Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > A Productive, Positive Sunday

A Productive, Positive Sunday

Good Morning, MyBloggerstown:
    I got ambitious this morn and took a walk around the block.  At about 7 am(before the sun had crested the horizon)in the cool gray light of dawn, I strapped on my Walkman, stuck in a Tobey Keith cassette and struck off. It took me a good 20-25 minutes to complete the block, stopping frequently for rest, but I did it.  Later I know I'll be really tired and my hips, knees, and feet will be singing "Ave Maria" but I feel good knowing I made some sort  of effort to get some excercise.
     Upon returning home, and after a shower, I made myself a sensible breakfast. This consisted of toast(whole wheat with low fat spread), juice(apple), raisin bran cereal w/low fat milk and coffee w/skinny and sweet, and proceeded to watch the Sunday morning news shows and finish off my coffee. I usually watch C-Span until Meet the Press comes on.  I sure do miss Tim Russert.  During the conventions his son, Luke, was interviewing young conventioners for MSNBC.  He did an excellent job and I'm sure his pop was looking down, beaming with pride. 
     Had a nice chat last night in the chat room with Grumpy, Cindy, and redwolftimes who, it turns out, lives not far from my beloved Flower City by the Lake.  We had a political meeting and determined that Grumpy is going to be Sec. of Defense and Red is gonna be Sec. of Interior in the Bugg Administration.   Qualifications? Why, of course they have qualifications.  They are every bit as qualified as Sen. Obama and Gov. Palin are for the positions THEY seek.  Grumpy and Red are fine Amuricans , MyBloggerstown citizens in good standing, and they have a pulse. That's good enough for me.  Those fat, manilla envelopes they passed me during the meeting had absolutley nothing, I repeat, nothing to do with their appointments.
     The lady next door just walked by with one of her million dogs(actually she only has four). The rest of the neighborhood mutts then feel the need to bark and snarl greetings as they walk by them so there is this canine chorus assaulting my peaceful contemplations.  Ya gotta hand it to her, though.  She's an animal lover.  In the winter, she puts out food for stray and homless cats who congregate in the abandoned house next door.  Of course, this attracts the cats who yowl, pee, and fight(or whatever) constantly.  I told her she should call the Humane Society to pick them up but she is afraid they will catch her own cat(yes, in addition to 4 dogs she has a cat. Can you imagine the shedding that must be going on in that house?) in the dragnet.  She has a good heart but her head is so far up her ass that her tonsils give her black eyes. 
Well, I think I'll go see if I have all the ingredients for a meatloaf for Sunday dinner.  Haven't made one of those in awhile.  Have a good week, everyone.

yer just chillin' pal


posted on Sept 7, 2008 6:36 AM ()


It's good to hear that you're out and about, Buggs! I just realized lately that I'm addicted to my morning jogs. Since I got bucked off my freaking horse and stretched every ligament in my 55-year-old back, (Not to mention biting off a piece of my tongue and being knocked out on impact with the ground!), I haven't been able to do much these last three weeks!

Maybe your neighbor should get her tonsils removed, huh?
comment by hayduke on Sept 12, 2008 10:04 AM ()
Well, here it is Friday, and I'm just had a tsunami of a week, and I'm behind on just about everything, but goodness, I hope your week was a good one. The meatloaf sounds sooooo yummy....
comment by marta on Sept 12, 2008 9:13 AM ()
It has now been 16+ hours. IS Jorge still alive???
comment by grumpy on Sept 11, 2008 8:14 PM ()
I am offended that you would even imply that I would try to buy my way into your administration.
Oh by the way --Jorge the pool boy will be by in the morning.
comment by grumpy on Sept 9, 2008 3:23 PM ()
Meatloaf sounds delicious! Good for you on the exercise. I am going to attempt to start exercising again this week, now that I'm better.
comment by hopefields on Sept 7, 2008 9:44 PM ()
well that sounds like a good day Buggs!!!
I hope you enjoyed your meat loaf!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 7, 2008 6:38 PM ()
Oh Bugg you've gone and made me hungry. Meatloaf sounds so yummy right now. My tummy is rumbling.
comment by elfie33 on Sept 7, 2008 3:45 PM ()
I showed up right after you left and I never come by. I talked with Cindylou, grumpy and redwolf a bit. It was delightful.
comment by teacherwoman on Sept 7, 2008 3:24 PM ()
After Hanna,today was a lovely day.A bit breezy not bad.'
We lucked out here and glad.
comment by fredo on Sept 7, 2008 2:26 PM ()
Hey! I'm making meatloaf, too. Ground round, Maple flavor sausage, bacon bits (ersatz), diced celery, one chopped to death small tomato, chopped red onion, Bread crumbs, celery salt, garlic salt, cracked black pepper and a smidgen of Jack Daniels BBQ sauce. The gravy I make from this is awesome! I make mashed taters for the gravy.
comment by jondude on Sept 7, 2008 9:12 AM ()
I feel so lazy because I haven't accomplished anything, yet!
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 7, 2008 8:07 AM ()
I'm glad you are having a good day Buggs, kinda set the tone with the walk... and it's a wonderful start! Meatloaf... sounds like a good lunch too! You realize when you get to the White House you won't have to cook anymore, and the country will want photo's of you jogging.
comment by cindy on Sept 7, 2008 7:45 AM ()
Come and go to Sunday services with me. That would complete your day.
comment by nenah on Sept 7, 2008 7:39 AM ()
That's right Honey, Ban all tropical storms. Jondude has the right idea. Proud of you for exercising...baby steps.
comment by elderjane on Sept 7, 2008 6:58 AM ()
Sounds like your Sunday is off to a good start--mine has started by getting up a lot earlier than I normally do!!!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 7, 2008 6:46 AM ()
Hey, sounds like you're making healthy choices today. I always feel better when I do. On my desk right now? Oatmeal made with soy milk (this is a first and the jury is still out). And, of course, the obligatory coffee. XM radio is barely eking out the strains of something by Joseph Haydn and my morning sounds as peaceful as yours, without the barking dogs.
comment by jerms on Sept 7, 2008 6:45 AM ()
Did you get soaked when Hanna swept by? Now we get to batten down the hatches for Ike? What's with this? You should make it a paragraph in your platform that if elected - "Bugg will ban anything stronger than a Tropical Storm" from our borders. It would carry about the same weight as the other two candidates' promises not to raise taxes!
comment by jondude on Sept 7, 2008 6:45 AM ()

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