Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > News Flash from Cow Snot

News Flash from Cow Snot

Good Tuesday, MyBloggerstown;
     Well, it's gonna rain shit or something.  Actually talked with Jethrene Sunday night and she actually conversed for more than ten minutes without asking about money or blowing me  off.  She has secured a job with the accounting firm that handles her parents taxes and is thrilled and excited.  Shitstick has secured a position in the challenging world of the Italian cuisine delivery industry(i.e. schlepping pizzas for a nationally known pizza chain...no not that one, the other one).  She sez they are gonna continue to live with her mama and daddy until after Christmas during which time they are gonna try and save for a place of thier own.  Actually, that's one of the more sensible idears she's had lately.   So I hear the kids running around in the backround and ask if I can talk to them.  Jethrene sez: "Nah, its too close to bedtime and I don't want to excite them". Strange, last time I asked to talk to them it was too close to dinnertime and she didn't want to excite them.  Time before that they were taking a nap...time before that they were out playing.  Mebee I'm being paranoid but I am sensing a pattern here.  So then, I asked for some pictures and she said "as soon as we get some batteries for the digital camera."  I sighed and ask for some of their artwork to hang on my ice box.  "Oh, they really don't draw much."  Daisy May drew all the time when she was here and Jethro was catching on fast.  They must've gravitated to other interests.  I don't know why I expected anything but this sort of behavior from Jethrene.  She did grow up in my fam damily where this is sort of disrespectful callous attitude toward me is expected and encouraged. Never mind that I was always there for her, always willing to do things that I was not physically well enough to do, and nearly bankrupt myself on her and the kid's behalf.  Well, that's that, I guess.   Jethro's third birthday is coming up next month.  If Jethrene thinks I'm stupid enough, and love that child enough to send anything............she's absolutly right.  As my old friend Tony Soprano always sez, whaddaya gonn do?

Have a good week, everyone

yer its just no use pal

posted on Aug 19, 2008 11:31 AM ()


Too bad of her! Of course y ou will send a birthday present, that's what you do for little kids that don't realize their Mom is being a snot. Then tell Jethrine that her behavior sucks.
comment by elderjane on Aug 21, 2008 10:50 AM ()
I'm so sorry. Like you say no surprise considering the source, but it would have been so refreshing if she remembered how much you loved those children and participated in their lives. You take care of yourself there, Ms. Bugg. I hope lightning strikes and things improve.
comment by troutbend on Aug 19, 2008 10:11 PM ()
Boooo. I agree with Martin and Mary.
comment by marta on Aug 19, 2008 7:43 PM ()
Hmmm, HoneyBugg, is there any way to smuggle one of the kiddies a cell phone?? Is there a time of day when Jethrene doesn't answer the phone? Gosh, what a frustrating situation. Maybe you could ask to speak to someone else there and then have them transfer you to the kids...
comment by sunlight on Aug 19, 2008 7:42 PM ()
How can anyone deprive YOU of giving anyone YOUR love??? How stupid of them!!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 19, 2008 5:52 PM ()
I think you should point out her behavior to her. you are not asking for much for pete's sake! to talk to them, pics of them or their wonderful artwork. she should be ashamed of herself. lately kota is into drawing aliens, could send you some of those.
comment by elkhound on Aug 19, 2008 2:00 PM ()
That's so mean... I'd keep calling back to try to talk to them Bugg... squeaky wheel gets the grease!
comment by kristilyn3 on Aug 19, 2008 1:36 PM ()
It sounds like such a frustrating situation. I think that she is acting really similar to a lot of folks nowadays. While things are so much easier with modern tech and such, we seem less able to do the basics like make phone calls or send pictures. It is a shame.
comment by lunarhunk on Aug 19, 2008 12:09 PM ()
You have such a way with words Bugsie!
comment by jjoohhnn on Aug 19, 2008 11:48 AM ()

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