Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > Holiday Postmortem and Big Move Update 4

Holiday Postmortem and Big Move Update 4

Good Apres Thanksgiving, MyBloggerstown:
     Had a fine dinner at Mama's yesterday. Turkey, stuffing, mashed spuds(real, not instant), gravy(from a packet shoved up the turkey's ass along with the giblets), green bean casserole, yams baked with brown sugar, deviled eggs, tossed salad, hot rolls with real dairy butter, jello parfait and pumpkin pie for dessert.   Everything was scrumptious and I could barely waddle away from the table.
    After which we watched as the idiots on the news practically ran each other over scrambling to get into shoping malls and stores.  And you just know these morons had been waiting outside the store since 3 am for the store to open at 5 am.  If anyone ever catches me doing that, please shoot me as I have lost all reason and don't deserve to live any longer. Then we tried to find a holiday movie to watch ; had no luck and finally settled on Cheaper By The Dozen II with Steve Martin.  It was ok.  The funniest part was where Steve Martin's dog "attacked" his arch rival's young bimbo of a trophy wife. 
     Crazy Sis and I didn't argue and Mama was actually gracious and didn't harp on my lack of success and a mate....for a change. I took home many leftovers which I had for lunch today...except for the pie which I ate last night before  bed.  Just couldn't resist.
     So today it was back to packing.  I lucked upon some nice cardboard boxes at the grocery store.  They 're the kind that eggs come in.  They're really sturdy and have handles cut in the sides for easy toting.  I got 4 of them and I'm gonna place my dishes and cookwear in two.  Then I'm gonna pack my spare bed linnens, pillows, blankets, and coats in the others.  Between the layers of garments and bed things, I am placing my  framed pictures so's they don't get broken or damaged. My house is starting to look empty.
     I go back and forth as far as my feelings about this move go.  I know I have to leave and I know this is the best thing for me now but I'm still not turning somersalts over this.  The last coupla times I have talked with Suffering, my sis-in-law, I've gotten the feeling she's having second thoughts.  There's just something in her voice....the old enthusiasm that was present when we first discussed this plan doesn't seem to be there anymore.  I really can't think of anything I might have said or done to upset her.  Do you think it was because I told her I was unable to babysit Jethrene's children?  Nah....she couldn't possibly be that callous.  Ah, well...we shall see.

have a good weekend, everyone

yer wonder as I wonder pal



posted on Nov 28, 2008 11:54 AM ()


Moving scares me even though I want to move to Kentucky.
comment by dragonflyby on Dec 5, 2008 10:36 PM ()
If you ever have a yen to move south, Georgia is the Land of Adventure and would welcome you with open arms. At least I would!
comment by mzscarlett on Nov 30, 2008 7:12 PM ()
It’s just about to late to start worrying now. Just keep plowing forward--enjoy the moment. A new adventure.
comment by grumpy on Nov 29, 2008 9:41 AM ()
Parlez vous Francais (apres)? Anyway, I suspect you're looking for signs of apprehension from your sister, because you're concerned about being a burden, despite their overtures. You know--"how do they really feel?" buzzing in your mind. Happy packing!
comment by solitaire on Nov 29, 2008 6:19 AM ()
Oh yeah, almost forgot,,,,,

Black Friday idiots are the best cheap entertainment around. Down in St. Augustine at the outlet mall, they threw a pajama party for the shoppers waiting in line!! the idiots actually came and waited in line all night in pajamas!!
comment by saito56 on Nov 29, 2008 4:43 AM ()
Sometimes when it comes to a big change in our lives, we start to second guess and have thoughts like, "am I doing the right thing?"

I know sometimes I over react and let my mind run away on me sometimes, (maybe I should just let it go!)

I am sure everything will be ok, make the move, and if you can sock some cash away and if things get difficult you can make another move. Heck you can move to Vegas and be a cocktail waitress, or a blackjack dealer!

First take care of buggs, I am sure things will work out well. Just give things a try, and be flexible, hard to do at my age!!
comment by saito56 on Nov 29, 2008 4:40 AM ()
Good luck on the packing Buggs. Glad you had a happy holiday. I know you can't wait to spend lots of time with those baby's and just squeeze em and get that sweet loving from those little angelics. Hang in there!
comment by cindy on Nov 28, 2008 8:41 PM ()
TCM had the original "Cheaper by the Dozen" with Clifton Webb on last night--a gem.
Anything new of the housing?? Hope you don't have too long a wait.
comment by greatmartin on Nov 28, 2008 6:48 PM ()
"we watched as the idiots on the news practically ran each other over scrambling to get into shoping malls and stores."
"NEW YORK (Reuters) - A Wal-Mart employee in New York state's Long Island died on Friday when a throng of shoppers surged into the store and physically broke down the doors," I knew there was a good reason to stay away from sales.
comment by nittineedles on Nov 28, 2008 2:38 PM ()
When you get out there if you need a break some time, you let me know because I am only about an hour away from there. Don't hesitate to call.
comment by troutbend on Nov 28, 2008 12:11 PM ()
Sounds as if your Thanksgiving dinner was marvelous! There are mashed potatoes that don't come in a box? My turkey juices (that make gravy) fell on the floor... good thing I caught the turkey! It's also a good thing I had some canned gravy! Also, my turkey came out kind of dry... I blame the stove (oven). Other than that, it was a good dinner!
BTW, things will turn out fine... and you'll end up baby-sitting, I'm sure!
comment by sunlight on Nov 28, 2008 12:09 PM ()

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