Kota did excellant! I believe he passed but we have to wait to hear. Here are some pics as promised!
The above picture does not do him justice. This is Mr. John. He just tested last night for weapons. Dakota and Master Reynolds
posted on June 6, 2008 5:50 PM ()
I thought that I commented on this one. See what happens when you're sick. Great pics. of Kota and the class and teachers. He looks like he is in his element there.
Good job Kota! He looked totally fired up.
Great Pics Mary. Kota looks so happy.
Yeah Kota
Look at Kota! How cool is that! The little guy looks like he is ready to kick but. I have the song "Kung Fu Fighting" stuck in my head all of a sudden! AJ
sooooooooooooooooo cute! He seems like he loves it!!! !
Kool-good for him
Oh Mary...I just love that little boy of yours!And while the picture of the hottie might not do him justice, I can still totally see it.
Congrats to little Mr. K. Martial arts seems to be good for him.
reguards yer confident in Kota pal bugg
I agree with Lynnie--he is a true little ninja. I am so very happy for him and his new found joy.
oh he's looking like he's found his place in life - he looks like a true little ninja. He'll make loads of new friends and whats more they'll have a lot of respect for each other - buddies for life so to speak. I know he would have done good in his grading - he's a warrior. Great pics Mary
Great pictures!
so cute!
Congrats...good for Dakota..have a great weekend. '