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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Control


My ex is still obsessing and trying to control me. He said so many ridiculous things tonight and all in the so called name of "wanting me back". He tries to make me feel bad, guilty for moving on and being happy. He turns the past four months around so that every thing is different. He tries to make me feel crazy and up until recently, it almost always worked.

Not any more! I told him straight out through all of his threats, demands, desperate sadness and anger. I told him that I am happy and I won't let anything or any one take this happiness away from me.

Here are some examples of his irrational behavior tonight:

1. He brought up the fact that our anniversary is coming up next week but "Pretended" to think it was a different day just to get "attention" from me.

2. He told me he disapproved of G going to "his kids" functions and said that when he ok'd the kids meeting him, he didn't mean spending "every waking moment together". (It has only been the past two Friday's and my daughter personally invited him to Thursday's recital).

3. He brought up selling the house and that some how it was my "responsibility" to contact a lawyer to sell it. Then he said he didn't want to sell it. Then this conversation turned into one about me "abandoning him"

4. Then it turned into a conversation about me "owing him money"

I'm learning and growing. I'm too tired to write more now but I will soon. xo

posted on June 6, 2008 10:08 PM ()


Believe it or not, he's doing you a favor. He may be making it more difficult to deal with him, but he's making it easier for you to continue on your current track. He is desperate, which is so often the case when somebody feels they're losing something, which I know you understand so you MIGHT even sympathize with somewhat...but, really, you should see that it is only that and nothing more. Because, if the two of you were still together and none of this was happening, things would be exactly the way they were...and there was something definitely wrong there. You stay strong and don't worry about taking care of yourself before worrying about him or his feelings. It's a little too late for him to expect anything different from you.
comment by donnamarie on June 16, 2008 9:56 AM ()
He's desperate. He'll try anything. Stand your ground.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 10, 2008 7:42 AM ()
His behavior will keep you focused on the future and not the past. Be glad ... my husband is being wonderful and keeps me wondering "what if." Grab your new life and be happy! It must feel great to know you don't have to put up with it anymore.
comment by frogfenatic on June 9, 2008 10:01 PM ()
He does sounds very controlling and seems as though he plays crazy making games. Please be careful. Continue to stand firm with him. Take care.
comment by hopefields on June 8, 2008 11:22 PM ()
It's hard to withstand these kinds of efforts on you... but, you're doing well. I know you're a strong woman who will come out all right in the end!
comment by sunlight on June 7, 2008 9:04 PM ()
look what he'd done.. but you still shut your mouth up
comment by mustakim on June 7, 2008 6:00 PM ()
I like what jondude said about your new life awaiting, Gee. I'm not sure that vindictiveness is the way to go because of your children...but stay your ground.You left because somehow, deep down inside, you knew you deserved better...only trouble is that he didn't realize it.Don't stop believing that you deserve happiness and a fresh start.
comment by janetk on June 7, 2008 5:52 AM ()
Here's an idea: Six months after my ex walked out on me I threw a big backyard invitation-only party and sent out invitations ahead of the event. It was on October 6, 2002, on what would have been out 23rd wedding anniversary. I called it the "Very, Very Un-anniversary Event." The invitation had a retouched photo of one of our wedding pics where I was turning and smooching her lips. I was with curly hair, in the tux and dressed to kill. She wore her wedding dress. Bit I took off every part of her by making the photo appear as if it had been torn in half vertically. All you could see of here was part of her face and her lips. We had a fantastic barbecue for sixty people, dipped into my wine cellar, four full washtubs of iced beer, and the party lasted until the sun came up.

Boy, was she p.o.-ed when she saw one of those invitations that a "friend" gave her. I told that friend to bugger off and that he wouldn't be invited to the next bash.

You have to drive wedges between you and the "old" life. The new life awaits.
comment by jondude on June 7, 2008 5:20 AM ()
I know that it must be difficult maintaining your strenght against this constant flood of recriminations. You are seeing him for what he is--and you are not empowering him--good for you! I hope you rested well.
comment by angiedw on June 7, 2008 2:59 AM ()

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