Our trial month of tae kwan do was over so we had to sign kota up for his membership. While talking to the instructor hubby asked if he thought kota would pass the test on friday. He said kota is more than ready! He even got kota's belt size so he would have the proper yellow belt ready for him on friday!!!!
At the beginning of class the hot guy came over to talk to me. lol He is young and I think a bit mentally challenged. But a really sweet guy, and funny. He was telling me jokes until class started. My hubby had worked with him at walmart and said he doesn't have many friends. But he is so good with the little kids! they all love picking on him.
Its back to more cleaning today. Yesterday I was getting sidetracked so I have things halfway done all over the house. LOL
well kota is in a mood so I better find something for him to do!