Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > Sigh ... ... it Starts Again

Sigh ... ... it Starts Again

An Open Letter To All of MyBloggerstown:

     We are a divergent group here in MyBloggerstown,  one with very strong attitude and opinions.  This is a good thing....it makes life so interesting and it gives us some perspective on the world in general. Differing opinions are what gives us the desire to investigate and find out new things and ideas that we never knew or concidered and makes for spirited intellectual conversations.
    But when these differences spill over and become personal attacks, well, folks, that's not good.  I had sooooo hoped and prayed that all of this stuff was left behind in Blogsterville but I see it is rearing its ugly head yet again.
     To coin a very tired phrase, can't we all just get along?  The liberal and conservative factions here have strong opinions which they defend resolutely. And its great when people stick to their guns about what they believe in. But now its getting personal and that's not being very grown up. 
     Two of my dear blog pals, and their supporters are locked in battle yet again with one of them threatening to leave our beloved little cyber town.  
      So to you, Jenn(texasstar)and Strider(strider333), I say....please not again.  You two come from different sides of the political spectrum and I cherish both of you.  You have the right to express your opinions because this is still America. Both of you bring unique perspectives to the political arena here in MyBloggerstown and I do so enjoy getting both your views on things.
     But hissy fits and personal attacks are not the adult way to handle this.  We can express our opinions without all the drama, can't we?  I mean we are all adults here, right?  
       So, I asking, begging you two, and those who support you, please please cut this shit out.  And Jenn, please stay.....MyBloggerstown would be diminished without your presence.

Thank you all for your kind attention.

yer don't make me come over there pal

posted on Sept 2, 2008 2:49 AM ()


Way to go, Bugg. You have just demonstrated yet another reason why we must, I say Must, vote you in. Only you can straighten out our gub'ment.
comment by jthoneydew on Sept 8, 2008 3:48 PM ()
OK, Buggs you are a good egg. (Oops, does that offend the chickens?) I meant to say you are right on target (oops, does that offend hunters?) Oh I should have said 'thumbs up' (oops, would that offend the other fingers?). Oh well...good post!! You are the best.
comment by mzscarlett on Sept 7, 2008 6:05 AM ()
Well Buggs, I came here to comment and all was good in these comments until the one right before mine. I don't know why people won't just let it go especially when those of us involved made our peace and moved on (except for strider and apparently kristy.) I guess they want to place themselves in the judgement seat of others even though they don't want that judgement on themselves. Maybe she didn't read my post but it doesn't matter. It just goes to show that there are those that will always throw stones when they are in no position to be throwing stones.

Thank you for your post and I didn't mean *you* when I referred to those moving on. You and my other friends have been kind and even been quite frank and pulled *No Punches* so to speak. I guess the main thing that does matter is most of those involved in what took place months even a year ago have made our peace and moved on. The *nay-sayers* are just that nay-sayers and can stew in their own hypocritical judgemental juices. But, you know what they say about KARMA!!!

Thank you again my friend!!

Your trying not to pay attention to IDIOT statements friend
Jenn (((((HUGS)))))
comment by texastar on Sept 4, 2008 3:36 PM ()
Does anyone see a common person involved in all of this DRAMA???
I do. But perhaps my vision is just clearer and not muddled by the fakeness that sugar coats things said to y'all by said person....
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 4, 2008 1:16 PM ()
THIS is why you make such a great candidate!!! Such a peacemaker. You've got my vote.
comment by jerms on Sept 4, 2008 5:57 AM ()
Your post was level headed and calming. Let us all strive to be polite when we disagree. I am one of those left wing liberals so it is hard for me to stay quiet, but I'll try.
comment by elderjane on Sept 3, 2008 6:00 PM ()
Personally, I read one post written by Grumpy and the following comments and decided to stay the heck out of it. I wish everyone could just get along. I think that everyone is entitled to their own opinions, thoughts, and feelings. I just wish that it wouldn't turn to schoolyard tactics.
comment by hopefields on Sept 3, 2008 12:31 AM ()
Ok----jj and I got onto an argument –it got hot and it got heavy. Words got said. Well guess what- jj and I got over it. In fact it was about the most fun I have had on mybloggers and I bet jj would say the same thing.
Well others got involved and jumped in. And I guess feelings got hurt.
Jenn did a wonderful job of presenting her feelings. That girl can be hell on wheels.
About all Strider did was write a very well done post.
But then some how it did go a touch to far.
Jenn and strider have some history, I guess not resolved.
But is it reason for anyone to leave, no.
Some times when you play with the big dogs feelings can get hurt. But what you do is get up and come back swinging.
comment by grumpy on Sept 2, 2008 2:04 PM ()
comment by fredo on Sept 2, 2008 10:24 AM ()
I wish that people could find away to discuss positive without taking it and making it personal. Unfortunately, that does not seem to happen very often.
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 2, 2008 9:54 AM ()
I agree on getting along. But I do remember you, Bugg, accussing me of racism when I refered to Bush as "The Chimp." I enjoy all diversity and my feelings were hurt when you accused me of something so vile. I know you may have thought I was referring to Obama but I wasn't. In fact, if someone wants to think of a clever nickname, I'm open to suggestions that aren't racist. I may write some blogs that may piss people off but I don't personally attack another member. I agree with Bugg. Let's all get along.
comment by draco on Sept 2, 2008 9:32 AM ()
Listen to Buggs~~~ she's right. You can't bring emotions into a discussion like politics, sex and religion. Best to save that discussion for friends that will love you no matter what you say......
comment by cindy on Sept 2, 2008 8:37 AM ()
I just seen what is happening... Unfortunately it is something that happens when discussing charged issues. Politics can be distressingly personal discussions. I don't personally want to get involved here, since I consider my self a buddy of both of them, so I will simply say lets just all try and keep it civil, and not over-react.
comment by ekyprogressive on Sept 2, 2008 7:59 AM ()
Right. Leave politiks in the voting booth (unless you are a Buggs campaign worker... then get with it!) BTW: I need to have some of Paulie's fresh unmarked bills to pay off the guys we hired to picket the republicans convention hall.
comment by jondude on Sept 2, 2008 5:54 AM ()
you are so right Buggs. it is ok to have differing opinions but leave the personal attacks alone. I never wanted to see these problems over here at mybloggers. We all have strong beliefs and it is our right to have them. I hope that jenn will decide to stay or at least just take a break.
comment by elkhound on Sept 2, 2008 5:28 AM ()

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