Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > Supermarket Sticker Shock, Internet Rumors Etc.

Supermarket Sticker Shock, Internet Rumors Etc.

 Good Sunday Morn, MyBloggerstown:
       Just flew back from Denver and are my arms tired.  har har.  Went to Wally World the other day with Crazy Sis after my visit to Mr. Bugg.  Wanted to get a 5 lb bag of spuds and some other items.  Well, I sashayed to the potato section of the fruit and vegetable department and damn near had another heart attack.  $4.99 for 5 lbs of potatoes!! Jesus H. Christ in a sidecar!! That's a dollar a pound...for POTATOES!  The earth's gravitational pull was suspended for several moments due to all my Irish ancestors spinning in their graves.   What do these people expect us to eat?  Our feet?  I was just beside myself with outrage.  I nearly went to the store manager and told him what he could do with each and every one of those spuds but I refrained.  I had been craving a big ol' pot of potato soup all week so I gave into those blood sucking bastids and bought them anyway.  Whaddaya gonna do?
     On the political scene, no sooner does Sen. John McCain (You Damn Kids Get The Hell Off My Lawn- AZ) announce his selection of Gov. Sarah Palin (So? I Never Heard Of YOU, Either- Alaska) for his Vice Presidential running mate than the scurroulous internet rumors begin to to fly.  This particular bit of cyber dreck avers that Gov. Palin's youngest child is in reality her grandchild by teenage daughter Bristol.  These so-called "journalists" point to several "facts" to support their ludicris assertions.  They claim Bristol was kept out of school for the last 4-5 months of her mother's pregnancy due to a convenient case of "mono".  They also assert that, when at seven months along the governor annouces her pregnacy, her office staff was taken completely by surprise and had no clue that the governor was preggers.  They point to several photos taken during the period in question that reveal a slim, svelt governor dressed in her usual fashionable taylored suits, not big flannel shirts or moo moos ; items usually used for diguising advanced stages of knocked upery.   They also claim that Gov. Palin was giving a speech in Texas when she went into labor and rather than going to a local hospital, she hopped on a plane for an eight hour flight back to Alaska.  The members of the crew of the plane, it is put forth, noticed no distress or discomfort in the governor who was supposedly in labor.  And on and on.
     Well, you can't really have any faith at all in most internet prattle.  After all, this is the medium that has painted Mr. Obama as a spinless, pw'd wimp, Mr. McCain as a clueless, senile, old fart and I, yes even I, yer own Bugg, as consorting with organized crime figures.  So, I urge all of you to get yer news from reputable sources (i.e. the MyBloggerstown News or the Enquiring Weekly World Globe Buggnews) if you want to get the facts.  Dismiss all this internet gar-bahge for what it is ....99 and 44/100% pure horseshit.

yer and I've slung enough of it in my time to know pal

posted on Aug 31, 2008 8:45 AM ()


I lucked out today and got 5 lbs. of potatoes today for $3. Yeesch. The secret of surviving on my monthly food budget is fasting every third day.
Antacid was on special in honor of the Republican National Convention.
comment by marta on Sept 1, 2008 8:51 PM ()
My grocery bill has gone up a hundred dollars a month, just in the last three months and I do my shopping at the commissary where it should be cheaper...also the quality is down.
comment by elderjane on Sept 1, 2008 7:19 PM ()
When we took Mom grocery shopping last week she made the comment about the potatoes saying that she never thought that she would live to see the day when a 5 pound bag of potatoes were nearly $5.00!!

You missed our chat last night. Did you miss the Elvis mobile?
comment by texastar on Sept 1, 2008 5:09 AM ()
Bugg: Yesterday I heard a rumor that Winn Dixie is going to start charging a dollar a person to just look at the potatoes. Over at W-M they may put the pineapples behind the glass in the gun department.
comment by jondude on Aug 31, 2008 1:59 PM ()
I heard that McCain ordered a new Mercedes Benz with a GPS system because he got lost trying to find one of his seven homes.
comment by jondude on Aug 31, 2008 1:57 PM ()
The COLA should be at least 5% but I am sure it will be a lot less!!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 31, 2008 1:13 PM ()
Not to worry, dear Buggs. Paulie has assured me there will be no mud-slinging or name-calling against you. He mentioned that while he was in my area taking care of business with Big Foot.
comment by mzscarlett on Aug 31, 2008 11:38 AM ()
I, basically, buy the same items every Thursday and I have seen the prices rise almost every Thursday anywhere from a penny--yes, a penny!!--to a dollar or more--example: a small can (4 ounces) of salt free Pennsylvania Dutchman mushrooms has gone from 79 cents to 99 cents in 3 weeks.
We are extremely lucky here that we get 'freebies' from the stores and farms in the area so I am buying less food each week.
Can't wait for you to become head poobah so prices will go down!!!
comment by greatmartin on Aug 31, 2008 9:55 AM ()
as we know, those folks will make up their own fables about everyone that is running for office. Latest news I heard was that Ron Paul is trying to follow you around the campaign trail. His people are even going as far to say that he talk with you DAILY on the phone!!! What's the skinny?
comment by cindy on Aug 31, 2008 9:22 AM ()
Take it easy after your big trip.Sticker shocker is all around
us.What are they planning there?
comment by fredo on Aug 31, 2008 9:15 AM ()
and just how does that affect her ability as a vice president? good grief, the media is just crazy!
I get alot of grocery sticker shock at my register. people are amazed at what their groceries cost. its getting crazy thats for sure!
comment by elkhound on Aug 31, 2008 8:51 AM ()

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