Good Sunday, MyBloggerstown:
Had a fairly uneventful weekend. Talked with my sister-in-law Suffering(niece Jethrene's mama)and she reports that Jethrene and babies are doing well. An attorney has been obtained for the divorce proceedings and a restraining order keeping Shitstick away from the kids(his behavior has been irratic and he's been hanging around with some low, disreputabe characters so Jethrene fears for the children's safety when he has then on unsupervised visits) has been filed. The attorney, according to a number of Jethrene's work collegues who have used her, is a good one...a real bulldog when it comes to child custody. So I am confindent Jethrene has finally gotten her head out of her ass and sees Shitstick for the complete waste that he is and that the children will be protected from his neglect. Its a big load off my mind, lemme tell ya.
The sun has gone down here in Devil's Asshole and the last pink rays are slowly fading behind the trees that are at last beginning to turn. It's pleasantly warm and someone in the neighborhood has a bonfire going. The woodsmoke aroma is devine. The usual denizens of the neighborhood are out and about with their dogs, children, dogs they treat as children etc. Guess they realize that the seasons they are a' changin' and nice evenings like this will soon be a lovely memory when the winter winds begin to blow. Naturally, some jackass with one of those annoying baser speakers slides through the neighborhood(looking for the crack house, no doubt) and disturbs my revelry. Anyone who has car speakers loud enough to rattle house windows needs to have said speakers shoved straight up their ass...sideways.
Someone in the white stucco apartment building across the way has placed a MCCAIN/PALIN sign in their front yard. I wonder if Cletus and Maybelleen will let me plant an OBAMA/BIDEN(or mebee a BUGG/CINDY LOU) sign.... in the interest of equal time of course. I doubt it. Cletus and Maybelleen are lovely people but are a little on the redneck side and I really doubt an Obama sign would accurately reflect their political views and desires. Ah, well.
In sports news, it looks like my Dodgers have shellacked the Cubbies for the MLB division championship. Dare I hope that my beloved Bums will end up in the World Series. I have all fingers and toes crossed.
Well, tomorow begins another week. Have a good one, everybody.
yer bleeding Dodger Blue pal