Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > Any Given Friday: a Rambling Missive

Any Given Friday: a Rambling Missive

Good Evening, MyBloggerstown:
     As usual, I'm just sittin' here watching the wheels go 'round and 'round(apologies to John Lennon, who was the walrus by the way) and rotting my brain with the mindless dreck on the tube...otherwise known as the local and national news and not really paying attention. 
     Devil's Asshole High is having another ass whipping..I mean football game tonight.  I can hear the p.a. system and harken back to my student days when me and my dipshit friends (Deb1, Deb 2, Judy, Deb 2's friend Noreen, and Annette) would go to the games...not so much for the sporting aspects but for the "sporting" aspects...if ya git my drift.  Our focus, in those halcyon days, was the marching band.  Deb 2's main squeeze was a base drummer. A skinny, homely, black head encrusted gnome named Lance.  Noreen had the hots for a trombone player named Jan(yes Jan was male. At the time the band was military themed and did not admit girls. This changed a coupla years later amidst the most raucus broo ha ha anyone had ever seen, complete with death threats). I of course was gaa gaa over Judy's brother Todd who played the saxaphone. Todd was a pear shaped, four eyed, pidgion toed dweeb. God he was beautiful!  Deb1 and Annette were the group trollops and as such were free range cruising.  We'd set up camp in the stands and conduct sortees to the consession stand for cokes and the girl's room for clandenstine smokes(Deb1 and Annette...the rest of us didn't indulge until in later years when it came to substances other than tabaccy).  The rest of the time we'd wave at, yell to,  converse with  and generally distract our respective heart throbs.  Deb 2 and Noreen's affections were returned but in my case alas, my love for Todd remained unrequited.  Nevertheless, I was undaunted and continued to annoy the crap out of him.  By my senior year however, I had moved on to the no lipped wonder to whom I would ultimately  loose my virginity. Eventually Todd married a mousely, bland, unremarkable girl from the neighborhood that was the perfect match for him as he turned out to be as bland, boring  colorless and unremarkable as she. He went on to lead a bland, boring, unremarkable life in a cracker box ranch house in the same neighborhood where we all grew up. The very model of American middle classery.  And I thank the stars everyday that I dodged that bullet.  I often fantasize about running into Todd, who still lives here in town I understand, and  catching up.
Todd: "It never did work out for us did it, Bugg?"
Me: "Well......it wouldn't have been dull...for YOU."

Funny, isn't it, how your feelings change so dramatically?  The person you thought that the sun and moon rose and set in their ass, now, some 30+ years later makes you squirm with revulsion and mutter "what the HELL was I thinking?".   Human beings sure are a screwed up species.  Ah well...the circle of life.

Have a good week-end everyone

yer having to use a walker to stroll down memory lane pal

posted on Sept 19, 2008 5:53 PM ()


A college friend of mine had two brothers, one named Kim and the other named Jan. And as you commented to Sunlight, they were both good looking. I had a crush on Kim for a while too. They are all a very interesting bunch. And I mean that in a good way! And I must of missed something here - what's with the walker? Something new?
comment by catdancer on Oct 4, 2008 7:58 AM ()
You might have saved that boy
comment by grumpy on Sept 24, 2008 5:13 PM ()
You are so right Bugg, I went to my 25 reunion a few yrs ago..and OMG..the most gorgeous boy in High School looked like he was 200 yrs old. I was shocked. But the one guy I really wanted to see wasn't there. I sorta glad he wasn't..cuz boy had we all changed..
comment by elfie33 on Sept 24, 2008 8:35 AM ()
well bugg yer right our feelings do change yes we get older and think gawd what i ever see in that its good to think back at times i often do that bug kepe that walker well oiled great post there girl
comment by oldroan on Sept 22, 2008 5:28 PM ()
A fascinating back-porch-rocker glimpse of smalltown life.
comment by hayduke on Sept 22, 2008 10:07 AM ()
i dated a guy all threw high school dumped his ass for a bigger jerk. was married to him for 16 years. dumped his ass. and now married a great guy. oh life i guess we never know till we live it.
comment by butterfly1969 on Sept 22, 2008 9:56 AM ()
boy, isn't that the truth! I hear about a few of the guys I dated and think " well, I would have certainly been divorced by now." Glad you can hear the game from your place... nothing beats high school football for a fun Friday night.
comment by cindy on Sept 21, 2008 7:38 PM ()
Boy you can say that again! Hey what number Deb am I?
comment by teacherwoman on Sept 21, 2008 11:21 AM ()
Ahh. The joys of remembered perfection from those beautiful days gone by... I think thats why I live 700 miles from the old hometown, less chance of running into the old nightmares! I remember things from then WAY too well and why can't I find my doggone keys too?
comment by jwrone on Sept 21, 2008 11:16 AM ()
I had a crush on Ernie from My Three Sons for years. He knew it too. I'd die if I ran into him today. LOL Love the story. You always make me smile.
comment by sumkindabich on Sept 21, 2008 3:55 AM ()
Just your mention of the name Jan (who was a male) brings back memories of going to basketball games in high school. Jan... what a good looking, tall, blond, unattainable hunk! Used to sit in the bleachers and drool. But, had no hopes in those days of even speaking to him. Hmmm. Memories...
comment by sunlight on Sept 20, 2008 10:06 PM ()
You could have been writing about me in this one. I was in lust with at trombone player and even became engaged to him. He, too, went on to become a bandleader (yawn). During college I grew up and met my Fly Guy and married the right one! I have run into Mr T-Bone player a few times. I try to be humble and not let him know just what a wonderful life he missed by being a control freak and making me run for my life. Thanks for the stroll down memory lane.
comment by mzscarlett on Sept 20, 2008 5:21 PM ()
You crack me up. I especially enjoy your Hormone High football game tales, reminders of those Friday nights in the mid-1960s at my old high school. A pretty good team, no marching band, and the action in the bleachers was much more interesting than anything on the field.

These Friday evenings I can faintly hear the field announcer call the plays at my nearby neighborhood high school. Never quite know who is winning or losing, just the crowd cheers can bring back the memories. Saturday mid-morning the school's marching band practices, and that can be a weekend wake up call, let me tell you.

Hope you have a cheerful weekend, Bugg!
comment by marta on Sept 20, 2008 11:18 AM ()
Nostalgia--wonderful, isn't it? People that I haven't seen in ages--never age to me. Then when I finally see them, I am stunned with the changes in their appearance. Crazy, huh?
comment by angiedw on Sept 20, 2008 9:30 AM ()
This kind of retrospective can be depressing... I remember seeing a girl I'd been hot for in high school, years later, in a shopping center. I'm not sure which number was highest, the number of snot-nosed kids she was dragging along, or the number of teeth she had missing.
comment by looserobes on Sept 20, 2008 8:14 AM ()
wasn't that Kay Star song The wheels goes around.
Maybe this before your time.
comment by fredo on Sept 20, 2008 7:04 AM ()
We get better looking and more interesting while they get old.
comment by elderjane on Sept 20, 2008 6:18 AM ()
One never knows what the future holds, especially when it is a time span of say...20 to 30 years.
comment by hopefields on Sept 20, 2008 1:05 AM ()
Life is indeed funny...is it chance or fate!
comment by strider333 on Sept 19, 2008 9:42 PM ()
OTHER people change for the worse as the yewars go by--NOT US!!!
comment by greatmartin on Sept 19, 2008 7:11 PM ()

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