Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > Observations on a Monday

Observations on a Monday

Good Evening, MyBloggerstown:

     I think we got a wee bit of Ike blowing through yesterday.  Lots of wind(and I wasn't even making a campaign speech), some tree branches blown down in several areas.  I kept going out to check my trashcan to make sure it hadn't been swept away.  But it was fine. 
     Because I have nothing better to do, I sit here by the window and I have noticed three different ratty old pickups going by with junk in the back.  These are scavengers  that cruise the neighborhhods and root through people's trash that's been set out on the curbs(tuesday is trash day on our street) for metals, furniture or other items to sell as junk. I find this annoying as they tear the trash up and don't put it back.  And they don't even ask the people if they can have the shit...they just take it. That's why I never put my can out until the morning.  They need to go out and get real jobs, the freeloading bastids.
     Well, Devil's Asshole High(The Fighting Algae) are  still on a streak....now 0-3.   This is their worst beginning since my senior year.  During that fateful season, the team had a 1-10 record with the one win being a forfiet...that was because the other team never showed.  Something about the quarterback and the team mascot(a farm animal of some kind) eloping.  Devil's Asshole High used to field some excellent teams but alas, that was then, this is now.  It's just sad.
     I found some sort of crawly thing in my silverware drawer the other day. I have no idear what it was and it was just the one but I am not taking any chances.  I have been systematically spraying my cabinets and just finished the last one today.  Hopefully, that'll put paid to the problem before it gets worse.  We shall see.

Well, I guess I'll go have some ice cream and see what Glenn Beck is having a stroke over this evening. Have a good week,everyone.
yer I wonder if I have any cookies to go with that pal

posted on Sept 15, 2008 4:35 PM ()


Isn't Glenn Beck fun!
comment by teacherwoman on Sept 18, 2008 5:05 PM ()
Someone else that likes to watch Glen Beck??? Unfreakingbelievable! We are truly in this together. Can I sit by you when you are on his show?? I know it will happen any day now.
comment by mzscarlett on Sept 16, 2008 12:21 PM ()
You can get rid of a lot if you put it out with the trash. works like a charm.
comment by elderjane on Sept 16, 2008 8:30 AM ()
Goodness the weather seems to be causing havoc everywhere. It is HOT here. Where my brother lives, when he puts anything out, someone always takes it. I'd like that. Whenever we have to get rid of some furniture or some appliance we always have to call the thrift store to haul it away. Much better to leave it on the curb and have it taken away without an appointment.

How's the campaign going?? Exciting, isn't it? What kind of ammunition do you have against the good Ms. Palin?
comment by sunlight on Sept 16, 2008 1:26 AM ()
we ahd some yack weather here to bugg was raining and we had hail and the wind well i recon the birds had velcro on their branches as for creepys yaaaack
comment by oldroan on Sept 15, 2008 10:08 PM ()
folks don't go thru out garbage, but if you want something to disappear, put it on the curb. An old lawnmower, kids toys.... jump in your car, run to the store, when you get back, it will be gone. Better than a garage sale. ( have to send up taking that junk off anyway) HOw was your walk?
comment by cindy on Sept 15, 2008 7:49 PM ()
Yeah, once it's outside on the curb it's anyone's treasures! They can take whatever they want when it's on the curb. We have the same problem here though. There's one guy that lives right across the street. He takes a lot of the 'junk' put out for trash and then sells it in a garage sale weekly.
comment by hopefields on Sept 15, 2008 7:09 PM ()
I just finished a big bowl of ice cream myself! Yummy!
Too weird about the trash people... yuck! I think that once it's on the curb it's public though, so ya can't complain to the police about that one!
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 15, 2008 6:01 PM ()
I figure we will get the remnants in a couple of days. SHould be fun! i can watch all my new campaign signs fly away.
comment by lunarhunk on Sept 15, 2008 5:09 PM ()
Ike made a fuss up here in Northwest Ohio, too, rip roaring wind gusts and a bunch of rain, but no big damage, thankfully. My dear brother and family are awash in Chicago after about ten inches of rain. His lawn is now a lake.
Have to agree with you about the trash scavengers. When I was moving out of my big duplex, I swear they were crawling out from the storm drains to get first dibs on whatever I put out at the curb. They pawed through everything and made a mess.
The ice cream sounds good. What flavor?
comment by marta on Sept 15, 2008 5:08 PM ()
It only took me two hours to clean up the downed branches from Ike, so that isn't have bad compared to the folks down south. Good luck with the "hunt".
comment by jjoohhnn on Sept 15, 2008 5:06 PM ()
we had a lot of wind today.Not sure if this is from Ike or
not.Lot of branches flying around and had to move my car.
The last time this happen made a dent in my roof.
We have 3 huge maple trees our front.
comment by fredo on Sept 15, 2008 4:44 PM ()

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