Well, the two major parties has surely gotten us into a pickle. It'll be difficult but with the help of the Amurican People, and this panel of financial advisors I have recruited, we can straighten all this out toots suite. I have known these gentlemen a long time and, believe me, when it comes to collecting on that $700 billoin dollar loan we are giving those slimey bastids on Wall Street, these are just the men to take the case. Fuggeddabout Fed Chairman Ben Bernacke, SEC Chairman Chris Cox, and Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson. My team has men of the "caliber" we need to fix this FUBAR situation.

Yes, my friends, sometimes ya gotta fight fire with fire. And the 25% "honorarium" we'll pay them, is a bargan. The taxpayers will get their money back with substantial interest once these guys have a "conversation" with the CEOs of AIG, Smith Barney, and Freddie and Fannie and our economy will be back on an "earning" basis once again. And they'll be no "golden parachuttes" for those Wall Street pus bags.....cement overshoes mebee.
So remember, ladies and germs, if you want real financial leadership, real economic prosperity, and an end to all the double dealing shenanigans, you know what to do. Run, don't walk to yer nearest polling place some 40 days from now and cast yer vote for the true change candidate.
Vote early, vote often....VOTE FOR BUGG!!!!!!
yer Sil, Tony, and Paulie have even offered to drive voters to the polls....now is that civic minded or what pal