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Many Sides Of G

Life & Events > Really Grumpy Mood!

Really Grumpy Mood!

Grrr!!! First of all today, Monday and Tuesday are a challenge because the two kids have half days and I don't! So I'm running back and forth (luckily I'm able to do that with my work breaks) and then Riss is left with Kevin for about 1 1/2 hours by herself before I get home.

I didn't get half the stuff I needed to done at work today (darn me not going to school on Wednesday!). Today was the first day Kev took the bus to our house afterschool and unfortunately it didn't go like I hoped :(

He was written up on his first day! When I asked why, he told me that there are 3 to a seat and he didn't have enough room and accidentally fell out of his seat. (who knows the truth) And the bus driver was writing him up for being out of his seat. Then to make things all the more peachy- he got a 40% on this weeks Spelling test! UGGGHHH!!! I'm soooo frustrated.

I called the Psychologist for an appt. to have him both evaluated for a learning disability and also to learn to manage his anger, but once again- no answer at the office. They have some real great office hours apparently!

The kids are fighting and being animals. It's raining so they're stuck inside. And oh yea, I forgot to mention my latest blunder!

Went to put the checks for lot rent and a new mailbox key in the manager's drop box, but being the air head I am- I PUT IT IN THE REAL MAILBOX INSTEAD! And there is really no retrieving it, so I guess I'll void those checks knowing that they aren't going anywhere without a stamp or address and write new ones.

Calgon? Someone?

Take me away!

posted on Apr 4, 2008 12:43 PM ()


sorry bout the mail box incident...
Are you a Jimmy Buffet fan?
"If we didn't laugh we'd just all go insane..."
Hang in there...
comment by kristilyn3 on Apr 7, 2008 8:34 AM ()
I love you Gwen! I do that kind of stuff and have days like that all of the time. I'm in good company and love it!
comment by frogfenatic on Apr 6, 2008 7:33 PM ()
Here's hoping that things only start looking *up* for you, Miss Gwen. You and your little ones...just hold them tight and remember that however tricky it might seem, this is going exactly as it should.
comment by janetk on Apr 6, 2008 11:05 AM ()
What grade is Kev in? Some of his issues may be lack of maturity. Before I put him in special ed, I would consider holding him back a year. It won't do nearly the harm that special ed can do. I firmly believe that children are often passed on when being held back might solve not only their learning problems but also their maturity issues. He's your son, and you know him much better than I do. But little boys do not mature as quickly as little girls and often benefit tremendously by being held back. Just a thought.
comment by redimpala on Apr 5, 2008 10:55 AM ()
I hate those days when everything I touch turns to crap and we all have them. The only remedy is to have good cry or pray, sometimes I do both! Hope tomorrow will be better. (((HUGS)))
comment by gapeach on Apr 5, 2008 7:38 AM ()
Hopefully the weekend will go better Gwen.
comment by texastar on Apr 4, 2008 10:25 PM ()
How frustrating!
Does Kev have an IEP?
I hope things go a little smoother. Try and fine some special time for yourself!
comment by lunarhunk on Apr 4, 2008 7:01 PM ()
comment by strider333 on Apr 4, 2008 5:11 PM ()
ugh! what a day! I hope you can have a relaxing evening gwen. kota gets written up on the bus for the most stupidest reasons, and yes one was for falling out of his seat! good grief!
comment by elkhound on Apr 4, 2008 2:31 PM ()
Oh, my! When it rains problems,it pours! Shake it off; tomorrow is another day and hopefully, a better one!
comment by angiedw on Apr 4, 2008 2:09 PM ()

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