A New Week Begins, MyBloggerstown:
15 days until I head to the the land of no discouraging words and the skies are not cloudy all day . Sold my foton and one of my living room chairs with an option for the other one along with some other things I need to get rid of. Took all my pictures off the wall, wrapped them in newspaper and packed them in a secure, sturdy box. I wanted to take a couple with me but they pro'lly don't allow picture frames on the plane. Sigh. My little house is starting to look so empty.
Well, Maybelleen and Cletus have installed a new tenent across the hall. Yet another "winner", she also gets a gub'ment check for some sort of mental problem. Maybelleen described her has being "a little slow". Right. She described the head case she had upstairs last month as "a little nervous". But what care I? In 15 days I am soooo outa here. I 'aspose I should be a little more patient and understanding with those whose mental abilities and handicaps are different than my own but what can I tell ya. I'm an asshole.
So, when the eagle farts on Wednesday, I'm gonna be busier than a one armed paper hanger, as my old daddy used to say. I need a couple more boxes to get a last few items stowed away. I need to ship the first of my clothing to Cow Snot. I have to fill out and submit my change of adress forms, call S.S. and get that all changed, make arrangements for the utilities to be turned off ...and so on and so on and scooby dooby dooby. It seems like it never ends.
Have a good week, everyone.
yer tired just thinking about all I need to do pal