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Defining Gee

Parenting & Family > At Least for Tonight

At Least for Tonight

It's been two days since I've written and in many ways it seems like longer. Today was a tough one for me. Under an umbrella of humidity and heat up to 96 by this afternoon, I really got myself in a funk. I had some help along with this funk to and his name is "Ex". Unfortunately his was aided by our son who in turn made me so upset. In retrospect, I guess I may have over-reacted. It has been pretty smooth sailing for me lately and I need to anticipate these bumps in the road.

I got a call from ex while I was at the grocery store on my lunch break. He tells me our son didn't go to school today and I ask wy. He says that it was because he had a belly ache this morning and was upset. Ex tells me he doesn't know what he was upset about but when my son got on the phone and I asked him, he eventually told me. And I was soooo upset that my son would try to play these kind of games that he was playing. He was not upset and did not have a belly ache when I brought him to ex this morning. Then my son gets on the phone and says he was upset because "G was telling him what to do and to do his homework". I was livid. This is complete baloney and just the kind of games kids play on parents to get their way (ie: to stay home from school). This led to me having to hash our whole situation out again with the ex. It's getting so I really can't talk to him anymore. It's really getting to the point where I no longer want to be his friend. He makes me unhappy and who needs friends like that?

In addition, I'm really starting to worry about not having a teaching position next year. I've tried not to get nervous but I'm positive I should've heard something by now and I can't get anyone to return my calls or emails about the job.

Well I want to tell about my weekend, the happy times. But unfortunately I'm so tired from the heat and stress.

G heard me cry for the first time since we've been together today and then he showed up unexpectedly with ring pops for the kids and a single, white rose for me. I was very surprisd and it did make me feel better, at least for tonight.

posted on June 9, 2008 8:20 PM ()


Well, you knew there would be bumps because you know life always has bumps. Riding them out, meeting them head-on, getting over them, and moving on is what we all need to do with every bump that comes along, and you have already learned a considerably lot about being able to do that. So, have some faith in yourself and you will come through.
comment by donnamarie on June 16, 2008 10:13 AM ()
That was very sweet of G to do that. He sounds like a really nice guy. I know all kids have a hard time with divorce. My son was no picnic believe you me...but it does get better..
comment by elfie33 on June 11, 2008 1:31 PM ()
It's so hard when kids are going though a divorce. Their experience is so different than ours is, and sometimes we really have to work to remember it. We (adults, although it can be hard to act that way sometimes) know the reasons behind the divorce, but our kids don't. Oh we try to explain it, and we try reassure them, but really all they know is- mom and dad aren't in the same house anymore.What did I do- So they cling, or act out for attention, push their bounderies, etc. In doing this at least they are getting some attention in the me me me divorce battles. Even if you can stay friends with the ex, divorce is a very self consuming project and Kids feel left out. Just take good deep breathes (like yoga breathes) when this happens. If you can, sit down with kids and ex and try to set "ground rules". Get the ex to support you and you support him in the "attention/disapline" area. Get some chocolate. And hang on, it's a bumpy ride
comment by ducky on June 10, 2008 11:14 PM ()
Well, your day ended on a very nice note! How very sweet... I guess the problems are bound to come in all lives, but they are hard to deal with. I know this very well. Hope things go better for you. The weather, as AJ said, does cause us moodiness, too. It is hot here, too. It's funny because I know that in some places it's flooding. What a world! Take care...
comment by sunlight on June 10, 2008 8:28 PM ()
If you are like me, I am sure the heat is really weighing on you. It makes everything so much harder.
I bet you will hear something after June 30, the change in the fiscal year, which is when they will finalize the budget. Not that that helps. Does New York have a requirement about when they have to send layoff noticed. In RI, it has to be done in the Spring time so everyone already knows, and some of those folks will be rehired based on the final budget.
comment by lunarhunk on June 10, 2008 9:36 AM ()
This is going to be a difficult rough road ahead for you, your ex, your kids and your new relationship. Work hard to get through it so that you're in a better place on the other side. It's just not easy, I know. But I promise you it does get easier with time. I promise.
comment by shesaidwhat on June 10, 2008 7:46 AM ()
Gee, I got this book off since our sons seem so similiar I thought I would share it with you. Its called Raising Your Spirited Child by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka. check it out on amazon and see if it describes kev. its a real eye opener for me!
I hope today is better for you sweetie.
comment by elkhound on June 10, 2008 6:25 AM ()
The bumps in the road are still all learning....
comment by janetk on June 10, 2008 5:45 AM ()
how very sweet of G to do that. It's nice to know you are being supported through the tough times. Kids really do have the most difficult time with divorce. Take care!
comment by frogfenatic on June 9, 2008 10:07 PM ()

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