Honey Bugg


Honey Bugg
Duncan Falls, OH


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Life & Events > The Big Move: Update 3

The Big Move: Update 3

Happy Saturday(or Caturday to our feline citizens):
      I have been sorting and paring down my possesions all week.  Now if I only had some cardboard boxes I'd be all set.  As I don't have an automobile of my own at present, I can't go procure some.  I asked Crazy Sis if she couldn't pick me up some and she brought one. ONE. Jesus.  She has to be one of the biggest horse's asses on this or any other planet.  So last time I talked to Landlady Maybelleen I asked her if'en she would be so kind and pick me up a few.  She said she'd be deelighted.  Isn't she wonderful?  She wants me gone sooo bad. 
      Got the airline ticket confirmation from Suffering in the mail today.  Come the 17th of December I will be departing for the land where the buffalo roam.....where the deer and the cantalopes play.  One last adventure.  I was just thinking, Devil's Tower is located in Wyoming, scene of one of my all time fave films "Close Encounters of the Third Kind." That would be cool to go see live and in person.  Living out west is gonna be quite the culture shock....just like New York was....just like Devil's Asshole was after New York.  It'll be different. 
     Well, it's right frigid here, weatherwise.  Last night's low was 18...brrrrr. Hope everyone remembered to bring in their brass monkeys. Har Har.  This is way too cold for November.  This is January stuff.  We had a few inches of snow the other day but it's gone now.  It was mebee 2-3 inches ; still the local school board called for a 2 hour delay that morn.  Whata buncha wimps. Back in the Flower City by the Lake, it would snow three FEET and school would proceed as usual.  I think they did call school off for excessive heat one spring though.
     So, that's about it, so far.  I await the passage of time and the arrival of some packing materials.   I am getting anxious to get the show on the road.

Have a good weekend, everyone

yer antsy pal

posted on Nov 22, 2008 12:29 PM ()


Paring down one's possessions is a real challenge- at least for me. I have to unload tons of stuff and don't know where to start.
comment by dragonflyby on Dec 5, 2008 10:41 PM ()
oh gosh, 1 of the most stressful things in life is moving. ((((hugs))) I hope your goes smoothly. Happy trails
comment by lynnie on Nov 28, 2008 11:10 AM ()
Can't believe it is so cold there. Today, we had to use the AC to cool the house down. Good luck and best wishes on your new home.
comment by nenah on Nov 27, 2008 4:30 PM ()
One of my favorite states with Devil's Tower being amazing (yep-I've been there). Best of luck for the "New Adventures of Old Bugg".
comment by solitaire on Nov 25, 2008 7:23 AM ()
I wish I was closer I'd come by and help ya!!!
comment by sumkindabich on Nov 25, 2008 1:27 AM ()
Too bad I don't live closer, whenever I need boxes my sister sends me to Burger King and I get tons of them! Close Encounters of the Third Kind!!! Wow! I remember that movie. It was the one and only movie that my mother ever went into a theatre to see with us. Sorry, but I laughed when you said she brought you 'one' box. lol One little itty bitty box to store your most prized possessions in. Good grief!
comment by hopefields on Nov 24, 2008 11:37 PM ()
Doesn't your electric shut off on the 15th? What are you going to do in the 2 days in-between?
I am excited for ya!
And I concur - when I was growing up we rarely had school canceled due to piles of snow!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 24, 2008 8:48 AM ()
Just think--soon you will be able to annoy people in a brand new state. Maybe they should be warned? Naw
comment by grumpy on Nov 23, 2008 9:42 AM ()
Getting boxes without a car is really, really hard! Hope your landlady comes through. I just saw "Close Encounters" on hulu.com. It was quite good. I'd love to see Devil's Tower in person. Snow!!! It's still about 80 degrees here. We had the air conditioning on!
comment by sunlight on Nov 22, 2008 9:46 PM ()
What with cardboard recycling by the stores it's hard to get boxes unless you know someone at a liquor store or produce dept who you can ask to save some for you. I save all ours from our last move for the next move, which is years away, but Mr. Tbend keeps putting yard waste in them for the trash man. It is a battle of wits around here. I am excited to have you as a neighbor the the north.
comment by troutbend on Nov 22, 2008 7:10 PM ()
Wyoming is an amateur geologist's paradise. The granite base it sits upon was one of the hemisphere's earliest rocks to cool into a hard surface. Atop that in places are most of the sedimentary formations that have been laid down since them. The many mountain ranges are just full of wonderful places to look for minerals and rock specimens. It is also one of the Earth's most beautiful spots. Everything is remote. The quiet is stunning!
comment by jondude on Nov 22, 2008 4:18 PM ()
... what a wonderful adventure you are about to take!!!!
comment by cindy on Nov 22, 2008 2:35 PM ()
It's COLD down here, too--read my blog--well at least you will get a good laugh at what we call cold!!!
comment by greatmartin on Nov 22, 2008 1:23 PM ()
Enjoy the packing.Not the moving,that is work.
comment by fredo on Nov 22, 2008 1:04 PM ()
Best of luck with the packing! Finding boxes is always a challenge.
I would love to see Devil's Tower in person!
comment by lunarhunk on Nov 22, 2008 12:47 PM ()

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