Good Evening MyBloggerstown:
   Been watching the news coverage of Hurricane Ike like so many of us are I 'aspose. Mostly because that's all the news channels(CNN,MSNBC, Foxnews) have on. It's just terrible. Mother nature is nothing to toy with, lemme tell ya. Hopefully, all are safe and sound. What I don't unnerstand is these idiots who choose to hang around even after officials have warned of "certain death". Then they call up whining to be rescued.  Dopes. Even stupider(or is it "more stupid"?) are these nutwork(yes, "nut") news anchors who are out there in the wind, rain and tidal surges with a microphone in one hand and hanging onto a lamppost/tree/ bush with the other showboating in front of foggy, water splashed camera lenses so we can see how bad it is. Pinheads. We can see how bad it is without having to look at you getting your silly ass blown all over the place. Jees, Louise. Get the hell out of there, ya morons. One light hearted moment I saw was these people with a sign on the back of their pickup truck that read "GO HOME IKE......TINA ISN'T HERE". Now that was amusing. Unfortuately, Ike decided to kick some ass reguardless.
    Naturally, since there are oil drilling platforms and refineries in the path of Ike, gas prices have gone to Jupiter. And they began going up even before the hurricane made landfall. Cousin Patti reports from the Richmond Va. area(which is no where near the Gulf of Mexico, incidentally) that she drove by the neighborhood gas station and about half hour, 45 minutes later she drove back by the prices had soared. This is price gouging pure and simple. All those who have participated in this should be heavily fined and or imprisoned for trying to take advantage of a tragic situation. Bring back the stocks and tarring and feathering , I say.Â
    It's a hot one here in Devil's Asshole tonight and tomorrow doesn't look much better. I guess summer is giving us one last blast. I can't believe its nearly fall aready. I see some of the leaves are beginning to turn a little just around the edges. Friends in New York tell me that the leaves are turning in the High Peaks (Adirondak Park, Lake Placid etc.) already. My friend Jean and I used to go up there "leafing" to catch glimpses of the magnificent colors. Jean is from that region originally and never misses a chance to re-visit her childhood haunts at this beautiful time of year.
    As I sit and type I can hear the PA system from the football game taking place at Devil's Asshole High, my alma mater. I don't know who they are playing tonight but I do know that they are off to a rousing start(0-2). I graduated with one of the assistant coaches and I am really not surprised.  Filmore M.(Phil)McCracken was one of the biggest jerk-offs, slackers, and dimwits in our entire class. I am shocked that he actually graduated. How he got into college I'll never know. Pro'lly responded to the ad on a matchbook cover discovered one evening while smoking dope. One of his more lucid moments, no doubt. Yet one more example of the old adage, shit floats up.
    Well, I finally finished re-arranging my living room. It's a daunting task concidering that I had to do it in stages over the space of a coupla days. Ordinarily, it would have taken at most an hour but I am limited due to physical health. I did get it accomplished finally, though. My futon is over against the far wall and my recliner and wingback chairs bracket the front windows. It's a different look and I like where the recliner is now. Its easier for me to open and close the front windows in the event of rain now which was one of the reasons I wanted to change. And then too, I was just tired of looking at the room the way it was. Y'all know how that is, right? We'll try it this way for awhile. I think it'll lift my spirits up a bit.
Well, I gotta go clean the kitchen and do the dishes. Have a good weekend, everyone. Please remember all those in Texas with yer thoughts and prayers. If anyone still has contact with Jenn, please let us know how she is. I am concerned as I don't remember if she is in the storm area or not.
yer sweating unto death pal