Our heat wave has arrived. The humidity is 100%. UGH! It was already hot at 9 this morning. And I have cleaning to do. I think we will have to put the a/c units in today and turn them on.
Last night at testing I was talking to a nice mom there. Actually her husband and two kids are in tae kwan do. We were talking about this one mom who is always yelling at her daughter and even made her cry right before testing. We never hear her encourage her kid, just yelling.
I am a little ticked off at hubby. He was up past 1 AM watching tv. Knowing I have alot of things I want to get done today. And he is still sleeping. But when it was race weekend he was able to get up at 4 in the morning and get to the track. GRRRRR
So I guess its all up to me, as usual. and he will hear about this when he does get up, sometime this afternoon.
Well thats enough, don't want to go off here about how mad I am.
The silent treatment or worse,