize all the nitty gritty and follow through on having yard sales for other people. Yeeesh. I know your love for the babies carried you on, but it sounds like the tortures of the damned, as my mother used to say about excruciating tasks. Soooo glad that's over.

I'm enjoying the Olympics, too. Glad it's bringing you something to cheer about. Here is a and a (((HUG))) to take with you on the 27th.
comment by marta on Aug 11, 2008 7:00 PM ()
Well, you're certainly keeping busy! Sorry about Mr. Bugg, even tho it's been awhile--loss is loss.
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 11, 2008 6:30 PM ()
Well, so now the yard sale is finally over! What a relief. But, the furniture... how long is that going to take I wonder? Yes, we lost two more talented people this week. Does it seem as if they're going faster these days... maybe not. I don't know, but it seems so. About John Edwards, my husband and I were discussing, why? He has a wife that has it all. She's very attractive, intelligent, compassionate, good. Maybe it doesn't pay in this world these days not to be a dingbat, which is what we understand the "other" woman is... Well. Do take care.
comment by sunlight on Aug 11, 2008 6:30 PM ()
John Edwards
comment by dogsalot on Aug 11, 2008 6:15 PM ()

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