Mary Flemming


Mary Flemming
Milford, DE


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Spirit Of The Wolf

Parenting & Family > The Big Day!

The Big Day!

Finally the day has arrived! The day for testing in tae kwan do! Kota is super excited and so am I! Hubby is going to get off work early so he can be there in time. I am going to take lots of pics! Only wish I had video recorder. I just hope this one mom doesn't get in my way. She is the type who feels her kid is the only one in class. Grrr! The Master gave them a big pep talk at the end of class yesterday, he really knows how to motivate them. After Kota did his I form one (kata's) last night Master Reynolds really complimented him on his improvement. The Grand Master will be there tonight as a judge, I hope Kota does not get nervous!
In other news, my new capris that hubby bought me and were kind of tight, they are now loose! So I had to dig out some of my other summer clothes from last year. I really need to step up on exercising! I have been more active around the house and practicing with kota, but I need to walk more and maybe even do some dreaded stomach crunches! I had to think the other day on how old I am. I thought I was 42 but no I am 43 and will be 44 in november. LOL
I need to bet a harness for the beagle so I can walk her. Walking her with her regular collar just isn't working. She pulls so hard she chokes herself! Anyone have any ideas on what kind of harness to get? Rambo I could walk without a leash except for his lunging at cars. But in the yard I sometimes I walk around with him with no leash.
Well have to get moving. We are moms and I need to get home and do laundry of course!

posted on June 6, 2008 6:17 AM ()


There is just something about beagles and their need to tug on the leash. I have never figured it out. Belle does the same thing, and the harness defintiely helps.
Best of luck to KOTA!
comment by lunarhunk on June 7, 2008 9:11 AM ()
We are getting ready to get one of the harnesses also for our dog. It fits nicely over the back and shoulders and keeps the dog from 'lunging' or dragging on the leash. At least that is how I understand it to be.
comment by hopefields on June 7, 2008 12:57 AM ()
Oh wow wish I could see Kota..wish him luck for me..He's gonna do great. Can't help much with the collar, I don't have a dog anymore..
comment by elfie33 on June 6, 2008 3:52 PM ()
Good luck to Kota!
That's awesome he's involved in tae kwan do -- great way to build his self confidence.
comment by mattguru18 on June 6, 2008 3:10 PM ()
Good luck Kota.
comment by fredo on June 6, 2008 10:07 AM ()
Well, I will tell you what Camille did to me this week. I walked them both by myself thinking that it was no big deal since I had done that before. Welllllll, she had other plans mind you. She has been a real ring-tail tooter this week. She is not happy that her Daddy has been gone so much since she is a Daddy's girl. She came out of her harness while we were walking and was running back to the house. I'm trying to get her to stop and running after and pulling Sprocket along. She finally stops in the middle of the street sits down and pees on her tail. OMG!!! I call Nathan as I always carry my cell with me when I walk and luckily he was at home. He came down and walked her back to the house. She didn't like the idea of having to share me with Sprocket. This week she has gotten into the bathroom trash and tore up pieces of TP. She took something of ummm a feminie product and tucked it into the couch cushions. Oh me I will be glad when Scott is home to stay instead of just on the weekends.

Congrats to Kota!! Can't wait to see the pics.
comment by texastar on June 6, 2008 10:04 AM ()
yeah, I like the halti's - they work for the most part! I think they are better than the gentle leaders because they come with an additional clip that goes on the collar in case the dog slips out of the halti, which can and does happen!!!
There are also no pull harnesses which worked on Kraymer. (or are good places to go for cheaper dog stuff...
YAY KOTA! Keep us posted!!!
and awesome on your weight loss... CONGRATS!
comment by kristilyn3 on June 6, 2008 8:48 AM ()
We want ALL the details and pictures on today's class!!!
comment by greatmartin on June 6, 2008 8:44 AM ()

Instead of a harness, consider a Gentle leader. I chose that page at random so that you can read about it. There are many places that sell them. I have one for each of the boyz, and they walk like gentlemen, with no pressure on the leash. These things are wonderful! I bought mine at the Shelter, for less than this web page sells them for, and part of the proceeds went to the shelter, so it was the best possible deal!
comment by jjoohhnn on June 6, 2008 7:36 AM ()
I'm so excited for Kota!
comment by janetk on June 6, 2008 6:36 AM ()
Try to get a leather one.
comment by grumpy on June 6, 2008 6:35 AM ()

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