My ex is still obsessing and trying to control me. He said so many ridiculous things tonight and all in the so called name of "wanting me back". He tries to make me feel bad, guilty for moving on and being happy. He turns the past four months around so that every thing is different. He tries to make me feel crazy and up until recently, it almost always worked.
Not any more! I told him straight out through all of his threats, demands, desperate sadness and anger. I told him that I am happy and I won't let anything or any one take this happiness away from me.
Here are some examples of his irrational behavior tonight:
1. He brought up the fact that our anniversary is coming up next week but "Pretended" to think it was a different day just to get "attention" from me.
2. He told me he disapproved of G going to "his kids" functions and said that when he ok'd the kids meeting him, he didn't mean spending "every waking moment together". (It has only been the past two Friday's and my daughter personally invited him to Thursday's recital).
3. He brought up selling the house and that some how it was my "responsibility" to contact a lawyer to sell it. Then he said he didn't want to sell it. Then this conversation turned into one about me "abandoning him"
4. Then it turned into a conversation about me "owing him money"
I'm learning and growing. I'm too tired to write more now but I will soon. xo