Good Thursday Morn, Mah Fella Amuricans:
Once again, in the interest of full disclosure and a better informed electorate, I have asked members of my campaign staff to go undercover at a major party convention and try and scope out the real deal. Grumpy, Jondude, Cindy and Dawgnurse had no trouble infiltrating the convention disguised as eldery couples complete with black socks with sandals and ugly-ass Bermuda shorts(for the men) and polyester capri pants(with snags) and loud flower print blouses (for the women). With hidden cameras in their
GO "PITBULL" PALIN placards, they witnessed the following exchange between the standard bearers of the Pacyderm Party.

I'm shocked...SHOCKED, I say. Not to mentioined more than a little creeped out. Is this the kind of shenanigans you want going on in the Oval Office...again? I think not. So, my friends, if you want a genuine moral leader to guide our beloved nation. Vote early, vote often....VOTE FOR BUGG.
yer ewwwww pal