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Life & Events > Boring > I'm Still Around ... Saying Hello

I'm Still Around ... Saying Hello

Hello!!! (echo..echo..echo...) Is anybody out there?

I have to be honest, I'm back around because janetk/ aka...julliansmom is back online!! And I've missed her and her blogs so much! And for some unknown reason, she seems interested in my life too! Crazy! :)

So here's an update of my life (abbreviated version) :)

I'm working again! Not as a teacher, but instead working with dogs. As most of you know, dogs are one of my great loves of life, so I really do enjoy this a lot. You'd be surprised how much better most of the dogs listen than the teenagers I used to teach! The place I work is really quite unique. It's a dog hotel type business and most people are really surprised at how much there is to taking care of 20-30 dogs and the building daily. It's hard physical work, but I really just like it a lot! Working weekends isn't that fun (and I'm making much less money), but I'm happy! Really happy!

I am an AUNT for the 1st time!! It is so amazing. I was in the delivery room while my sister gave birth. Wow! I mean, I've obviously done it myself twice...but it's WAY different when you're on the other end! I can't believe I did that! And then did it again! It was just horrible! LOL My sister did amazing and I'm sooo in love with my nephew. I watch him at least once a week and stop to see him almost every day. My whole family can't get enough of him! Uncle G and ~Cousins Riss, and Kev are all want him here as much as possible. We are all set up with our own bassinet and all! He's really been a great help in lifting my depression.

My 10 yr. old son has had two hip surgeries since June. This has been very tough... They are calling it a "growth injury" although usually this condition happens in boys much bigger than my son. There is a small concern it could be some hormonal imbalance causing the bones to displace/fracture. They are doing follow-up testing and I'm praying the worst is behind us. He will unfortunately have to have at least one more surgery next spring to take out the metal rods that hold his hip bones in the sockets :( On the positive note, he's doing better in school this year. It's not easy on any of us, but ultimately Kev's learning that he has to do it; it's not going to be easy and nobody can do it for him!

Riss is in high school! Only 4 more years! Cliche~ I know~ but where did the time go??? She is still such a good girl. Still getting all A s; never any discipline problems; taking dance class once a week. She's really a dream! Except for what a slob she is! And I do know that this is much to my doing....for doing too much! I mean the girl just learned how to cut her own meat last year! LOL (true though) I never really thought that I coddled my kids; only loved them by doing things for them. But now I'm starting to see that she especially, needs to do more for herself and to help me.

G and I are doing well. We are right back to being as close as we ever will. I still feel our souls are connected and he is my best friend. But for several reasons, I know that I am not ready to get married. We're committed and in love...and in all areas of our lives...learning to live one day at a time. Who knows what will happen in the future? Certainly not me! If we could only predict the future, right? It would be both a gift and a curse! Psshhh! No thanks...

Leave me a smiley or something and let me know you stopped by! Hopefully I'll be around more...if I can find anything semi-interesting to write about.

posted on Oct 28, 2010 9:43 AM ()


glad things are going well for you. poor kev, give him a hug from me. I so wish I could work with dogs too, humans are so drama filled.
comment by elkhound on Nov 1, 2010 5:44 AM ()
MyBloggers is "home" to many of us. We're small, but close. Glad you're back.
comment by solitaire on Oct 31, 2010 6:27 AM ()
comment by kjstone on Oct 28, 2010 6:38 PM ()
Yay!*You* are one of the big reasons I got Internet at home again...I hated being so out of touch with you and having to rely on infrequent phone calls.I will always find you intersting and hope you can "blog it out" more often.
comment by juliansmom on Oct 28, 2010 5:06 PM ()
It is soooo wonderful to have you online again and to be able to keep up with each other
reply by firststarisee on Oct 29, 2010 9:57 AM ()
comment by hobbie on Oct 28, 2010 1:09 PM ()
Thanks for the hello
reply by firststarisee on Oct 28, 2010 3:27 PM ()
I'm glad you're back because I missed you. I love taking care of people's dogs at my house, maybe partly because, like grandchildren, they have such a good time while visiting, and then they go home at some point.
comment by troutbend on Oct 28, 2010 10:38 AM ()
Awww TY! And I know what you mean about having them there only "temporarily"! Same with watching my new nephew! I love, love, love...dogs and babies (no particular order)!
reply by firststarisee on Oct 28, 2010 10:48 AM ()
Sounds like fun working with the dogs--- that's what R and I want to do down the line! Is there anything this business does that separates them from the rest in your eyes? Glad you and G are doing well...
comment by kristilyn3 on Oct 28, 2010 10:07 AM ()
I guess the idea that they're treated like they are at home (basically). We have mini rooms for the dogs with small pieces of furniture like toddler beds and doggie cots. We have several outdoor yards as well as a big indoor playroom. We make play groups in these areas so the dogs get lots of play time. I'm not really sure what it is exactly...but it's something...we're almost fully booked up to a year ahead at a time (at least for school breaks and holidays). It would be perfect for you and R. My sis is opening her own kennel similar to this one, where she actually worked for 10 yrs. We have enough clients to share among the 2 places...and I'm going to work at both! Kristy! I always think of you whenever we have a doodle!
reply by firststarisee on Oct 28, 2010 10:14 AM ()
I am sure that you must be loving working with the dogs. It really is a perfect job for you.
I am so sorry to hear about your son's surgeries. That must tough on him.
It is great that Riss is doing so well in HS!
Congrats on your weight loss. That is great! You should be so proud.
comment by lunarhunk on Oct 28, 2010 9:57 AM ()
Thanks AJ! Things are really good right now! I hope they are for you as well
reply by firststarisee on Oct 28, 2010 10:07 AM ()
Oh and how did I forget!! I'm down about 25 lbs. since I last blogged and it's really just the increased physical activity, a little less eating...and just being happier I believe!
comment by firststarisee on Oct 28, 2010 9:46 AM ()
CONGRATS girl!!!
reply by kristilyn3 on Oct 28, 2010 10:06 AM ()

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