Good Apres Thanksgiving, MyBloggerstown:
Had a fine dinner at Mama's yesterday. Turkey, stuffing, mashed spuds(real, not instant), gravy(from a packet shoved up the turkey's ass along with the giblets), green bean casserole, yams baked with brown sugar, deviled eggs, tossed salad, hot rolls with real dairy butter, jello parfait and pumpkin pie for dessert. Everything was scrumptious and I could barely waddle away from the table.
After which we watched as the idiots on the news practically ran each other over scrambling to get into shoping malls and stores. And you just know these morons had been waiting outside the store since 3 am for the store to open at 5 am. If anyone ever catches me doing that, please shoot me as I have lost all reason and don't deserve to live any longer. Then we tried to find a holiday movie to watch ; had no luck and finally settled on Cheaper By The Dozen II with Steve Martin. It was ok. The funniest part was where Steve Martin's dog "attacked" his arch rival's young bimbo of a trophy wife.
Crazy Sis and I didn't argue and Mama was actually gracious and didn't harp on my lack of success and a mate....for a change. I took home many leftovers which I had for lunch today...except for the pie which I ate last night before bed. Just couldn't resist.
So today it was back to packing. I lucked upon some nice cardboard boxes at the grocery store. They 're the kind that eggs come in. They're really sturdy and have handles cut in the sides for easy toting. I got 4 of them and I'm gonna place my dishes and cookwear in two. Then I'm gonna pack my spare bed linnens, pillows, blankets, and coats in the others. Between the layers of garments and bed things, I am placing my framed pictures so's they don't get broken or damaged. My house is starting to look empty.
I go back and forth as far as my feelings about this move go. I know I have to leave and I know this is the best thing for me now but I'm still not turning somersalts over this. The last coupla times I have talked with Suffering, my sis-in-law, I've gotten the feeling she's having second thoughts. There's just something in her voice....the old enthusiasm that was present when we first discussed this plan doesn't seem to be there anymore. I really can't think of anything I might have said or done to upset her. Do you think it was because I told her I was unable to babysit Jethrene's children? Nah....she couldn't possibly be that callous. Ah, well...we shall see.
have a good weekend, everyone
yer wonder as I wonder pal