Good Friday, MyBloggerstown:
    Had a real interesting conversation with Suffering, my sis-in-law. For some unfathomable reason they are anxious for me to get there. They have made the following offer: I come out next month(December) at some point before the Christmas madness. They offered to front me the money for an airline ticket. I come out with just my essensials(clothing, laptop etc.). Store all my furniture, books etc. at Crazy Sis's house . Then in April or so when Crazy Sis and Mama decide to come, I fly back and help them drive the U-Haul west with all our furnitures in it. This would save me a ton of dough-re-mi as I will not have rent, utilities and so forth to pay for about 4 months or more. Naturally, I will re-emburse Bubba and Suffering  for the ticket plus the extra electric/water/food expenses that they encur by my living there. I mean, I'm not gonna just mooch off of them. It sounds like a fantastic plan but I have to decide soon....before the 15th(tommorow) because we have to act fast to get a ticket before the holiday rush. I do not relish travelling at this time of year but it is a plan worthy of concideration.Â
    What I keep wondering is what their rush is? Why do they want me there so soon? Well Bugg, you say, mebee they love you and want you there for the holidays. Hah! I am held in about as much esteem by them as I am by Mama and Crazy Sis. And we all know that's somwhere between pond scum and pig shit. No, they want something. It can't be money. My meager Social Security check is hardly a fortune and wouldn't be worth their while. A babysitter? I already told them that the Auntie Bugg Daycare Center is out of bid'ness. I mean I love the children but I am failing and in no physical shape to scamper after 4 rambuncious tots(Jethro, Daisy May, Damien and Wednsday) plus 3 rowdy dogs(Brody/Buddy, Moose and Benson)and a tempermental cat(Munchkin). I am sure the reason behind their generousity of spirit will be revealed but in the meantime, no matter what thier movtive it's still good for me. I need to be away from here as soon as possible. I can't begin to tell you how uncomfortable I feel in this house now, what with all that's gone on the past year (i.e. the shooting, the drug busts, the neighborhood break ins, and the mental case tenents.) If I do this, it means I'm really gonna have to get on the stick. So much to do and so little time. Need to check and make sure my pain killer prescription is filled. And I need to start making my check list of things that need to be turned off, canceled etc. Well, at least it'll gimme somethin' to do.Â
I'll keep all of you apprised of my progress. If you have any thoughts or idears please don't hesitate.Â
Thank you for being my friends.
yer golden girl pal