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Defining Gee

Life & Events > Relationships > Christmas Week

Christmas Week

Well, it's Christmas week! Can you believe it? It's like...ready or not, here it comes! I've been real worried about not being able to give others the gifts I enjoy giving. I know that many people are in the same financial position this year and considering it all, I have to say that I'm happy with what G and I have been able to get for the kids. Of course I wish I could buy for everyone, but the adults understand. We've all agreed that for us it's the spirit of making our kids smile that's our favorite part of the holiday. G came up with the idea of making eachother a gift. I can't post my idea for him yet, because he reads :) I'm sure his well totally out-do mine! He's such a crafty, sentimental sap! Gosh, I totally LOVE him! How lucky am I? I don't spend nearly enough time bragging about him, but I'm completely spoiled in so many ways xo. Speaking of being crafty, I got him totally hooked on scrapbooking. This used to be my hobby and I thought it was awesome that he was going to give it a try. Well I've completely changed my mind and really don't want to scrap with him anymore! He's way too darn good and makes me look so boring in comparison! :)

If I ever doubted that getting back to work was a huge part in my "recovery", I have been reminded again how important work is for me. Not just for the logical reason of we can't live without income, but also because not working is extremely bad for my depression. It's funny how opposite the mind and body are from each other. When I'm in that low state that's starting to go on longer than a couple of days, I feel like I don't want to go out of the house. I feel like I can't work and can't face people. Sometimes I really don't want to get out of bed at all. But in reality, not working is really depressing. It's the excess thing! Anything in moderation is great, but alot of it isn't always better! We need and crave free time yes! But too much free time leads to sooo many things, mostly all stemming from too much time to think.

So the past two weeks I've found myself getting into the same negative mindset that I spent way too long in. I can't wait until the kennel opens back up and I can get back to working. But at the same time, my shoulder is not looking forward to it! It had been feeling sooo much better and then 4 hours doing a cleaning job yesterday and OUCH!! Aleve, Bio-Freeze and a heating pad are again my 3 (best) Amigos!

It's my nephew's first Christmas and I'm also thankful I was able to get him nice gifts that I'm excited for my sister to open. I am soooo in love with my nephew guys!! I know how grandparents feel now! It's soooo awesome to experience all the best parts of a new baby in the family, but to still be able to get full nights sleep at night when he goes back home! hehe He's three months now and just starting to really interact and show personality. I watch him as much as I can. The other night he was in such a good mood while he was over (which he usually is). Every time he smiled, tears came to my eyes. I'm so thankful for this miracle who came into our lives in 2010.

Things have been really tough with my son...It's quite sad really. He can be such a good boy...or he can be sooo bad...and hurtful. This could be a blog of its own, but honestly it's a topic still too sensitive to write for tonight.

My daughter and I are real close. It's great for G and I. She's so attached to us and makes us feel so loved and important. But at the same time, it's really sad that both of our kids feel comfortable at the parent's house in which they primarily live and don't necessarily look forward to spending time and nights at the other parent's house. Reason #101 that divorce sucks for kids.

But all in all, things are so much better this year than they were last year. We're broke...but we're happy!

Merry Christmas to all of you and if I don't write again...Happy 2011!

posted on Dec 19, 2010 7:30 PM ()


Hang in there. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas. nenah
comment by nenah on Dec 22, 2010 8:02 AM ()
What a great post.Seems as though you and I came to the same conclusions this year about Christmas. I'm so glad to see you smiling.
comment by juliansmom on Dec 20, 2010 5:29 PM ()
I love when we're in sync! I totally want to come meet you someday! You're just one of those "soul" connections that I feel. Merry
Christmas to you and the kids! I'm wishing so many things for you in this upcoming year. I hope that your recent milestone with Troy has been just the beginning.
reply by firststarisee on Dec 20, 2010 6:15 PM ()
Make a Difference in our World - Share Your Heart with Everyone and give them the gift of yourself.

Happy Holidays,
comment by anacoana on Dec 20, 2010 10:14 AM ()
Best wishes to you and your family for a wonderful Christmas.
comment by troutbend on Dec 19, 2010 9:14 PM ()
I'm glad things are going well with G. and why is the kennel closed this close to the holidays? I don't get it. Merry Christmas and happy new year!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on Dec 19, 2010 7:57 PM ()
I guess she closes for 3 weeks in December...because she can! lol
reply by firststarisee on Dec 20, 2010 6:16 PM ()

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