Good Evening, MyBloggerstown:
    As usual, I'm just sittin' here watching the wheels go 'round and 'round(apologies to John Lennon, who was the walrus by the way) and rotting my brain with the mindless dreck on the tube...otherwise known as the local and national news and not really paying attention.Â
    Devil's Asshole High is having another ass whipping..I mean football game tonight. I can hear the p.a. system and harken back to my student days when me and my dipshit friends (Deb1, Deb 2, Judy, Deb 2's friend Noreen, and Annette) would go to the games...not so much for the sporting aspects but for the "sporting" aspects...if ya git my drift. Our focus, in those halcyon days, was the marching band. Deb 2's main squeeze was a base drummer. A skinny, homely, black head encrusted gnome named Lance. Noreen had the hots for a trombone player named Jan(yes Jan was male. At the time the band was military themed and did not admit girls. This changed a coupla years later amidst the most raucus broo ha ha anyone had ever seen, complete with death threats). I of course was gaa gaa over Judy's brother Todd who played the saxaphone. Todd was a pear shaped, four eyed, pidgion toed dweeb. God he was beautiful!  Deb1 and Annette were the group trollops and as such were free range cruising. We'd set up camp in the stands and conduct sortees to the consession stand for cokes and the girl's room for clandenstine smokes(Deb1 and Annette...the rest of us didn't indulge until in later years when it came to substances other than tabaccy). The rest of the time we'd wave at, yell to, converse with and generally distract our respective heart throbs. Deb 2 and Noreen's affections were returned but in my case alas, my love for Todd remained unrequited. Nevertheless, I was undaunted and continued to annoy the crap out of him.  By my senior year however, I had moved on to the no lipped wonder to whom I would ultimately  loose my virginity. Eventually Todd married a mousely, bland, unremarkable girl from the neighborhood that was the perfect match for him as he turned out to be as bland, boring colorless and unremarkable as she. He went on to lead a bland, boring, unremarkable life in a cracker box ranch house in the same neighborhood where we all grew up. The very model of American middle classery. And I thank the stars everyday that I dodged that bullet. I often fantasize about running into Todd, who still lives here in town I understand, and catching up.
Todd: "It never did work out for us did it, Bugg?"
Me: " wouldn't have been dull...for YOU."
Funny, isn't it, how your feelings change so dramatically? The person you thought that the sun and moon rose and set in their ass, now, some 30+ years later makes you squirm with revulsion and mutter "what the HELL was I thinking?".  Human beings sure are a screwed up species. Ah well...the circle of life.
Have a good week-end everyone
yer having to use a walker to stroll down memory lane pal