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Defining Gee

Life & Events > If This House is a Rockin ...

If This House is a Rockin ...

I am so frustrated with the construction, or is it DESTRUCTION on my street. For that matter, the whole city is torn up and almost impossible to get through. They're putting in new septic lines, but the inconvenience is...a bunch of shit (ok sorry for the bad joke, but after living with G for 2's natural). Seriously though, it's been over a month that I'm woke up 7 days a week by loud men and machinery shaking my whole house. The dogs bark constantly because they don't understand what these idiots are yelling about in front of our house. And as if that's not bad enough, I haven't been able to park in my driveway (or even on my street) in 3 days. And I don't think I mentioned that I didn't even get any advance notice that I wouldn't be able to get in or out of my driveway. I mean...there is like a whole in front of my driveway. I could barely WALK out of the yard to get to my car yesterday. I had to walk through the dangerous construction site. Honestly, I could go on and on about the day to day crap I've had to deal with...but I'll stop here. I think we get the picture. I'm looking forward to it being done in December...I hope.

On an unrelated topic, my switch flipped again! I was in such a positive frame of mind in my last post and then about a week ago, it just changed. I don't really know why or how. I know that at the moment, something annoyed me...but it lasted...and lasted. I'm not feeling depressed as much as just plain old cranky and short fused.

On Veteran's day, we had a memorial for my friend's son who passed in a car accident one year ago on this day. It turned out so big and unbelievably beautiful. Over 100 people came and released balloons with personal messages to Matt. The sky was unbelievably beautiful. I simply have to attatch a picture. I will never look at balloons the same and both my daughter and i have both decided that some day when we're no longer here in body, we'd like the same done for us.

Out of curiosity, who of our bloggers believes in spirits? As in communication of those who've passed with us who remain here on Earth? I definitley do and could probably write many blogs on my experiences and those of people I know. I find it comforting and amazing!

posted on Nov 16, 2010 12:10 PM ()


I would love to read about experiences from other bloggers too. I will work on this soon! hmm...where to start? Thanks for stopping by
comment by firststarisee on Nov 16, 2010 5:24 PM ()
Well, I for one would love to read those stories!For what it's worth, I have a list half a mile long of people I intend to haunt.
comment by juliansmom on Nov 16, 2010 4:34 PM ()
reply by firststarisee on Nov 16, 2010 5:21 PM ()
Most certainly, believe I will be back! I have told all of my family to expect me in either a visual presence or 'signs' (clocks going backwards)etc. But, they know to be 'aware of me'.
I would love to read your experiences, please write them
comment by augusta on Nov 16, 2010 2:07 PM ()
I believe in spirits for sure... And that picture is fabulous! Sorry about the construction - what a bummer!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Nov 16, 2010 12:13 PM ()
oh cool! I'm glad somebody else here would probably enjoy my stories
reply by firststarisee on Nov 16, 2010 12:19 PM ()

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