Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > Some Observations: Bailout and Debate Edition

Some Observations: Bailout and Debate Edition

Good Friday Evening, Blog Pals:
    Well, the bastids did it. The conga line of weasels known colletively as the U. S. Congress sold us down the river on a raft of pork.  This was not a bailout, ladies and germs, it was a stick up.  I cannot believe the list of crap those pud knockers in our national legislative body attached to the "emergency" Wall Street bill.  Call me stupid but I fail to see the "emergency"  in hundreds of millions of dollars for race track enhancements, wool studies, assistence to rum producers(now I can pro'lly see THAT....we'll all need a good, stiff drink after this royal screwing) and various other wasteful, useless boondoggles. But not one farthing for ailing schools, rotting infrastructure ,health care or aid to small businesses or family farms I noticed. I don't know about you, blog pals, but I feel like I've been date raped then robbed. Its time we cleaned house (and senate).  All incumbents, especially the ones who voted for this noxious sack of legislative poo should be turned out of office come election day, if not sooner.  So I say to you, re-elect no one.  This includes our two senators Frank Lee Corrupt(Mummified-West By God) and James William (Jim-Bill)Gotrocks VIII (Rich Ass- West By God)  and Rep. Otis T. Fudpucker(Greed Is Good-West By God).  Its too bad they have outlawed horsewhipping because that's  just what all the members of Congress who sold out deserve.
      As far as the vice presidential debate went last night, it was predictable. I know that my own running mate, Cindy Lou, would've mopped the floor with both of those douche ba....I mean worthy opponents. But unfortunately, the Bugg Campaign's invitations to participate in these debates must have gotten lost in the mail.  Gov. Sarah Palen(Moose Menace-Alaska) didn't screw up as bad as everyone imagined she would.  I still don't think she's with it enough to be one anurism away from the most powerful office in the land but she didn't make a total horse's ass out of herself which is something.  Sen. Joe Biden (Hair Club For Men- Del.) was his usual smarmy, smirking, insincere,  phoney ass self. I bet when people shake hands with him they want to recount their fingers(or take a shower).  Both McCain and Obama could have made better, wiser choices, in my humble opinion.

But seriously, we all now know what we need to do.  Run all of them out on a rail and vote for a candidate who truely stands for change.   Once I am in office I will get this bailout horseshit repealed and indict every damn CEO on Wall Street.  We'll soon put this mess to right and get the Amurican economy back on a paying basis.  You Bet Yer Ass, Amurica. 
Vote eary .vote often, VOTE FOR BUGG!!!

yer in yer heart you know.....well, just vote for her pal

posted on Oct 3, 2008 6:14 PM ()


You truly have a way with words. To be totally honest, I really don't understand much of the bailout and what it means. I'm sort of lost in all the hype about it. In my understanding, a major lending bank needed to be bailed out, in order to keep lending??? Is that right? Maybe you can help me better understand it all. I tried researching it all, but couldn't find anything on it.
comment by hopefields on Oct 5, 2008 3:15 AM ()
comment by marta on Oct 4, 2008 7:15 PM ()
Too funny. Sorry I haven't been around Buggs. I can't believe you didn't get invited!
comment by teacherwoman on Oct 4, 2008 10:46 AM ()
first the bail out.Cannot beleived this is
happening.The post was great,look like you got us all
laughing here.
comment by fredo on Oct 4, 2008 8:51 AM ()
Right on!
comment by catdancer on Oct 4, 2008 7:43 AM ()
comment by angiedw on Oct 4, 2008 2:21 AM ()
Yes, OUR leader is once again telling it like it is--I knew I could depend on you for the truth!!!
comment by greatmartin on Oct 3, 2008 8:37 PM ()
And just how much of this $700B is going to end up in the pockets of these very same politicians - "who only want to help us" ??????
comment by oldfatguy on Oct 3, 2008 7:28 PM ()
Excellent summation, Cuz! As I said on my site yesterday, ahn writin you in and votin' NO on evrebudy else.VOTE FOR BUGGS!!!
comment by redimpala on Oct 3, 2008 6:46 PM ()
You had me laughing at your critique of last night's debate, ya know!
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 3, 2008 6:27 PM ()

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