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Defining Gee

Money & Finance > To Nap or to Blog?

To Nap or to Blog?

Usually when I'm feeling like this, I nap. I have an hour before I have to head back to work and I want to nap, but I nap almost every day...and today's one of the worst I've had in a while. I've cried real tears. I've felt fear and sadness and regret. I've felt guilt and shame and anger...fierce anger.

This started out with the potential of being a really great week. I had it all planned out!

And today wasn't that bad until I started thinking about the holidays...and lack of money...and the recent reasons why. Then all of the above feelings started kicking in high force and...I talked to G. We have such a great relationship but there is one area where we just can't communicate without bringing too much feelings of hurt to the! So one text turned into a hudred; each one nastier than the prevoius; turning on eachother as to who wasn't pulling their weight financially. It started badly. It ended worse. I'm hurt. He's hurt.

I don't want to be without him. He's my emotional rock, pillow and oxygen. It's all about finding a way to pay the bills...and provide the kids with a Christmas. Of course "it's not about the gifts" blah bla bla...but we each bring up our kids with expectations by what the previous holiday was like. And we've been raised to believe that how much we get depends on how "good we've been". So my kids have already taken a cut since the divorce and this year not only threatens to be's become much worse this week as I lost a big chunk of expected income due to something out of my control.

So I know that was brief and not well explained...but I did get it a little off my chest. I'll check back later and see if there's more I may add to these thoughts.

posted on Dec 2, 2010 10:48 AM ()


I send so few text messages, I can barely imagine all the typing to have an argument via text messages. That's some real dedication, and I suppose there are some interesting acronyms. Sending best wishes that things get worked out for the best.
comment by troutbend on Dec 3, 2010 6:43 PM ()
Oh my goodness...I say that all the time...."I had it all planned out!"

Well, my dear, we seem to be much similar situations once again so I totally feel this post. You'd think I would stop being so surprised, eh? I've been feeling the pinch BIG time, too and with three kids to shop for, there's no way I can come even close to what they've had years before. And it's not about the presents...we know that, right? But it is an expression of the love we have for our children and maybe even the thanks we want to extend to them for being such great kids, for getting through some tougher than most times this past year and to let them know that we acknowledge what they've already gone without.

Is it at all possible to talk to your ex about some extra support over the holidays? I know that's not ideal at all but pride never buttered any bread. I did it with Troy...worst conversation ever...but it benefited my kids at least.

And finally...the anger. I get that too, sister. I am exactly the same way. I could take a certain someone OUT I'm so pissed...
comment by juliansmom on Dec 2, 2010 5:20 PM ()
You can do both.Nap and blog.
comment by fredo on Dec 2, 2010 11:30 AM ()
Sometimes, the most important thing is to just vent.
I know what you mean about how tough it is with the holiday seasons and a cash flow problems. we are in a similar situation this year. The good news is that the holidays are not about the wrapped gifts, but about the love we share with each other. Friends and family make it worth while.
comment by lunarhunk on Dec 2, 2010 11:22 AM ()

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